3 min

“奥利给”英文怎么说‪?‬ 每天5分钟,轻松学口语

    • Language Learning

我们都知道,奥利给由给力引申而来。在为自己加油打气时,可以说奥利给;在鼓励朋友时,也可以说奥利给。那么你知道"奥利给"用英语怎么说?一起来学习下吧!●01. put your back into something加把劲、埋头苦干Put your back into something 指的是做一件事要花费很多精力,很努力的加把劲,才能完成。Put your back into it!再加把劲儿!If you really put your back into the job,you can finish it today.如果你真正埋头工作,你今天能完成工作。●02. get your act together打起精神、振作起来在英语里,当你和别人说“Get your act together!”时,表达的意思是:“你该准备一下了”或者“该行动起来了”。Get your act together and go out there.打起精神!走向外面的世界。Occasionally in life you might have to tell someone that they need to get their act together.在生活中,有时你可能不得不告诉别人,他们需要振作起来。●03 . give sth. one's best shot全力以赴Give是给的意思,best是最好的。give sth. one's best shot的意思是“不管会不会成功,都会尽力而为、全力以赴”。But you should give it your best shot.但是你应该尽力试试看。I know it's difficult to win,but just give it your best shot.我知道要赢很难,但只要尽力而为就好。●04. put your heart and soul into sth全身心投入从字面上解释,这是把自己的心和灵魂投入某事。引申过来,不难理解,就是全身心投入的意思。If you do something with a labor of love,you can spontaneously put your heart and soul into it.假如你出于自己喜爱心甘情愿做事,你就会自动地全心投入。Put your heart and soul into your work.全身心投入到你的工作上去!●05. go to all lengths不遗余力Get to all lengths 是不遗余力、全力以赴的意思。In order to overfulfil the plan,we are prepared to go to all lengths.为了超额完成计划,我们都准备全力以赴。

我们都知道,奥利给由给力引申而来。在为自己加油打气时,可以说奥利给;在鼓励朋友时,也可以说奥利给。那么你知道"奥利给"用英语怎么说?一起来学习下吧!●01. put your back into something加把劲、埋头苦干Put your back into something 指的是做一件事要花费很多精力,很努力的加把劲,才能完成。Put your back into it!再加把劲儿!If you really put your back into the job,you can finish it today.如果你真正埋头工作,你今天能完成工作。●02. get your act together打起精神、振作起来在英语里,当你和别人说“Get your act together!”时,表达的意思是:“你该准备一下了”或者“该行动起来了”。Get your act together and go out there.打起精神!走向外面的世界。Occasionally in life you might have to tell someone that they need to get their act together.在生活中,有时你可能不得不告诉别人,他们需要振作起来。●03 . give sth. one's best shot全力以赴Give是给的意思,best是最好的。give sth. one's best shot的意思是“不管会不会成功,都会尽力而为、全力以赴”。But you should give it your best shot.但是你应该尽力试试看。I know it's difficult to win,but just give it your best shot.我知道要赢很难,但只要尽力而为就好。●04. put your heart and soul into sth全身心投入从字面上解释,这是把自己的心和灵魂投入某事。引申过来,不难理解,就是全身心投入的意思。If you do something with a labor of love,you can spontaneously put your heart and soul into it.假如你出于自己喜爱心甘情愿做事,你就会自动地全心投入。Put your heart and soul into your work.全身心投入到你的工作上去!●05. go to all lengths不遗余力Get to all lengths 是不遗余力、全力以赴的意思。In order to overfulfil the plan,we are prepared to go to all lengths.为了超额完成计划,我们都准备全力以赴。

3 min