1 hr 6 min

Biology (B.A.), Medical Degree (M.D.), Military Practice (USAF), Family Physician, 28 Years, Ken, 2020 Education and Application

    • Self-Improvement

In this episode of Education and Application, I chat with Ken about his experience with medical school and being a family physician. Enjoy, and please subscribe to the show.
Show Website:
EducationandApplication.com http://educationandapplication.libsyn.com/website Some sample questions from the episode are listed below:
Knowing what you know now, would you change anything about your degree path? Is there something I can do in high school that can help get me ready? How much of your day to day is paperwork or typing information into a computer? Do you see anything changing for the better or worse over the next 10 years in the medical field? (Approx. 33 minutes into episode.) How did you finance your education? What was the hardest part of school for you? Do you need good social skills to be a doctor? (Approx. 45 minutes into episode.) What classes did you take in family medicine in residency program? What is advice for someone to be a good patient? If I’m a student with the option to go for a medical degree, is there any advice you would have for me before I started that first year of undergrad? Book:
What Smart Students Know by Adam Robinson Links related to Physicians and Medical School:
https://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/physicians-and-surgeons.htm https://www.credible.com/blog/statistics/average-medical-school-debt/#average-medical-school-debt https://www.wsj.com/articles/physician-burnout-widespread-especially-among-those-midcareer-report-says-11579086008 Social Media:

In this episode of Education and Application, I chat with Ken about his experience with medical school and being a family physician. Enjoy, and please subscribe to the show.
Show Website:
EducationandApplication.com http://educationandapplication.libsyn.com/website Some sample questions from the episode are listed below:
Knowing what you know now, would you change anything about your degree path? Is there something I can do in high school that can help get me ready? How much of your day to day is paperwork or typing information into a computer? Do you see anything changing for the better or worse over the next 10 years in the medical field? (Approx. 33 minutes into episode.) How did you finance your education? What was the hardest part of school for you? Do you need good social skills to be a doctor? (Approx. 45 minutes into episode.) What classes did you take in family medicine in residency program? What is advice for someone to be a good patient? If I’m a student with the option to go for a medical degree, is there any advice you would have for me before I started that first year of undergrad? Book:
What Smart Students Know by Adam Robinson Links related to Physicians and Medical School:
https://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/physicians-and-surgeons.htm https://www.credible.com/blog/statistics/average-medical-school-debt/#average-medical-school-debt https://www.wsj.com/articles/physician-burnout-widespread-especially-among-those-midcareer-report-says-11579086008 Social Media:

1 hr 6 min