55 min

008: What You Don't Realize You Are Signing Up For As An Entrepreneur Woke + Worthy

    • Entrepreneurship


Okay, can we cut the crap here...life as an entrepreneur isn't all rainbows and butterflies like it is made to seem on social media.The only problem is that there are way too many entrepreneurs who DON'T feel safe in sharing the ugly side of running your own business. Which is why I am not like any other coach or entrepreneur out there. I am not here to sugar coat things for you or to make it seem like everything is perfect when that actually isn't the case. Being an entrepreneur is fricking harddddd and anyone who is telling you different is lying. 

What we don’t realize when we sign up for the life as an entrepreneur is that we are asking (whether we like it or not) to have all of our fears, doubts, limiting beliefs and worries handed to us on a silver platter. Where we have no choice BUT to deal with them.

That is at least you if you want a successful business. I promise you that no one that has made it to a 6 and 7 figure business hasn’t done this work because you have no choice in the matter. Regardless of if you have a team or not, it is YOU that needs to show up. You that needs to put in the work, you that has to do the work to transmute and overcome your fears. You who chooses to continuously heal as you evolve as an entrepreneur. 

Because the truth is that the fears never go away. An unpopular opinion (but one that i see happen time + time again) is that we fail to recognize that WE are the main reason standing in the way of our goals for ourselves and our businesses. 

Which is why on today's episode I am going through the 3 most common ways that we sabotage our success as entrepreneurs.

In this episode we are diving into:

Understanding how our past massively effects our business and how we show up in it 
How to take radical responsibility for where you are at in your business today
How we can never create abundance from a lack mindset and how to change that 
How our fear of "not wanting to sound salesy" is costing us money 
The easiest way to sell, without ever feeling like you are selling 
Why playing the "what if" game is holding you back from going ALL IN on your business 
How to turn your failures into the fuel to guide you to your success  


Just like every year has its seasons, so does being an entrepreneur. As hard as business can be at times it is also equally, if not more rewarding. The challenges of being an entrepreneur will never go away but its once you are able to realize how you hold yourself back that you get to over come your fears quicker than you thought possible. 

That's why I'm excited to announce the official launch of my new program the AWAKENED ENTREPRENEUR! This program is for you if:

You are questioning whether or not you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur
Feel like you are falling behind + like you should be further ahead in your business
Feel overwhelmed → you have all of these ideas for what to do next in your business but don’t know where to start
You have jumped from coach to coach, program to program and still feel like something is missing
Spend a lot of time working, but don’t actually know what you have to show for it  
Showing up consistently but no matter what action you take, it’s never easy to get clients 
You question yourself every step of the way, as soon as you decide to do something you second guess it and so you start from square one over and over again never fully committing

The Awakened Entrepreneur is for the entrepreneur who feels like they have tried everything and nothing is working. Who has followed all the "rules" that you have been taught and all it's done is caused resistance to your business. This is for the entrepreneur who is tired of feeling like they don't know what sets them apart and is ready to discover their magic that makes them STANDOUT! Don't wait to claim your spot before they fill up, CLICK HERE to apply! 

🎧 Thanks for


Okay, can we cut the crap here...life as an entrepreneur isn't all rainbows and butterflies like it is made to seem on social media.The only problem is that there are way too many entrepreneurs who DON'T feel safe in sharing the ugly side of running your own business. Which is why I am not like any other coach or entrepreneur out there. I am not here to sugar coat things for you or to make it seem like everything is perfect when that actually isn't the case. Being an entrepreneur is fricking harddddd and anyone who is telling you different is lying. 

What we don’t realize when we sign up for the life as an entrepreneur is that we are asking (whether we like it or not) to have all of our fears, doubts, limiting beliefs and worries handed to us on a silver platter. Where we have no choice BUT to deal with them.

That is at least you if you want a successful business. I promise you that no one that has made it to a 6 and 7 figure business hasn’t done this work because you have no choice in the matter. Regardless of if you have a team or not, it is YOU that needs to show up. You that needs to put in the work, you that has to do the work to transmute and overcome your fears. You who chooses to continuously heal as you evolve as an entrepreneur. 

Because the truth is that the fears never go away. An unpopular opinion (but one that i see happen time + time again) is that we fail to recognize that WE are the main reason standing in the way of our goals for ourselves and our businesses. 

Which is why on today's episode I am going through the 3 most common ways that we sabotage our success as entrepreneurs.

In this episode we are diving into:

Understanding how our past massively effects our business and how we show up in it 
How to take radical responsibility for where you are at in your business today
How we can never create abundance from a lack mindset and how to change that 
How our fear of "not wanting to sound salesy" is costing us money 
The easiest way to sell, without ever feeling like you are selling 
Why playing the "what if" game is holding you back from going ALL IN on your business 
How to turn your failures into the fuel to guide you to your success  


Just like every year has its seasons, so does being an entrepreneur. As hard as business can be at times it is also equally, if not more rewarding. The challenges of being an entrepreneur will never go away but its once you are able to realize how you hold yourself back that you get to over come your fears quicker than you thought possible. 

That's why I'm excited to announce the official launch of my new program the AWAKENED ENTREPRENEUR! This program is for you if:

You are questioning whether or not you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur
Feel like you are falling behind + like you should be further ahead in your business
Feel overwhelmed → you have all of these ideas for what to do next in your business but don’t know where to start
You have jumped from coach to coach, program to program and still feel like something is missing
Spend a lot of time working, but don’t actually know what you have to show for it  
Showing up consistently but no matter what action you take, it’s never easy to get clients 
You question yourself every step of the way, as soon as you decide to do something you second guess it and so you start from square one over and over again never fully committing

The Awakened Entrepreneur is for the entrepreneur who feels like they have tried everything and nothing is working. Who has followed all the "rules" that you have been taught and all it's done is caused resistance to your business. This is for the entrepreneur who is tired of feeling like they don't know what sets them apart and is ready to discover their magic that makes them STANDOUT! Don't wait to claim your spot before they fill up, CLICK HERE to apply! 

🎧 Thanks for

55 min