28 min

29: Vidya Lilette / Creating an App Investor Smarts

    • Investing

Vidya works in her family business and tells us what it`s like to work side by side with her parents on an almost daily basis. Candice and Vidya discuss the benefits to having an assistant and how they can help push your business forward. Vidya is also the founder of the Happy Hour app. You can reach out to Vidya by email at vidyalw@ipad.com

Vidya works in her family business and tells us what it`s like to work side by side with her parents on an almost daily basis. Candice and Vidya discuss the benefits to having an assistant and how they can help push your business forward. Vidya is also the founder of the Happy Hour app. You can reach out to Vidya by email at vidyalw@ipad.com

28 min