59 min

4.11 What travelers don’t ask for at the holidays Travel Europe with Babcia and YiaYia Travel The World

    • Places & Travel

It’s Us! Babcia and YiaYia! We are here to give you every hot tip, great travel hack, hidden gem, and experience based itinerary you are looking for. We’ve traveled all over Europe and we want to share our experience and expertise with you!

Thanks for joining us today! As always, we hope that our travel nonsense translates into your travel success! For more on our take on Travel and travel books like passports and TSA pre-check or any of our other show notes, click here!

In this episode, we can answer:

What are the best travel books of 2024?

What should I buy for my friends who like to travel to Europe?

What is the best gift for the traveler in my life?

What should I read when I am traveling to Europe?

What books have europe as the setting?

Now follow us on ALL the social media!

Facebook   @babciaandyiayia

Twitter   @babciaandyiayia

Instagram   @babciaandyiayia

TikTok   @babciaandyiayia  (We LOVE your questions too!)


Have ideas or questions about what you'd like us to cover? Please e-mail us your questions or ideas at babciaandyiayia@gmail.com

Visit our blog and website by clicking here!

We were last in Europe in the Summer of 2023!

Mystery Maniac

The Venice Sketchbook by Rhys Bowen

Murder in Tuscany by TA Williams (book 3 in the series is the newest story about Dan, a retired English detective who helps the local authorities. Helping him along the way is his loyal dog Oscar.

Historical Fiction Junkies

The Paris Library by Janet Charles

The Paris Apartment by Kelly Bowen

The Paris Dressmaker by Christy Camberon

Poland by James Michener

Non Fiction Lovers

A Pope and A President by Paul Kengor

The Turning Tide: a biography of the Irish Sea by Jon Gower

For Foodies

Ireland’s Green Larder:  The Definitive History of Irish Food and Drink by Margaret Hickey

Searching for Italy by Stanley Tucci

1,000 foods to eat before you die: food lover’s life list by Mimi Sheraton

The Unknowns: The Untold Story of America’s Unknown Soldier and WWI’s Most Decorated Heroes Who Brought Him Home by Patrick O’Donnell

Warsaw 1944: Hitler, Himmler and the Crushing of a City by Alexandra Richie

Romantic Reads

The Christmas Castle in Scotland and The Cozy Cottage in Ireland by Julie Caplin

A Postcard from Italy by Alex Brown

Love and Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch

Logistics Lover

Paris In Stride Jessie Kanalos Weiner

Les Frenchies

Walking Amsterdam by NatGeo

Building the Cycling City: The Dutch Blueprint for Urban Vitality By Melissa Bruntlett

It’s Us! Babcia and YiaYia! We are here to give you every hot tip, great travel hack, hidden gem, and experience based itinerary you are looking for. We’ve traveled all over Europe and we want to share our experience and expertise with you!

Thanks for joining us today! As always, we hope that our travel nonsense translates into your travel success! For more on our take on Travel and travel books like passports and TSA pre-check or any of our other show notes, click here!

In this episode, we can answer:

What are the best travel books of 2024?

What should I buy for my friends who like to travel to Europe?

What is the best gift for the traveler in my life?

What should I read when I am traveling to Europe?

What books have europe as the setting?

Now follow us on ALL the social media!

Facebook   @babciaandyiayia

Twitter   @babciaandyiayia

Instagram   @babciaandyiayia

TikTok   @babciaandyiayia  (We LOVE your questions too!)


Have ideas or questions about what you'd like us to cover? Please e-mail us your questions or ideas at babciaandyiayia@gmail.com

Visit our blog and website by clicking here!

We were last in Europe in the Summer of 2023!

Mystery Maniac

The Venice Sketchbook by Rhys Bowen

Murder in Tuscany by TA Williams (book 3 in the series is the newest story about Dan, a retired English detective who helps the local authorities. Helping him along the way is his loyal dog Oscar.

Historical Fiction Junkies

The Paris Library by Janet Charles

The Paris Apartment by Kelly Bowen

The Paris Dressmaker by Christy Camberon

Poland by James Michener

Non Fiction Lovers

A Pope and A President by Paul Kengor

The Turning Tide: a biography of the Irish Sea by Jon Gower

For Foodies

Ireland’s Green Larder:  The Definitive History of Irish Food and Drink by Margaret Hickey

Searching for Italy by Stanley Tucci

1,000 foods to eat before you die: food lover’s life list by Mimi Sheraton

The Unknowns: The Untold Story of America’s Unknown Soldier and WWI’s Most Decorated Heroes Who Brought Him Home by Patrick O’Donnell

Warsaw 1944: Hitler, Himmler and the Crushing of a City by Alexandra Richie

Romantic Reads

The Christmas Castle in Scotland and The Cozy Cottage in Ireland by Julie Caplin

A Postcard from Italy by Alex Brown

Love and Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch

Logistics Lover

Paris In Stride Jessie Kanalos Weiner

Les Frenchies

Walking Amsterdam by NatGeo

Building the Cycling City: The Dutch Blueprint for Urban Vitality By Melissa Bruntlett

59 min