18 min

7. Concise Storytelling 101 The Speaking and Storytelling Podcast: for Christ-led Entrepreneurs + Leaders

    • Entrepreneurship

Want to be able to tell your story without losing your audience?Do you get nervous at networking events because you don't know how much or how little to share with your audience?If you're ready to tell your story in a way that is concise, easy to follow, and keeps your audience engaged, then this episode is for you.Want to tell your story in 5 minutes?Come to the "5-minute story" Formula Workshop on June 26th!Tune in as Emanuela shares the 5 steps to telling your story concisely so that you n...

Want to be able to tell your story without losing your audience?Do you get nervous at networking events because you don't know how much or how little to share with your audience?If you're ready to tell your story in a way that is concise, easy to follow, and keeps your audience engaged, then this episode is for you.Want to tell your story in 5 minutes?Come to the "5-minute story" Formula Workshop on June 26th!Tune in as Emanuela shares the 5 steps to telling your story concisely so that you n...

18 min