10 min

Allan Claxton, Tsawout First Nation and Board Chair – Ep. 1 First Nations Infrastructure Institute

    • Management

Allan Claxton has seen first-hand what infrastructure can do to improve communities.Allan served his community of Tsawout as Chief for twenty years and as councillor for ten years and is currently serving on Council. He has worked to develop infrastructure projects such as a multipurpose health and recreation facility and dealt with many challenges for roads and access to lands. In order to overcome challenges associated with developing infrastructure, Tsawout used tools from the First Nation...

Allan Claxton has seen first-hand what infrastructure can do to improve communities.Allan served his community of Tsawout as Chief for twenty years and as councillor for ten years and is currently serving on Council. He has worked to develop infrastructure projects such as a multipurpose health and recreation facility and dealt with many challenges for roads and access to lands. In order to overcome challenges associated with developing infrastructure, Tsawout used tools from the First Nation...

10 min