59 min

Discovering Breathwork with Kyla Gagnon Behind the Emerald Veil Podcast with Alli and Mandy from Soul Star Energy Collective

    • Spirituality

S2 E42
Breathwork with Kyla Gagnon from The Sacred Essentials
This week we are excited to introduce you to our good friend Kyla Gagnon, owner of The Sacred Essentials. A safe space to heal and to connect to the parts that ache to be witnessed, heard, held and loved. Kyla is clearly aligning with her highest timeline and her truest purpose
through her work as a healer and the way she shows up for her community. Hear Kyla share her story of how she shifted from working in the fitness industry to facilitating retreats filled with conscious breath, somatics and embodiment. We chat about what breathwork is and what to experience during a session. Alli chats about her fear of breathing through conscious breathwork and Mandy shares her different experiences with it as well. We get to hear about some of the reasons why clients will use breathwork as a healing modality and that the root of this healing modality is in trauma therapy. This episode is packed with insight and tidbits of amazing ways that breathwork can support you and if you make it to the end of the episode we get to hear an amazing story of healing!! Find Kyla on IG @thesacred_essentials or on her website thesacredessentials.net . The way she holds space for her clients and community is truly an honor to not only witness but to experience as well. You can see what Mandy and Allison are up to on Instagram @soul.star.energy.collective and check out their website at www.soulstarenergycollective.com to book a reading a healing session or to check out upcoming courses.

S2 E42
Breathwork with Kyla Gagnon from The Sacred Essentials
This week we are excited to introduce you to our good friend Kyla Gagnon, owner of The Sacred Essentials. A safe space to heal and to connect to the parts that ache to be witnessed, heard, held and loved. Kyla is clearly aligning with her highest timeline and her truest purpose
through her work as a healer and the way she shows up for her community. Hear Kyla share her story of how she shifted from working in the fitness industry to facilitating retreats filled with conscious breath, somatics and embodiment. We chat about what breathwork is and what to experience during a session. Alli chats about her fear of breathing through conscious breathwork and Mandy shares her different experiences with it as well. We get to hear about some of the reasons why clients will use breathwork as a healing modality and that the root of this healing modality is in trauma therapy. This episode is packed with insight and tidbits of amazing ways that breathwork can support you and if you make it to the end of the episode we get to hear an amazing story of healing!! Find Kyla on IG @thesacred_essentials or on her website thesacredessentials.net . The way she holds space for her clients and community is truly an honor to not only witness but to experience as well. You can see what Mandy and Allison are up to on Instagram @soul.star.energy.collective and check out their website at www.soulstarenergycollective.com to book a reading a healing session or to check out upcoming courses.

59 min