23 min

Managing the mental pressures of elite sport with Olympic Champion Abhinav Bindra. Episode #403 BJSM Podcast

    • Medicine

In this special Athlete Voice edition of the podcast, we chat with Olympic and World Champion rifle shooter Abhinav Bindra about managing the mental pressures of elite sport. Abhinav is a 5 x Olympian, entrepreneur and active member of the IOC Athlete’s Commission. In this 20-minute podcast, Abhinav discusses:
· How he found the sport of rifle shooting
· Celebrating the ‘process’ throughout his decorated 22-year career
· The importance of prevention, prehab and physical awareness
· His current charitable work in India to prioritise athlete wellbeing and grow sport at the grassroots level
Don’t miss out on the IOC World Conference Prevention of Injury & Illness in Sport (March 2020) https://ioc-preventionconference.org/

In this special Athlete Voice edition of the podcast, we chat with Olympic and World Champion rifle shooter Abhinav Bindra about managing the mental pressures of elite sport. Abhinav is a 5 x Olympian, entrepreneur and active member of the IOC Athlete’s Commission. In this 20-minute podcast, Abhinav discusses:
· How he found the sport of rifle shooting
· Celebrating the ‘process’ throughout his decorated 22-year career
· The importance of prevention, prehab and physical awareness
· His current charitable work in India to prioritise athlete wellbeing and grow sport at the grassroots level
Don’t miss out on the IOC World Conference Prevention of Injury & Illness in Sport (March 2020) https://ioc-preventionconference.org/

23 min