28 min

Carl Yates, CEO, Atlantic First Nations Water Authority, Ep.8 First Nations Infrastructure Institute

    • Management

Carl Yates is leading an organization that has made history as the first Indigenous water utility in Canada.Once complete, the AFNWA will assume responsibility for water and wastewater services for as many as 4,500 households and businesses located in up to 17 participating First Nations. This represents approximately 60% of the on-reserve population of First Nation communities in Atlantic Canada.In recent months, AFNWA has been collaborating with FNII and Paqtnkek Mi'kmaw Nation in Nova Scot...

Carl Yates is leading an organization that has made history as the first Indigenous water utility in Canada.Once complete, the AFNWA will assume responsibility for water and wastewater services for as many as 4,500 households and businesses located in up to 17 participating First Nations. This represents approximately 60% of the on-reserve population of First Nation communities in Atlantic Canada.In recent months, AFNWA has been collaborating with FNII and Paqtnkek Mi'kmaw Nation in Nova Scot...

28 min