1 hr 17 min

Diving Deep With Barrie Risman Pobsa’s Dharma Lounge

    • Buddhism

I think you will enjoy this wide-ranging conversation with Barrie Risman as much as I did! Prompted by a Facebook post, I reached out to Barrie and she gracefully accepted my invitation to chat about some of the philosophical aspects of the Yoga Tradition(s).

Barrie is an internationally-recognized yoga teacher, public speaker, and author. Her book, Evolving Your Yoga: Ten Principles for Enlightened Practice, is a guide for yoga teachers and continuing students to deepen, expand, and integrate the benefits of yoga in their lives. I'm pretty sure, as I make my way through her book, that I will be inviting Barrie for further exploration.

Barrie’s alignment-oriented approach to postural practice is grounded in principles of healthy, functional movement. Her events weave together the technical precision of alignment-based practice with principles of yoga philosophy distilled from decades of intensive study and made accessible and relevant to practitioners from all walks of life.

She teaches yoga around the globe through her ongoing classes, workshops, mentoring programs, and trainings, both online and in person. Her work has been featured in Yoga Journal, Yoga International, and on CBC Television.

For further information about Barrie and her work: https://www.barrierisman.com/evolvingyouryoga

PLEASE consider supporting this podcast by SUBSCRIBING, COMMENTING, and REVIEWING!

While this podcast is FREE TO ACCESS & DOWNLOAD and ALWAYS WILL BE, ALL DANA is gratefully received and appreciated:

I think you will enjoy this wide-ranging conversation with Barrie Risman as much as I did! Prompted by a Facebook post, I reached out to Barrie and she gracefully accepted my invitation to chat about some of the philosophical aspects of the Yoga Tradition(s).

Barrie is an internationally-recognized yoga teacher, public speaker, and author. Her book, Evolving Your Yoga: Ten Principles for Enlightened Practice, is a guide for yoga teachers and continuing students to deepen, expand, and integrate the benefits of yoga in their lives. I'm pretty sure, as I make my way through her book, that I will be inviting Barrie for further exploration.

Barrie’s alignment-oriented approach to postural practice is grounded in principles of healthy, functional movement. Her events weave together the technical precision of alignment-based practice with principles of yoga philosophy distilled from decades of intensive study and made accessible and relevant to practitioners from all walks of life.

She teaches yoga around the globe through her ongoing classes, workshops, mentoring programs, and trainings, both online and in person. Her work has been featured in Yoga Journal, Yoga International, and on CBC Television.

For further information about Barrie and her work: https://www.barrierisman.com/evolvingyouryoga

PLEASE consider supporting this podcast by SUBSCRIBING, COMMENTING, and REVIEWING!

While this podcast is FREE TO ACCESS & DOWNLOAD and ALWAYS WILL BE, ALL DANA is gratefully received and appreciated:

1 hr 17 min