23 min

EP-134 - Start Where You Are with Dr. Robert Scranton Wealth Architect Podcast

    • Investing

Welcome to the Wealth Architect podcast with Mark Yegge. Today, we explore the infinite banking concept with Dr. Robert Scranton, a former financial executive who helps people grow their wealth by recapturing, reusing, and recycling their money within their families. Dr. Scranton shares his journey from skepticism to advocacy, explaining how infinite banking can provide financial security and independence. Tune in to learn how this unique strategy can transform your financial future.
To reach Dr. Scranton:  https://yourfinancialiq.org/

Welcome to the Wealth Architect podcast with Mark Yegge. Today, we explore the infinite banking concept with Dr. Robert Scranton, a former financial executive who helps people grow their wealth by recapturing, reusing, and recycling their money within their families. Dr. Scranton shares his journey from skepticism to advocacy, explaining how infinite banking can provide financial security and independence. Tune in to learn how this unique strategy can transform your financial future.
To reach Dr. Scranton:  https://yourfinancialiq.org/

23 min