15 min

Ep6: Trump and wearing a mask ? & Are flight tickets going up ? & Animal trafficking causing corona ?‪!‬ A Strange World

    • Documentary

 Trump and wearing a mask ? 

(CNN)President Donald Trump traveled to Arizona on Tuesday to visit a Honeywell mask-making plant, his first trip outside of Washington, DC, since the coronavirus paralyzed the country.

In the photos of the event, Trump did not wear a mask. During the visit to a mask-making plant. And against Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations that all people wear "cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies), especially in areas of significant community-based transmission."

 Are flight tickets going up ?

While carriers will be able to fly passengers around the world once again, it is likely that they will still be forced to follow social distancing guidelines. If airlines are only allowed to sell half of the tickets on a flight, then this could mean at least doubling costs compared to pre-lockdown to maintain a profit. An industry expert has said this will have a knock-on effect for travellers with airlines being forced to pass on the increased prices. The expert told the Telegraph that there will be a "mad rush and a price surge" for flights but that continued social distancing is to be expected. They explained: "There are currently cheap fares available but this pricing is based on a full plane."

Animal trafficking causing corona ?!

As many Americans now know, the COVID-19 coronavirus is one of a family of coronaviruses commonly found in bats. It is suspected to have passed through a mammal, perhaps pangolins – the most-trafficked animal on the planet – before jumping to humans. The virus’s spillover to humans is believed to have occurred in a so-called wet market in China. At these markets, live, wild-caught animals, farm-raised wild species and livestock frequently intermingle in conditions that are unsanitary and highly stressful for the animals. These circumstances are ripe for infection and spillover. The current outbreak is just the latest example of viruses jumping from animals to humans. HIV is perhaps the most infamous example: It originated from chimps in central Africa and still kills hundreds of thousands of people annually. It likely jumped to humans through consumption of bushmeat, or meat from wildlife, which is also the likely origin of several Ebola oubreaks. PREDICT, a U.S.-funded nonprofit, suggests there are thousands of viral species circulating in birds and mammals that pose a direct risk to humans.

 Trump and wearing a mask ? 

(CNN)President Donald Trump traveled to Arizona on Tuesday to visit a Honeywell mask-making plant, his first trip outside of Washington, DC, since the coronavirus paralyzed the country.

In the photos of the event, Trump did not wear a mask. During the visit to a mask-making plant. And against Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations that all people wear "cloth face coverings in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain (e.g., grocery stores and pharmacies), especially in areas of significant community-based transmission."

 Are flight tickets going up ?

While carriers will be able to fly passengers around the world once again, it is likely that they will still be forced to follow social distancing guidelines. If airlines are only allowed to sell half of the tickets on a flight, then this could mean at least doubling costs compared to pre-lockdown to maintain a profit. An industry expert has said this will have a knock-on effect for travellers with airlines being forced to pass on the increased prices. The expert told the Telegraph that there will be a "mad rush and a price surge" for flights but that continued social distancing is to be expected. They explained: "There are currently cheap fares available but this pricing is based on a full plane."

Animal trafficking causing corona ?!

As many Americans now know, the COVID-19 coronavirus is one of a family of coronaviruses commonly found in bats. It is suspected to have passed through a mammal, perhaps pangolins – the most-trafficked animal on the planet – before jumping to humans. The virus’s spillover to humans is believed to have occurred in a so-called wet market in China. At these markets, live, wild-caught animals, farm-raised wild species and livestock frequently intermingle in conditions that are unsanitary and highly stressful for the animals. These circumstances are ripe for infection and spillover. The current outbreak is just the latest example of viruses jumping from animals to humans. HIV is perhaps the most infamous example: It originated from chimps in central Africa and still kills hundreds of thousands of people annually. It likely jumped to humans through consumption of bushmeat, or meat from wildlife, which is also the likely origin of several Ebola oubreaks. PREDICT, a U.S.-funded nonprofit, suggests there are thousands of viral species circulating in birds and mammals that pose a direct risk to humans.

15 min