29 min

Guest Speaker - Kareem Mayan: How to build executive-proof product roadmaps‪?‬ 4P Management with Sudhir

    • Management

Do check out this conversation with Kareem Mayan who, over the last 20 years, has worked as Product Manager at companies like ESPN.com and

 He’s founded and run Product at four software companies. He has been responsible for building over a dozen products, like savio.io, doing everything from customer interviews, wireframing, UX work, prioritizing, road mapping, leading teams, managing stakeholders, and more

In this conversation we talk about:

 1.  What should product managers do to collect customer feedback?

2.  How can Product managers track the feedback & derive insights from it?

3.  How can you align customer feedback with the business goals?

4.  What steps can you take to collect the necessary customer evidence to support your product plans and get buy-in from company

5. Skills and capabilities a young product manager should build.

Do check out this conversation with Kareem Mayan who, over the last 20 years, has worked as Product Manager at companies like ESPN.com and

 He’s founded and run Product at four software companies. He has been responsible for building over a dozen products, like savio.io, doing everything from customer interviews, wireframing, UX work, prioritizing, road mapping, leading teams, managing stakeholders, and more

In this conversation we talk about:

 1.  What should product managers do to collect customer feedback?

2.  How can Product managers track the feedback & derive insights from it?

3.  How can you align customer feedback with the business goals?

4.  What steps can you take to collect the necessary customer evidence to support your product plans and get buy-in from company

5. Skills and capabilities a young product manager should build.

29 min