23 min

How are you affecting Your honest emotional expression‪?‬ Maia Movement

    • Alternative Health

My Kahuna training taught me all of our emotions are relevant, they rise up and propel us through a situation, to get the best outcome for ourself... yet we are taught to control our emotions, cap them, perform to an acceptable level, which is to undermine our innate intelligence.

I have been on a journey, from being a good little girl, paying attention in school, to growing into a rebellious teenager who had no idea how to fit in, and didn't understand what I was fitting into... and then into being an adult, and becoming completely lost, unhealthy, explosive, and ultimately dishonest...

The more we 'try' to behave well, the less we are being ourselves.

Regardless of why we have shut down our emotions, the affect is the same, we become unsure of ourselves, and we get ourselves into situations that are not for our best interests, and as our emotions start to scream louder, we learn more ways of learning to shut them down - resilience training is what they are calling it.

We are not meant to sit in a dangerous situation, we are meant to move through it, for survival, the problem is we have mentally overpowered our emotions so often that they are now desperate.

My Kahuna training was in Universal Principles, not Hawaiian culture or technique, it was about knowing ourselves in our own culture, knowing ourselves at home.

The video is of me performing myself within the repetitive movement of Ka'aleleau, a way of getting close to all of the doings that are no longer serving me, and of releasing them when I am ready. This was the basis of my Kahuna Bodywork training... me.

And universal principles is, how you 'do' one thing is how you do everything... so when we place controls on one thing, we then need to take in hand everything else, by controlling it we have removed it from being dynamically integrated, as part of our whole, which unsettles everything, and then we have to mentally manage everything to stop it getting out of hand...

How do we get out of this?

All of the thinking & learning new ways of coping needs to stop, we have done that... and we need to start feeling again... when we feel ourselves without labels, without judgement, we can start respecting who we are, we can start to remember how to trust in ourselves, we need to return our organ systems to functioning harmoniously... muscles and bones working together... bones for strength, which is the complete opposite of what is happening in the world today.

This podcast is about emotions, and I talk of anger, and I talk from a place of having been so explosively angry/miserable/happy/sad, completely shut down, as well as being so unhinged from running out of energy to be in control of all the things I was unnecessarily controlling... and being so sick, and so messed up... I touch on parenting, and on being a child, on the rigidity we create within us, which creates the above.

https://www.maiawellbeing.blog/links - join the email list here

https://www.maiawellbeing.blog/checkout-fgh start your adventure into knowing yourself with the Functional Gut Health online course here.

Lots of love,


My Kahuna training taught me all of our emotions are relevant, they rise up and propel us through a situation, to get the best outcome for ourself... yet we are taught to control our emotions, cap them, perform to an acceptable level, which is to undermine our innate intelligence.

I have been on a journey, from being a good little girl, paying attention in school, to growing into a rebellious teenager who had no idea how to fit in, and didn't understand what I was fitting into... and then into being an adult, and becoming completely lost, unhealthy, explosive, and ultimately dishonest...

The more we 'try' to behave well, the less we are being ourselves.

Regardless of why we have shut down our emotions, the affect is the same, we become unsure of ourselves, and we get ourselves into situations that are not for our best interests, and as our emotions start to scream louder, we learn more ways of learning to shut them down - resilience training is what they are calling it.

We are not meant to sit in a dangerous situation, we are meant to move through it, for survival, the problem is we have mentally overpowered our emotions so often that they are now desperate.

My Kahuna training was in Universal Principles, not Hawaiian culture or technique, it was about knowing ourselves in our own culture, knowing ourselves at home.

The video is of me performing myself within the repetitive movement of Ka'aleleau, a way of getting close to all of the doings that are no longer serving me, and of releasing them when I am ready. This was the basis of my Kahuna Bodywork training... me.

And universal principles is, how you 'do' one thing is how you do everything... so when we place controls on one thing, we then need to take in hand everything else, by controlling it we have removed it from being dynamically integrated, as part of our whole, which unsettles everything, and then we have to mentally manage everything to stop it getting out of hand...

How do we get out of this?

All of the thinking & learning new ways of coping needs to stop, we have done that... and we need to start feeling again... when we feel ourselves without labels, without judgement, we can start respecting who we are, we can start to remember how to trust in ourselves, we need to return our organ systems to functioning harmoniously... muscles and bones working together... bones for strength, which is the complete opposite of what is happening in the world today.

This podcast is about emotions, and I talk of anger, and I talk from a place of having been so explosively angry/miserable/happy/sad, completely shut down, as well as being so unhinged from running out of energy to be in control of all the things I was unnecessarily controlling... and being so sick, and so messed up... I touch on parenting, and on being a child, on the rigidity we create within us, which creates the above.

https://www.maiawellbeing.blog/links - join the email list here

https://www.maiawellbeing.blog/checkout-fgh start your adventure into knowing yourself with the Functional Gut Health online course here.

Lots of love,


23 min