26 min

Jamie Stewart - Teacher and Founder of Elite Basketball Training Academy The High Performing Educator Podcast

    • Self-Improvement

Elite Basketball Training Academy's CEO Jamie Stewart has been operating EBTA for 20yrs. EBTA boasts a 100% Scholarship Graduation Rate for players who attend daily! EBTA players on average Train for over 2000 hours Annually, play in over 300 games Annually, which fulfills the longtime belief of the 10,000 required hours needed to receive a Basketball Scholarship by the end of your High School Career. 
Jamie Stewart is considered a World Level Basketball Skills Instructor & many of the drills he has personally invented are being utilized in the NBA! Additionally; Jamie Stewart's players are always considered the Best Shooters in the Country by their senior years! 
Want to join the High Performing Educator Network:
More information on Sam: www.samdemma.com

Elite Basketball Training Academy's CEO Jamie Stewart has been operating EBTA for 20yrs. EBTA boasts a 100% Scholarship Graduation Rate for players who attend daily! EBTA players on average Train for over 2000 hours Annually, play in over 300 games Annually, which fulfills the longtime belief of the 10,000 required hours needed to receive a Basketball Scholarship by the end of your High School Career. 
Jamie Stewart is considered a World Level Basketball Skills Instructor & many of the drills he has personally invented are being utilized in the NBA! Additionally; Jamie Stewart's players are always considered the Best Shooters in the Country by their senior years! 
Want to join the High Performing Educator Network:
More information on Sam: www.samdemma.com

26 min