36 min

Learning from Experience- A Conversation with David Lepofsky Living Blind

    • Self-Improvement

Join student turned BALANCE occupational therapist Eve as she sits down with David Lepofsky, Canadian lawyer, educator, and disability advocate. Blind for much of his life, David discusses the advancements that have been made in assistive technology for the low-vision community, his distinguished law career, and impressive advocacy work.

Stay tuned to the end of the episode for a post-show conversation with Eve and Naomi.

Some helpful resources, mentioned in the episode:

Bose Frames: https://www.bose.ca/en_ca/products/frames.html?mc=24_PS_FR_BO_DT_GO_&gclid=CjwKCAjw7--KBhAMEiwAxfpkWKWzJHQW2IjEu5L4uMZmDs6ls6dsx7B8g9XHPqs3bB-qoNAEmlqmZxoCgLMQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

Mosen at Large Podcast: https://mosen.org/mosenatlarge/

iSee Podcast: https://davidwoodbr.podbean.com/

Seeing AI app: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/ai/seeing-ai

AODA Alliance General Site: https://www.aodaalliance.org/

Follow the link to sign up for AODA Alliance Email updates: https://confirmsubscription.com/h/j/E6CF25EC7212F550

Arch Disability Law Centre: https://archdisabilitylaw.ca/

YouTube Video: Fight to Amend Canadian Charter of Rights to Protect Disability Equality

Because of BALANCE Campaign: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/balance-for-blind-adults/p2p/because-of-balance-2021/

Join student turned BALANCE occupational therapist Eve as she sits down with David Lepofsky, Canadian lawyer, educator, and disability advocate. Blind for much of his life, David discusses the advancements that have been made in assistive technology for the low-vision community, his distinguished law career, and impressive advocacy work.

Stay tuned to the end of the episode for a post-show conversation with Eve and Naomi.

Some helpful resources, mentioned in the episode:

Bose Frames: https://www.bose.ca/en_ca/products/frames.html?mc=24_PS_FR_BO_DT_GO_&gclid=CjwKCAjw7--KBhAMEiwAxfpkWKWzJHQW2IjEu5L4uMZmDs6ls6dsx7B8g9XHPqs3bB-qoNAEmlqmZxoCgLMQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

Mosen at Large Podcast: https://mosen.org/mosenatlarge/

iSee Podcast: https://davidwoodbr.podbean.com/

Seeing AI app: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/ai/seeing-ai

AODA Alliance General Site: https://www.aodaalliance.org/

Follow the link to sign up for AODA Alliance Email updates: https://confirmsubscription.com/h/j/E6CF25EC7212F550

Arch Disability Law Centre: https://archdisabilitylaw.ca/

YouTube Video: Fight to Amend Canadian Charter of Rights to Protect Disability Equality

Because of BALANCE Campaign: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/balance-for-blind-adults/p2p/because-of-balance-2021/

36 min