54 min

Let Your Woo Woo Show with Elodie St-Onge-Aubut Let Your Woo Woo show

    • Philosophy

This episode is centred around astrology and natal chart readings, with a few of the usual twists and turns into philosophy, divination and spirituality. This weeks guest is wise beyond her years and I'm excited for you to meet her.
Elodies St-Onge-Aubut's was an astrologer from a very young age and her understanding of astrology has changed her (and those she works with) deeply.  It has become a tool and language she draws on daily to navigate through the seasons of her life. Astrology can serve as a map to our individual and collective psyche. By delineating planetary cycles we can glimpse into the ”arrière-scène”, the inner-workings and shed light if only for a moment on the scripts that were written for us. As such, she approaches astrology with the eyes of an eternal student and the desire to communicate her discoveries along the way.
Her goal is to share the language of myths and symbols that resides within ourselves and feed the imagination the magic that it needs to thrive, giving deeper meaning to our existence.

This episode is centred around astrology and natal chart readings, with a few of the usual twists and turns into philosophy, divination and spirituality. This weeks guest is wise beyond her years and I'm excited for you to meet her.
Elodies St-Onge-Aubut's was an astrologer from a very young age and her understanding of astrology has changed her (and those she works with) deeply.  It has become a tool and language she draws on daily to navigate through the seasons of her life. Astrology can serve as a map to our individual and collective psyche. By delineating planetary cycles we can glimpse into the ”arrière-scène”, the inner-workings and shed light if only for a moment on the scripts that were written for us. As such, she approaches astrology with the eyes of an eternal student and the desire to communicate her discoveries along the way.
Her goal is to share the language of myths and symbols that resides within ourselves and feed the imagination the magic that it needs to thrive, giving deeper meaning to our existence.

54 min