48 min

A life changing question that transformed a mothers deepest secret into her most powerful mission with Suzanne Carpenter More than Moms with Nicole Weston

    • Entrepreneurship

I had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with Suz to dive into her own story of motherhood and where her passion for helping women was born. The question that changed everything for her was “you would die for your children but would you change for them?”

A powerful question that led to some deep and vulnerable conversations.

I learned a lot in our conversation about the connection to food, safety and comfort. Suzanne has really helped me to lean into observing emotional hunger vs. real hunger. 

Suzanne Carpenter is an approachable, sincere, fun-loving, and passionate leader who loves to see personal improvement and transformation in those she teaches.  Through her successful 10-year nutrition career, Suzanne saw a gap in the industry and a trend in society.  Americans are more confused and overwhelmed than ever when it comes to actually losing weight and keeping it off.  She created a virtual nutrition education company called CarpenterOne80 whose mission is to provide affordable and simple programs that can clear up food confusion so that people can win at losing weight. 

Suzanne is a Certified Nutritional Consultant, the CEO and Founder of CarpenterOne80, as well as the creator of SOS (Suz On Your Shoulder), Babysit My Plate, and The Food Peace University, three different virtual bite-sized nutrition courses.  They were designed to teach you what you need to know to create sustainable results

Website: www.carpenterone80.com  
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CarpenterOne80/
Private Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2202043203353433/  
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carpenterone80/

I had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with Suz to dive into her own story of motherhood and where her passion for helping women was born. The question that changed everything for her was “you would die for your children but would you change for them?”

A powerful question that led to some deep and vulnerable conversations.

I learned a lot in our conversation about the connection to food, safety and comfort. Suzanne has really helped me to lean into observing emotional hunger vs. real hunger. 

Suzanne Carpenter is an approachable, sincere, fun-loving, and passionate leader who loves to see personal improvement and transformation in those she teaches.  Through her successful 10-year nutrition career, Suzanne saw a gap in the industry and a trend in society.  Americans are more confused and overwhelmed than ever when it comes to actually losing weight and keeping it off.  She created a virtual nutrition education company called CarpenterOne80 whose mission is to provide affordable and simple programs that can clear up food confusion so that people can win at losing weight. 

Suzanne is a Certified Nutritional Consultant, the CEO and Founder of CarpenterOne80, as well as the creator of SOS (Suz On Your Shoulder), Babysit My Plate, and The Food Peace University, three different virtual bite-sized nutrition courses.  They were designed to teach you what you need to know to create sustainable results

Website: www.carpenterone80.com  
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CarpenterOne80/
Private Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2202043203353433/  
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carpenterone80/

48 min