3 min

MATTHEW: Day 36 MATTHEW: The King in Jerusalem

    • Christianity

The moment of betrayal has arrived. Jesus knew that this was coming, and having spent time with his Father in prayer, he will surprise his adversaries as he willingly goes with them.

The religious leaders have tried to do everything to avoid a riot by enlisting Judas, coming at night, and also by being careful where they arrested him. But despite their efforts, one of Jesus’ disciples (were not told here, but we know from the Gospel of John that it was Peter) draws his sword and cuts off one of the servant’s ears (nb. in Luke 22:51 we read that Jesus healed that man, Malchus). Peter thinks that Jesus’ arrest will mean defeat because he has failed to understand that Jesus’ death will actually be the way to victory. Jesus knows that, so he reminds everyone that not only is this what must be done so that the Law and the Prophets will be fulfilled, but if it wasn’t, he had the power to stop it!

It must have been baffling for all who were there. But the truth is clear: Jesus will go peacefully to the cross, in order that our peace with God will be won. Peter can’t see that yet - but eventually he will. AL


What most stands out for you in this scene? If you had of been one of Jesus’ disciples there, how do you think that you would have responded? How significant is it for you that it took Jesus’ death, to win us peace with God?


Heavenly Father, how we thank you that Jesus went willingly to the cross in order to win us peace with you. Please forgive us for the times in which take your grace for granted or for when our agenda does not line up with yours. Please help us, like Jesus, to submit our lives to your will, trusting that you are bringing your good purposes to completion. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

The moment of betrayal has arrived. Jesus knew that this was coming, and having spent time with his Father in prayer, he will surprise his adversaries as he willingly goes with them.

The religious leaders have tried to do everything to avoid a riot by enlisting Judas, coming at night, and also by being careful where they arrested him. But despite their efforts, one of Jesus’ disciples (were not told here, but we know from the Gospel of John that it was Peter) draws his sword and cuts off one of the servant’s ears (nb. in Luke 22:51 we read that Jesus healed that man, Malchus). Peter thinks that Jesus’ arrest will mean defeat because he has failed to understand that Jesus’ death will actually be the way to victory. Jesus knows that, so he reminds everyone that not only is this what must be done so that the Law and the Prophets will be fulfilled, but if it wasn’t, he had the power to stop it!

It must have been baffling for all who were there. But the truth is clear: Jesus will go peacefully to the cross, in order that our peace with God will be won. Peter can’t see that yet - but eventually he will. AL


What most stands out for you in this scene? If you had of been one of Jesus’ disciples there, how do you think that you would have responded? How significant is it for you that it took Jesus’ death, to win us peace with God?


Heavenly Father, how we thank you that Jesus went willingly to the cross in order to win us peace with you. Please forgive us for the times in which take your grace for granted or for when our agenda does not line up with yours. Please help us, like Jesus, to submit our lives to your will, trusting that you are bringing your good purposes to completion. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

3 min