4 min

MATTHEW: Day 40 MATTHEW: The King in Jerusalem

    • Christianity

Jesus is dead. The past 24 hours have been an absolute whirlwind of activity. There has been an arrest, a sham trial, a horrific death, an earthquake, and a centurion identifying Jesus for who he truly was, the Son of God. Now it’s evening and we meet a new character, Joseph of Arimathea. We aren’t given any background other than he was a disciple of Jesus and that he was a rich man. Here is essentially a no one and in the midst of the horrific events doing a faithful, tender, and beautiful thing for his King. He went to Pilate to ask him for his friend’s body and Pilate agrees. Then, he would have had to take Jesus’ naked, wounded, bloody, disfigured body off the cross, wash him, pour spices over him, wrap him, carry him to his own tomb, and lay him there. The man who taught with authority, who healed the sick, who calmed the storm, who even raised the dead, was killed and was placed in a tomb as the women watched on. This was just as was prophesied by Isaiah, “He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth.” (Isaiah 53:9)

During his time on earth, Jesus foretold that he would die but also that he would rise again three days later and whereas the disciples may have forgotten this, the religious leaders haven’t. They asked Pilate to put a guard in front of the tomb just in case the disciples stole the body and claimed that he rose again! If it eased political tensions and kept the peace, Pilate was all too happy to agree. Guards were placed at the entrance and it was sealed with Jesus’ dead body inside. But we know that this isn't the end. Not only will Jesus rise again defeating death, but he will ascend to the right hand of the Father; he will come again; he will judge the living and the dead and bring those made righteous by his blood home to be with him for eternity. Come again Lord Jesus. MC


How can you prioritise and remember Jesus’ actions for us afresh this Easter?


Heavenly Father, we thank you for the death of Jesus, that he took the punishment in our place. Thank you that he rose again defeating death, and that he will come again to destroy it. Encourage and refresh us in that good news all the days of our lives and help us to look for his coming again. Amen.

Jesus is dead. The past 24 hours have been an absolute whirlwind of activity. There has been an arrest, a sham trial, a horrific death, an earthquake, and a centurion identifying Jesus for who he truly was, the Son of God. Now it’s evening and we meet a new character, Joseph of Arimathea. We aren’t given any background other than he was a disciple of Jesus and that he was a rich man. Here is essentially a no one and in the midst of the horrific events doing a faithful, tender, and beautiful thing for his King. He went to Pilate to ask him for his friend’s body and Pilate agrees. Then, he would have had to take Jesus’ naked, wounded, bloody, disfigured body off the cross, wash him, pour spices over him, wrap him, carry him to his own tomb, and lay him there. The man who taught with authority, who healed the sick, who calmed the storm, who even raised the dead, was killed and was placed in a tomb as the women watched on. This was just as was prophesied by Isaiah, “He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth.” (Isaiah 53:9)

During his time on earth, Jesus foretold that he would die but also that he would rise again three days later and whereas the disciples may have forgotten this, the religious leaders haven’t. They asked Pilate to put a guard in front of the tomb just in case the disciples stole the body and claimed that he rose again! If it eased political tensions and kept the peace, Pilate was all too happy to agree. Guards were placed at the entrance and it was sealed with Jesus’ dead body inside. But we know that this isn't the end. Not only will Jesus rise again defeating death, but he will ascend to the right hand of the Father; he will come again; he will judge the living and the dead and bring those made righteous by his blood home to be with him for eternity. Come again Lord Jesus. MC


How can you prioritise and remember Jesus’ actions for us afresh this Easter?


Heavenly Father, we thank you for the death of Jesus, that he took the punishment in our place. Thank you that he rose again defeating death, and that he will come again to destroy it. Encourage and refresh us in that good news all the days of our lives and help us to look for his coming again. Amen.

4 min