11 min

Mind | Body | Spirit Connection with Aliki Samone Good Mood Revolution

    • Mental Health

Struggling to stay positive? Discover a simple trick to boost your mood anytime, anywhere. In this episode, creative entrepreneur, author, and former spacecraft designer Aliki Samone shares a mindfulness routine that will leave you feeling relaxed and energized. 

Try her 3-minute practice that focuses on getting in touch with what's going on inside you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level – and experience the life-changing power of presence.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: 

Aliki’s three-phase approach to choosing happiness

The mind-body-spirit exercise

How to shift your perspective to fully live in the moment

Setting a daily alarm to check in with yourself

[02:09] Aliki Samone's Three-Phase Approach to Choosing Happiness

Aliki discusses three phases in your approach to choosing happiness: mental tools, planning techniques, and execution habits. Get into a good mood so you can live your best life and make those plans for the future by focusing first on the mental tools. 

[02:32] The Mind-Body-Spirit Exercise

Aliki suggests asking yourself these three questions as part of the mind-body-spirit exercise:

What is my mind feeling like right now? - Are you feeling anxious, stressed, calm, joyful? 

What does my body feel like right now? - Are there tensions, pains, or areas of discomfort? A relaxed, energized body often indicates a relaxed mindset as well.

What is my spirit telling me? - The spirit represents one's soul, passion, and purpose. It leads to reconnecting with inner wisdom and strength.

[06:38] Shifting Your Perspective to Fully Live in the Moment

Once you've checked in with your current mental, physical, and emotional state through the mind-body-spirit exercise, Aliki recommends learning from the present experience. Take a deep breath, smile, and ask yourself: "What's an awesome thing I can do today?" or "What's an awesome way I can change my mindset?"

[07:25] Setting a Daily Alarm for Self-Reflection

Setting an alarm is a good way to practice the mind-body-spirit exercise. Choose a calming sound to go off once or multiple times per day at set times as a reminder to pause activities. Then spend a few minutes reflecting on your current mental, physical, and emotional state through asking the three key questions. This helps you build the routine of self-awareness and mood monitoring as a daily habit over time.

Notable quotes:

[02:09] A good mood will lead you to your best life. [02:12]

[05:36] Your spirit is this connection between your heart and your soul – and that is where your passion and your fire for life grows. [05:46]

[06:38] Learn from the now, live in the moment, and take a deep breath. Smile, and ask yourself, what's an awesome thing I can do today or an awesome way I can change my mindset so that I am in the best mood? [06:56]

Resources Mentioned: 


Connect with Aliki on Instagram @thesummitmethod

Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here! 

Or, reach out on our contact page at GoodMoodShow.com/Contact and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request.

About the Guest 

Aliki Samone is a dynamic entrepreneur and author of the book Conquer Your Summit: How to Build a Five-Year Plan and Live Your Best Life. Aliki is a former spacecraft designer who started her own company and shares tips on feeling good.

Struggling to stay positive? Discover a simple trick to boost your mood anytime, anywhere. In this episode, creative entrepreneur, author, and former spacecraft designer Aliki Samone shares a mindfulness routine that will leave you feeling relaxed and energized. 

Try her 3-minute practice that focuses on getting in touch with what's going on inside you on a mental, physical, and spiritual level – and experience the life-changing power of presence.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: 

Aliki’s three-phase approach to choosing happiness

The mind-body-spirit exercise

How to shift your perspective to fully live in the moment

Setting a daily alarm to check in with yourself

[02:09] Aliki Samone's Three-Phase Approach to Choosing Happiness

Aliki discusses three phases in your approach to choosing happiness: mental tools, planning techniques, and execution habits. Get into a good mood so you can live your best life and make those plans for the future by focusing first on the mental tools. 

[02:32] The Mind-Body-Spirit Exercise

Aliki suggests asking yourself these three questions as part of the mind-body-spirit exercise:

What is my mind feeling like right now? - Are you feeling anxious, stressed, calm, joyful? 

What does my body feel like right now? - Are there tensions, pains, or areas of discomfort? A relaxed, energized body often indicates a relaxed mindset as well.

What is my spirit telling me? - The spirit represents one's soul, passion, and purpose. It leads to reconnecting with inner wisdom and strength.

[06:38] Shifting Your Perspective to Fully Live in the Moment

Once you've checked in with your current mental, physical, and emotional state through the mind-body-spirit exercise, Aliki recommends learning from the present experience. Take a deep breath, smile, and ask yourself: "What's an awesome thing I can do today?" or "What's an awesome way I can change my mindset?"

[07:25] Setting a Daily Alarm for Self-Reflection

Setting an alarm is a good way to practice the mind-body-spirit exercise. Choose a calming sound to go off once or multiple times per day at set times as a reminder to pause activities. Then spend a few minutes reflecting on your current mental, physical, and emotional state through asking the three key questions. This helps you build the routine of self-awareness and mood monitoring as a daily habit over time.

Notable quotes:

[02:09] A good mood will lead you to your best life. [02:12]

[05:36] Your spirit is this connection between your heart and your soul – and that is where your passion and your fire for life grows. [05:46]

[06:38] Learn from the now, live in the moment, and take a deep breath. Smile, and ask yourself, what's an awesome thing I can do today or an awesome way I can change my mindset so that I am in the best mood? [06:56]

Resources Mentioned: 


Connect with Aliki on Instagram @thesummitmethod

Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here! 

Or, reach out on our contact page at GoodMoodShow.com/Contact and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request.

About the Guest 

Aliki Samone is a dynamic entrepreneur and author of the book Conquer Your Summit: How to Build a Five-Year Plan and Live Your Best Life. Aliki is a former spacecraft designer who started her own company and shares tips on feeling good.

11 min