40 min

Paula from Ballarat Centre for Music and Arts THRIVE!

    • Entrepreneurship

In this episode I speak with Paula from the Ballarat Centre of Music and the Arts, also known as BCMA. Paula started the BCMA over 25 years ago and over the span of those years Paula had 5 children. Paula has some incredible insights to share about business leadership, about scaling your business and about juggling your personal life along the way. 

We talked a little bit about those challenging years balancing a growing business with the little ones and about the challenges of the past year with COVID and how her business has adapted to teach music, dance and the performing arts over zoom. We also spoke about the process of hiring a business manager and when to decide to bring in back up to support you. 

For more information on the BCMA, please visit https://www.facebook.com/ballaratcentreofmusicandthearts/


This podcast is brought to you by Kovski Accounting. For more information please visit www.kovskiaccounting.com.au

If you have any feedback, suggestions or would like to appear on the show as a guest, please contact us at info@kovskiaccounting.com.au

In this episode I speak with Paula from the Ballarat Centre of Music and the Arts, also known as BCMA. Paula started the BCMA over 25 years ago and over the span of those years Paula had 5 children. Paula has some incredible insights to share about business leadership, about scaling your business and about juggling your personal life along the way. 

We talked a little bit about those challenging years balancing a growing business with the little ones and about the challenges of the past year with COVID and how her business has adapted to teach music, dance and the performing arts over zoom. We also spoke about the process of hiring a business manager and when to decide to bring in back up to support you. 

For more information on the BCMA, please visit https://www.facebook.com/ballaratcentreofmusicandthearts/


This podcast is brought to you by Kovski Accounting. For more information please visit www.kovskiaccounting.com.au

If you have any feedback, suggestions or would like to appear on the show as a guest, please contact us at info@kovskiaccounting.com.au

40 min