26 min

S05|04 - Integration, Client Journey with Maryann The Parenting Coach Podcast

    • Parenting

On this episode I introduce you to my client Maryann and her story… mom of 4 (and a half), one with ASD, and new to being a stay-at-home-mom. She was looking for changes in her parenting and had just stumbled across conscious parenting before we found each other on Instagram. You’ll be inspired by her and her story… and you may also feel like it’s possible for you.

On this episode I introduce you to my client Maryann and her story… mom of 4 (and a half), one with ASD, and new to being a stay-at-home-mom. She was looking for changes in her parenting and had just stumbled across conscious parenting before we found each other on Instagram. You’ll be inspired by her and her story… and you may also feel like it’s possible for you.

26 min