37 min

Mishpatim: The Widow, the Orphan, and the Stranger (A conversation with Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz‪)‬ Seven Minute Torah

    • Judaism

The Torah's command to care for the widow, orphan, and stranger sits at the base of a rich Jewish theology of compassion, kindness, and social justice. I am joined by Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz, author and activist, to talk about why the ethical and the ritual can't be teased apart, and how the world benefits from a Jewish approach to social justice.
R' Shmuly's Social Justice Commentaries can be found here and here.

The Torah's command to care for the widow, orphan, and stranger sits at the base of a rich Jewish theology of compassion, kindness, and social justice. I am joined by Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz, author and activist, to talk about why the ethical and the ritual can't be teased apart, and how the world benefits from a Jewish approach to social justice.
R' Shmuly's Social Justice Commentaries can be found here and here.

37 min