32 min

The Practice of Creativity (With Seth Godin‪)‬ KindSight 101

    • Self-Improvement

Seth Godin has written over 20 bestselling books, has been named a marketing guru on a global scale, writes a daily blog that has over 7 million readers, hosts the Akimbo podcast, runs workshops including the Alt MBA and has inspired people to transform their lives by being more intentional and deliberate in the way they show up. Seth is also a huge supporter of public education. In this episode, we talk about his new book, The Practice, which focuses on the importance of creativity. We also discuss my new book, From Burnt Out to Fired Up, which is about encouraging educators to reignite their passion for teaching through easy, actionable approaches. I loved this conversation and I hope you come away as inspired as I was!

Seth Godin has written over 20 bestselling books, has been named a marketing guru on a global scale, writes a daily blog that has over 7 million readers, hosts the Akimbo podcast, runs workshops including the Alt MBA and has inspired people to transform their lives by being more intentional and deliberate in the way they show up. Seth is also a huge supporter of public education. In this episode, we talk about his new book, The Practice, which focuses on the importance of creativity. We also discuss my new book, From Burnt Out to Fired Up, which is about encouraging educators to reignite their passion for teaching through easy, actionable approaches. I loved this conversation and I hope you come away as inspired as I was!

32 min