32 min

Pursuing your Purpose with Nicole Hoye - 056 Marketing for Childrens Authors with Laurie Wright

    • How To

Pursuing Your Purpose: Canadian Vice-Principal Nicole Hoye has a very busy life, but she was still able to get her book published! How? She says when you combine your purpose and your WHY, it's easier because it's not work. #purposeNicole has great tips for productivity and time and management, and she also shares about her experience with a publishing package (spoiler alert - she had a TERRIFIC experience!). She also shares some great tips about things to ask a potential publisher if you're ...

Pursuing Your Purpose: Canadian Vice-Principal Nicole Hoye has a very busy life, but she was still able to get her book published! How? She says when you combine your purpose and your WHY, it's easier because it's not work. #purposeNicole has great tips for productivity and time and management, and she also shares about her experience with a publishing package (spoiler alert - she had a TERRIFIC experience!). She also shares some great tips about things to ask a potential publisher if you're ...

32 min