36 min

Theresa Melito-Conners, PhD | Owning Your Self-Care TRAINED

    • Fitness

Bath bombs and face masks may feel great in the moment, but they only scratch the surface of self-care. People have body, mind and soul needs they aren’t even aware of, says Theresa Melito-Conners, PhD, and it’s time we showed up for them. She discovered self-care after nearly burning out at a job, went on to get her doctorate in it, then launched the website “Dr. MC’s Self-Care Cabaret.” Now Dr MC is giving us a peek behind the curtain at 10 things that are essential to boosting our own wellness and happiness. She also lays down real talk on creating boundaries between our work and our personal lives and how to set up the next generation for self-care success. Bonus: Dr MC leads us on one of her famous guided meditations, so you can feel for yourself how even the simplest changes can make a big impact.

Bath bombs and face masks may feel great in the moment, but they only scratch the surface of self-care. People have body, mind and soul needs they aren’t even aware of, says Theresa Melito-Conners, PhD, and it’s time we showed up for them. She discovered self-care after nearly burning out at a job, went on to get her doctorate in it, then launched the website “Dr. MC’s Self-Care Cabaret.” Now Dr MC is giving us a peek behind the curtain at 10 things that are essential to boosting our own wellness and happiness. She also lays down real talk on creating boundaries between our work and our personal lives and how to set up the next generation for self-care success. Bonus: Dr MC leads us on one of her famous guided meditations, so you can feel for yourself how even the simplest changes can make a big impact.

36 min

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