1 hr 12 min

Using Data to Make Employee Decisions with Leighton Healy Blue Collar Nation

    • Entrepreneurship

Know How's Leighton Healy joins the podcast for the third time to tell our listeners about what the data from the latest State of the Restoration Industry tells us about the current workforce situation. Regardless of what trade you are in, this information is very valuable to help you make decisions about hiring, firing, managing, and building a culture that will attract and retain employees. TITLE SPONSOR: MORNING TECH MEETINGThis episode it brought to you by Super Tech University....

Know How's Leighton Healy joins the podcast for the third time to tell our listeners about what the data from the latest State of the Restoration Industry tells us about the current workforce situation. Regardless of what trade you are in, this information is very valuable to help you make decisions about hiring, firing, managing, and building a culture that will attract and retain employees. TITLE SPONSOR: MORNING TECH MEETINGThis episode it brought to you by Super Tech University....

1 hr 12 min