9 min

Why We Need To Be Social with Devon Ash Good Mood Revolution

    • Mental Health

There is a simple act that can lift your spirits - picking up the phone and calling a friend. In this episode, Matt O'Neill interviews social expert Devon Ash about how connecting with others is key to happiness. 

Interacting with and deriving support from others has wide-ranging benefits for mental and physical well-being. When we feel socially engaged, connected, and supported – our mood lifts, stress decreases, and we feel happier and more fulfilled. Listen now to find the social fluency tips that may be just what you need.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: 

How our social nature means connecting with others improves well-being

Overcoming isolation during the pandemic and learning to say "yes" more often

Real stories that show how developing social skills can transform lives

[02:09] Reaching Out for Support

Devon emphasizes the importance of social connection for our well-being. He advises reaching out to close friends or family when feeling down, as opening up about our vulnerabilities with trusted loved ones can provide much-needed relief. This may not be easy for those struggling to form deep relationships. However, by working on your social skills, you can develop supportive networks where people can feel truly seen and lift each other's moods during tough times.

[04:22] The Importance of Connection

Devon stresses that while some people are more introverted, human beings inherently need social interaction and connection with others. Reaching out to friends may not come naturally for those who struggle with social skills. However, developing the ability to connect is possible with time and practice. Building relationships is a learnable skill, and doing so can help ensure introverts still experience the mental health benefits of spending quality time with close friends and family.

[05:34] Hang Out with Happy People

Devon echoes Matt's advice to surround yourself with upbeat company when feeling down. As Matt discovered firsthand, being in the presence of happy, energetic people can lift one's mood even if they are not close friends. Both Devon and Matt recommend temporarily escaping negative headspaces by attending social events and putting yourself in environments filled with positivity and optimism. Doing so provides a mood boost at a time when you need it most.

Notable quotes:

Devon - [02:10] We are social creatures.  We love feeling connected to people we love when we feel seen. And if you don't feel like you have an outlet for that, it can feel really tough. [02:24]

Devon - [04:22] We might be introverted, but we still need human connection to be fulfilled. [04:29]

Matt - [06:40] When we are feeling hopeless or depressed or overwhelmed by sadness...  reaching out to the people who are our lifelines can help get us out. [06:49] 

Resources Mentioned: 


Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here! 

Or, reach out on our contact page at GoodMoodShow.com/Contact and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request.

About the Guest 

Devon Ash is a social fluency expert who teaches people skills for better social connections and communication in relationships, dating, career, and family.

There is a simple act that can lift your spirits - picking up the phone and calling a friend. In this episode, Matt O'Neill interviews social expert Devon Ash about how connecting with others is key to happiness. 

Interacting with and deriving support from others has wide-ranging benefits for mental and physical well-being. When we feel socially engaged, connected, and supported – our mood lifts, stress decreases, and we feel happier and more fulfilled. Listen now to find the social fluency tips that may be just what you need.

Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: 

How our social nature means connecting with others improves well-being

Overcoming isolation during the pandemic and learning to say "yes" more often

Real stories that show how developing social skills can transform lives

[02:09] Reaching Out for Support

Devon emphasizes the importance of social connection for our well-being. He advises reaching out to close friends or family when feeling down, as opening up about our vulnerabilities with trusted loved ones can provide much-needed relief. This may not be easy for those struggling to form deep relationships. However, by working on your social skills, you can develop supportive networks where people can feel truly seen and lift each other's moods during tough times.

[04:22] The Importance of Connection

Devon stresses that while some people are more introverted, human beings inherently need social interaction and connection with others. Reaching out to friends may not come naturally for those who struggle with social skills. However, developing the ability to connect is possible with time and practice. Building relationships is a learnable skill, and doing so can help ensure introverts still experience the mental health benefits of spending quality time with close friends and family.

[05:34] Hang Out with Happy People

Devon echoes Matt's advice to surround yourself with upbeat company when feeling down. As Matt discovered firsthand, being in the presence of happy, energetic people can lift one's mood even if they are not close friends. Both Devon and Matt recommend temporarily escaping negative headspaces by attending social events and putting yourself in environments filled with positivity and optimism. Doing so provides a mood boost at a time when you need it most.

Notable quotes:

Devon - [02:10] We are social creatures.  We love feeling connected to people we love when we feel seen. And if you don't feel like you have an outlet for that, it can feel really tough. [02:24]

Devon - [04:22] We might be introverted, but we still need human connection to be fulfilled. [04:29]

Matt - [06:40] When we are feeling hopeless or depressed or overwhelmed by sadness...  reaching out to the people who are our lifelines can help get us out. [06:49] 

Resources Mentioned: 


Download this week’s free resource instantly when you sign up for The Good Mood Show newsletter here! 

Or, reach out on our contact page at GoodMoodShow.com/Contact and we will email you a copy of any free resource you request.

About the Guest 

Devon Ash is a social fluency expert who teaches people skills for better social connections and communication in relationships, dating, career, and family.

9 min