34 min

Your voice matters: English novelist and poet Nikki Dudley on her quest to inspire mums to write These Mums Write

    • Books

Do you have a mom-friendly support network to help you get your words on the page? Frustrated with the added pressure of the 2020 COVID lockdown and the feeling of never being able to get to "me time" to write, English novelist, poet and magazine editor Nikki Dudley decided to do something to help other mums in her situation. Nikki founded a writing development program just for mums called Mumwrite which recently produced it's second anthology and has inspired countless mums in England and Europe to get back to the thing they love: writing. In this episode, Nikki shares the biggest challenges her Mumwrite students face and how she helps them overcome them.  

Connect with Nikki via her website, https://www.nikkidudleywriter.com/ or via Twitter @nikkidudley20. You can also learn more about upcoming Mumwrite workshops and programs at https://www.mumwrite.com/

Connect with Jackie and the These Mums Write community:

Learn more about my April 7 workshop on overcoming writer burnout and procrastination

Join the These Mums Write Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thesemumswrite/

Do you have a mom-friendly support network to help you get your words on the page? Frustrated with the added pressure of the 2020 COVID lockdown and the feeling of never being able to get to "me time" to write, English novelist, poet and magazine editor Nikki Dudley decided to do something to help other mums in her situation. Nikki founded a writing development program just for mums called Mumwrite which recently produced it's second anthology and has inspired countless mums in England and Europe to get back to the thing they love: writing. In this episode, Nikki shares the biggest challenges her Mumwrite students face and how she helps them overcome them.  

Connect with Nikki via her website, https://www.nikkidudleywriter.com/ or via Twitter @nikkidudley20. You can also learn more about upcoming Mumwrite workshops and programs at https://www.mumwrite.com/

Connect with Jackie and the These Mums Write community:

Learn more about my April 7 workshop on overcoming writer burnout and procrastination

Join the These Mums Write Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thesemumswrite/

34 min