139 episodes

As an above knee amputee for the past 2 years, and having been knocked down due to multiple surgeries the 7 years prior to that, I am now living my best and most active lifestyle. Here I will show you how I overcame the odds, give you assistance on how you can reach your physical and mental goals and also elicit the help of medical professions and others who have been down this road. I want you to realize your potential and face your fears so you, too, can live like a warrior.


Be-YOU-tiful Adaptive Warrior Angie Heuser

    • Health & Fitness

As an above knee amputee for the past 2 years, and having been knocked down due to multiple surgeries the 7 years prior to that, I am now living my best and most active lifestyle. Here I will show you how I overcame the odds, give you assistance on how you can reach your physical and mental goals and also elicit the help of medical professions and others who have been down this road. I want you to realize your potential and face your fears so you, too, can live like a warrior.


    In The Beginning

    In The Beginning

    What to Expect as a New Amputee


    As with anything new there is a learning curve. Becoming an amputee is no different. However, since few people know of anyone that's an amputee before they, themselves, become one, there are so many questions without answers.

    It seems overwhelming, confusing and quite scary.

    Have no fear, even though each one of us is very different as we deal with our own amputation, we also have many similar benchmarks or stages we go through.

    First thing you need to know is that you will get through this and you are going to do great. If you can embrace that mindset, a mindset of positivity, then you are already on your way to bringing that to fruition.

    I believe in manifesting my own destiny and I have deep faith in my purpose and that the journey I am on was set before me by a higher power.

    Speak positive and empowering words to yourself, and you will manifest positive and empowering outcomes.

    After your surgery you will have time to adjust to your new body image and center of gravity, time to rest and heal, and time to prepare for what's to come. At this point it's a great idea to focus on getting some core strength back and balance. These things you can work on as you wait for the fitting process.

    Me trying on my very first socket (L) and me a couple sockets later (R). See the weight change?


    Adjustments are always being made, even when the socket feels right the leg direction can be off (too far forward leaning, not adducted enough). These things depend on your type of amputation and your hip alignment.


    I've been fortunate enough to take my "test socket" home and work out in it to make sure it is made to withstand the riggers of my activity levels.


    Here's how my guy, Randy, creates my sockets. He casts my residual limb.


    Once you've been given the green light by your surgeon that you are ready to be fitted for your prosthesis then you will head to your prosthetist's office, discuss your goals, dreams, activity levels and where you want to be and where you see yourself in the future. This will help them fit you correctly and get you the best prosthesis for you and your goals.

    Your prosthetist will create a "test socket" for you-this could take a couple of weeks- and then you will go in, try it on, walk around in it and they will adjust it for a more comfortable fit, then off you go with your brand new leg.

    PT should begin at this point, if you haven't already been working with one to gain core strength and balance.

    I know this can be scary and you might feel apprehensive at first but remember, they want to help you succeed at walking and using your prosthesis correctly so you don't hurt yourself.

    Communicate with them, let them know what feels good and doesn't feel good, what scares you, what you don't understand, and what you want to be able to do. Discuss your dreams and goals with them.

    Now as you start using your new leg you will start noticing changes in your volume of your leg. The more you start doing life again the more your volume of your residual limb will change and then you run into the frustrating aspect of being an amputee, the socket fit.

    You can literally get a brand new socket made to fit your leg perfectly and the very next day it won't feel as snug. You'll start to add socks on top of your liner, one after the next, just to accommodate your leg shrinking in size. The more socks you use the less connected you will feel and then you won't trust your prosthesis to stay in place and behave the way it should.

    But don't worry, your prosthetist will be taking measurements and once those measurements align with your insurance company's gu...

    • 32 min
    Staying Motivated

    Staying Motivated

    How to Challenge Yourself Through Life's Storms


    What do you when you've lost your motivation?

    What has you derailed?

    This is often a problem for anyone going through a medical issue, including amputees.

    As a 5 year amputee myself, I have a different story, one I want to share.

    I spent most of my life participating in sports of one kind or another, only taking a break when we started our family.

    As the boys grew so did my desire to get active again, for myself, my physical and mental well-being.

    I joined karate with my kids when they were just littles, and I really enjoyed the challenge of it and feeling a part of something.

    Unfortunately, onely about 2 years into it I tore my MCL which led to multiple surgeries over 5 years. I gained weight, a lot, and lost my drive.

    When it got to a point that I wasn't going to get better, and I had tried everything, a blood clot came along to drive me to the lumeing decision to amputate, and that I did, 5 years after the initial injury.

    At this point, I was prepping my body and mind for what was to come and with that I began to set goals and challenges, after all I was ready to attack life once again...too many years of sitting around on my butt.

    The very first challenge was learning how to walk again.

    The beginning of the journey-My first prosthetic and me at my heaviest since my injury



    This was no easy task and with the pain of amputation/surgery, ill-fitting sockets due to atrophy and weight change, and the actual weight of the prosthesis, I was in for a really challenging few months. But I was determined.


    For the first 3 years the volume of my residual limb changed a LOT!


    I had to learn to put my mindset into the positive and in hyper-overdrive. I needed to find something to push me, so I decided on virtual races.

    My virtual race medal wall. My motivation to keep going!


    I could do them on my time, in my area, and with no one else around. I was going to use these races to push myself to wear and master my prosthesis. My very first race was 150 mile spring virtual race! I calculated my daily miles to figure out how to finish on time and then set out to walk the miles.

    Can I tell you, in all honesty, that the first day I set out to do my 2 miles (easy, right?) I could only muster up the energy and tolerance to walk to our mailbox!!! 1/4 mile total walk! I was doomed!

    But, the next day I got started and walked another block further than the day before. I continued on this path, having good days and bad and taking advantage of the good days, and pressed forward. I was determined to win this mental and physical challenge, each and everyday!

    Was it easy? Not a chance! But it was plausible and that was all I needed to rise to the challenge and succeed.

    Some days I could get my 2 miles in, and then the very next day I could only go as far as around the block.

    I tell you this because the path isn't always straight forward. You can be doing really good one day and then nerve pains, or the fit, can take you out. You should know this going in so as to give yourself some grace and not get down on yourself.

    I talk about Practice makes Permanence, not Practice makes Perfect. 5 years in and I still have days where I see my gait looking lazy or off, I still watch and correct, but I have learned muscle memory and I know right from wrong as I walk.

    Practice makes permanence


    Setting goals early on in your amputee journey, or any journey for that matter, is important to building healthy habits.

    • 29 min
    Picking Apart Phantom Pain

    Picking Apart Phantom Pain

    The Real Mental Side of Phantom Pain


    Ok, let's talk about Pain. Not just any pain, but the "real" phantom pain.

    It comes on without warning.

    It can destroy our mood, our productivity, and our confidence.

    When it does happen, and for amputees we will all have the pleasure of experiencing it at some point on our journey, it's enough to cause us to doubt we will ever be able to function again because we can't see an end to it in sight. It's the most disabling thing about being an amputee because we cannot control it.

    Just two weekends ago I experienced one of my many episodes of phantom pain. I was fine when I woke on Sunday morning, enjoyed a few hours of "normalcy" then out of the blue, like lightning strikes, I was seized with a multitude of sharp, knife driving pains, in the bottom of my non-existent foot!

    At first it was just startling and I was wracking my brain as to why it might be acting up. You see, for me, I know what things might cause me to have a flair up of pains from the activities of the day or night before, but not this day. Nothing I could have done would prepare me for this nor could I comprehend what had made these phantom pains come on.

    As the day wore on these flashes of pain came more sudden and more often. They are so real feeling that my "foot" was getting sore from all the stabbing.

    The prickles on the cactus and thorns on the tree remind me of the sharpness of my phantom pains


    If that isn't a mental attack on the brain I don't know what is!

    If you are an amputee you need to make sure you have a toolbox of info and memories to use as you navigate throu9gh each episode of phantom pains.

    Join me today as I discuss what a toolbox is and how you create one.

    Remember to be kind to yourself when these pains hit. They will try to crush you and break your spirit but you can and will get stronger with each experience. Just know that it's ok to shut down for a while as your head tries to understand what's happening to your body.

    You are strong enough and you will make it through.

    These episodes don't last forever, and you will soar once again.


    Be the warrior you were meant to be and rise up!


    And as always,

    Be Healthy,

    Be Happy,

    Be YOU!!!


    much love,


    • 28 min
    Purpose in the Waiting

    Purpose in the Waiting



    Like a little kid excited and waiting for Christmas morning with great anticipation only to be sad when the presents are all opened, stockings are emptied and bedtime arrives once again.

    We too, can find ourselves wrapped up in waiting for life.

    We wait for the next appointment, the next fitting, the next promotion, the next relationship, the next thing to be excited about. But what about now? What about the moments that are hard and challenging? Are you letting life waste away and pass you by while you wait or are you living with intention and purpose?

    One place I find my purpose

    It’s hard, I understand that. As an amputee we spend the first 2-3 years just waiting on healing, the next socket, the insurance company, the follow-up appointment, refitting, adjustments, etc, etc, etc.

    Just when we think we have everything going well with our leg something changes, and we start all over again.

    I spent the first 3 1/2 years changing and fluctuating before I got my latest socket which I have been in for over a year. And yet, I still have my moments that are hard and challenging. Isn’t that life?

    How about you? What’s got you stuck? Do you know what you’re living for?



    This week, if you are in a funk and can't focus on the present find someone that you can reach out to and help.

    Maybe a neighbor could use a visit, or a friend needs an errand run. Whatever it is, whomever you choose to help, realize that you can do so much good and real live your life even in a season of waiting.

    Sometimes the first step in helping ourselves is to think about others and find our purpose in being a help to them. Finding purpose in your waiting is key to happiness and feeling content. Remember that when you wake, and have breathe in your lungs then you are meant to be here and to make a difference in the world.

    Go out and seize each day, live your life don’t wait to live it.

    Tomorrow isn’t promised.

    Let your warrior out and rise up! You deserve to live and be happy, even in the waiting.


    Have a blessed week.

    As always,

    Be Healthy,

    Be Happy,

    Be YOU!!


    Much love,


    • 35 min
    Dress For Success

    Dress For Success

    An Equine Analogy For Your Motivation



    You must look the part.

    You need to rise up, clean up, and organize yourself if you want to achieve and succeed.

    Trust me I know!

    Today I found myself entranced on how much time I spend with my horses grooming them.

    Why do we do that? Why do we spend so much time brushing them, wiping their faces down, conditioning their mane and tidying them up? It’s not like my horses are heading out on the town nor are they saddled and transported where others will see them… then why?


    Getting in the Christmas Spirit last year


    I’ll tell you why, because that keeps them looking kept and neat. It keeps them healthy and clean. I brush them, I wash them, I wipe out their nostrils and eye ducts, I clean out their hooves, all in the name of health. We need to do the same, especially when we aren’t feeling great. When we are down and out, our health depends on it, our outlook on life depends on it, and ultimately our success depends on it. It's so easy to take the road less traveled when we are hurting and not at our best. When life throws us curveballs and tries to take us down that's when we need to fight harder, rise quicker, and move forward. When we get wrapped up in negativity and cave to the easy path, or path of least resistance, we tend to let oursleves go, let our homes go and stop really living. That's when we allow life to pass us by, while we wait for something better to happen to us or for us, for our situation to resolve itself. However, that's not living life, that's giving up and hoping things work out.

    We need to rise up each day and prepare for life. We need to clean ourselves up, we need to make our bad, we need to get out and MAKE life happen! We all have issues. We will all have problems that arise, but the ones who succeed adjust and fight for what they want. The ones who succeed are the ones who dress for success, each and every day, despite what's happening, despite the pain and frustrations they are going through. How about you? Are you "dressing" for success each day? Are you preparing for good to happen? That is the key.

    I clean my horses up every single day so they are clean, healthy, and happy. When they get the grooming they need they can then attack the day with confidence and pride. Shouldn't you be the same, if not more motivated to do so?

    You are a warrior. Warriors plan for success and it starts with your physical appearance, at the very least. Start there and see where it takes you in life. You might be surprised.

    So warriors, rise up and take on the day! You deserve that!



    This week, take care of yourself, starting with your appearance-your physical self. Get up, get ready for the day, make your bed, and go do something.

    Be active in your life.

    Make life happen FOR you, not TO you.

    Stop waiting for right time, the next day, or when you'll feel better.  Sometimes we need to just start something positive and good with the simple act of looking "put together", ready to tackle the day. That is your challenge this week.

    Go get after life! You'll be so glad you did!


    Be an active

    As always,

    Be Healthy,

    Be Happy,

    Be YOU!!


    Much love,



    • 28 min


    Find Your Purpose, Set Goals, and Get to Work

    This is me BEFORE my knee injury that led to amputation

    Competition gives you focus and direction in life. It helps to define your day, provides a sense of purpose, and helps build character and resilience.

    All my life I have been competitive. I had big brothers around always "toughening me up", and sports were an every moment event, whether competing on our home basketball court or joining teams that played every weekend.

    I think these moments served me well, and prepared me for a life after limb loss.

    For some of you, the journey has been a long and hard one. It hasn't been easy and you may feel like giving up.

    Maybe you even think that "this is as good as it gets", but I'm here to tell you, DON'T GIVE UP!!!

    You can do this! Last week I talked about mindset, well, this is the time to put your mindset to the test and work on positive self-talk.



    On the hard days, when things hurt or you feel out of sorts, or maybe you are not at a point of wearing your prosthetic yet, you may get discouraged...heck! Maybe you ARE discouraged. Now is the time to buckle in and dig deep. This is the time to set those goals and reach for them.

    When I find myself in the struggle where pain is winning and I feel like doing nothing and getting depressed about this moment in life that things aren't going as planned, that's when I find something to take my mind off of it. I usually find something that brings out the competitor in me. This gives me a goal, a purpose, and consumes my time which takes the attention off of what I'm struggling with.


    How about you? What do you do to fill your time? Give yourself purpose? Or distract your thoughts changing them into a positive flow?



    Now it's your turn.

    Let's turn your situation into something positive and meaningful, even if you feel like everything is going wrong and you aren't where you want to be.


    Set goals.

    Be realistic but challenging.

    If you aren't able to wear your prosthetic just yet then don't get down on yourself, remember life is a journey, the good and bad of it, so make some lemonade while you wait.

    Once you've reached those goals, then go ahead and set more. Keep creating challenges for yourself. Setting yourself up for success in the waiting will eventually make you see that you are not waiting for life to happen to you anymore, but that you are living it.


    Enjoy the process.

    You deserve it and you are strong enough.

    You are a warrior!

    Hope your goal setting is epic just like you!

    And until next time, and as always,

    Be Healthy,

    Be Happy,

    Be YOU!!


    Much love,

    • 31 min

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