Game Over: Privacy? Overruled‪.‬ Algorithmically Inconvenient

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In Dobbs v Jackson, released June 24. 2022, the Supreme Court has decided to vacate not only Roe v. Wade, but the rights to privacy that provided its foundation in the, "First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, & Fourteenth Amendments". The Supreme Court has ruled that not only don't women have the right to choose how to plan a family or enable them to have life saving procedures, but that the fundamental idea of privacy in the concept of "ordered liberty" doesn't exist in the Constitution. In the 6-3 opinion, the court decided to repeal constitutional rights that the American people have been protected by for almost 50 years.

Don't let your genuine shock & horror at the idea of a single court dismantling constitutional rights fool you into believing the Democrats schtick. Democrats have had control of both Houses and the White House multiple times over the last 5 decades and have failed promises made to the American people of codifying Roe V Wade into federal law. Barack Obama was famous for his pledge to inscribe the fundamental human right into federal law in 2007 and infamous for walking it back in 2009. Joe Biden was an integral part in bringing this moment to fruition: the Biden Amendment, the Hyde Amendment, Antony Scalia, Clarence Thomas, & more. Nancy Pelosi inscribing in the Affordable Care Act a cut out for abortion coverage in insurance. The entirety of Democratic leadership Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, Jim Clyburn, etc, endorsed anti choice Democrat Henry Cuellar against a progressive challenger, Jessica Cisneros.

Democratic Leadership is complicit in this ruling and this Court. What's worse is that they agree with Republicans in that they *want* abortion to be "on the ballot" in November in order to gain more power & ever more donations. That game, however, is being turned off by the millions of people whose lives are going to be upended by this viscous attack on Constitutional rights by this court. People aren't demanding more Democrats, they're demanding *better* Democrats. People protesting are tuning out official party messaging and fundraising in favor of donating to abortion care networks. People are organizing amongst themselves and online not to boost the numbers of the Democratic Party, but to try and save their lives as they see no political party is interested in doing so.

Game time is up Democrats.


Obama on Roe v Wade (2007 v. 2009)

Democrats had multiple opportunities:

"F**k Joe Biden, F**k Glenn Youngkin"

God Bless America by House Democratic Caucus

Rachel Maddow 6.24.22

In Dobbs v Jackson, released June 24. 2022, the Supreme Court has decided to vacate not only Roe v. Wade, but the rights to privacy that provided its foundation in the, "First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, & Fourteenth Amendments". The Supreme Court has ruled that not only don't women have the right to choose how to plan a family or enable them to have life saving procedures, but that the fundamental idea of privacy in the concept of "ordered liberty" doesn't exist in the Constitution. In the 6-3 opinion, the court decided to repeal constitutional rights that the American people have been protected by for almost 50 years.

Don't let your genuine shock & horror at the idea of a single court dismantling constitutional rights fool you into believing the Democrats schtick. Democrats have had control of both Houses and the White House multiple times over the last 5 decades and have failed promises made to the American people of codifying Roe V Wade into federal law. Barack Obama was famous for his pledge to inscribe the fundamental human right into federal law in 2007 and infamous for walking it back in 2009. Joe Biden was an integral part in bringing this moment to fruition: the Biden Amendment, the Hyde Amendment, Antony Scalia, Clarence Thomas, & more. Nancy Pelosi inscribing in the Affordable Care Act a cut out for abortion coverage in insurance. The entirety of Democratic leadership Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, Jim Clyburn, etc, endorsed anti choice Democrat Henry Cuellar against a progressive challenger, Jessica Cisneros.

Democratic Leadership is complicit in this ruling and this Court. What's worse is that they agree with Republicans in that they *want* abortion to be "on the ballot" in November in order to gain more power & ever more donations. That game, however, is being turned off by the millions of people whose lives are going to be upended by this viscous attack on Constitutional rights by this court. People aren't demanding more Democrats, they're demanding *better* Democrats. People protesting are tuning out official party messaging and fundraising in favor of donating to abortion care networks. People are organizing amongst themselves and online not to boost the numbers of the Democratic Party, but to try and save their lives as they see no political party is interested in doing so.

Game time is up Democrats.


Obama on Roe v Wade (2007 v. 2009)

Democrats had multiple opportunities:

"F**k Joe Biden, F**k Glenn Youngkin"

God Bless America by House Democratic Caucus

Rachel Maddow 6.24.22