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News For Kids

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News For Kids

    Taiwan's Little Hero Finds People

    Taiwan's Little Hero Finds People

    Taiwan's Little Hero Finds People

    Dogs are good friends to people. Some dogs also do important work for us. For one job, they work at airports. They use their noses! They sniff for drugs.

    The Kaohsiung police tried to teach a dog to sniff for drugs. But he wasn't good at it. He had too much energy! He's too friendly! Down, boy!

    But having energy and being friendly are very good for another very important job. This dog became a rescue dog!

    Rescue dogs look for people after earthquakes or other bad things happen. This dog's first job was six years ago. Taiwan had a big earthquake.

    This year, Taiwan had a bigger earthquake on April 3. That earthquake made some buildings fall down. It made rocks on mountains fall down. This dog looked for people on a mountain. He found one person.

    This dog is Taiwan's little hero now. He has too much energy to sniff in airports. Now he uses his energy to find people. Good boy! Oh! Down, boy! Hey! That's my microphone! Come back here!


    1. sniff 聞
    What a cute dog! 好可愛的狗!
    No, don't play with him! 不要跟牠玩!
    Why not? 為什麼不要?
    It's a sniffer dog. 那是偵探犬!
    It's sniffing your suitcase! 牠在聞你的行李箱!

    2. happen 發生
    Ma'am, please open your suitcase. 這位女士,請打開你的行李箱。
    What's happening? 發生了什麼事?
    What did I do? 我做了什麼?
    Sorry, ma'am, you have to throw away your pork pies. 真抱歉,女士,你得扔掉豬肉派。

    3. nose 鼻子
    That dog's nose is really amazing! 那隻狗的鼻子真驚人!
    I hate his nose! 我討厭牠的鼻子!

    4. job 工作
    He's just doing his job. 牠只是在做牠的工作。
    But that's my favorite pork pie! 可是那是我最喜歡的豬肉派!

    What words have you learned today?


    1. Why isn't the dog good at sniffing for drugs?
    a. He has too much energy.
    b. He can't smell well.
    c. He is too tired.

    2. When was the dog's first job as a rescue dog?
    a. Two years ago
    b. Six years ago
    c. Ten years ago

    3. What is the dog good at?
    a. Moving rocks
    b. Finding people
    c. Having earthquakes

    1. a
    2. b
    3. b

    • 5 min
    Swimming in the Seine River

    Swimming in the Seine River

    Swimming in the Seine River

    Summer is here! It's the best time to swim! Where do most people swim? That's right! They go to swimming pools or beaches.

    But some swimmers are going to a river. At the Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games, athletes are going to swim in the Seine River!

    Paris is getting the Seine River ready for the athletes. People are cleaning it right now. What?! Well, for 100 years, it was too dirty for people to swim in. It was too dirty for a lot of fish too…

    Cleaning the river has taken lots of work and money. It cost almost forty-nine billion Taiwan dollars! A billion has nine zeroes!

    But now more fish swim in the river. And Olympic and Paralympic swimmers will swim in it for the first time. How cool is that?

    Olympic marathon swimmers and triathlon swimmers will swim in the Seine in July and August. Paralympic triathlon swimmers will swim there in September.

    Get ready to watch great athletes swim in the Seine!



    1. dirty 骯髒的
    Someone is swimming in the river! 有人在河裡游泳!
    Yew! Isn't it dirty? 不是很髒嗎?
    All that rainwater washing into it? 所有雨水都流到河裡?
    I guess so. 也許吧。

    2. clean 清理
    But the city is cleaning it up.不過市政府正在清理。
    I do hope they do a good job. 真希望他們把事情做好。

    3. best 最好的
    A clean river where people can have a picnic by the riverside 一條乾淨的河,人們可以在河邊野餐
    …and go swimming in it under the sun. 豔陽下去河裡游泳。
    That would be the best place to be! 那會是最好的地方!

    4. time 時間
    Yeah, having a good time by the river, just like in the movies! 對啊,就跟電影裡面一樣,在河邊享受美好時光!

    你喜歡游泳嗎? 來讀單字。


    1. Where is the Seine River?
    a. Prague
    b. Phuket
    c. Paris

    2. How much did it cost to clean the river?
    a. Nine billion Taiwan dollars
    b. Forty billion Taiwan dollars
    c. Forty-nine billion Taiwan dollars

    3. When will the Paralympic athletes swim in the river?
    a. July
    b. August
    c. September

    1. c
    2. c
    3. c

    • 5 min
    Boy Works Hard to Make Money

    Boy Works Hard to Make Money

    Boy Works Hard to Make Money

    Shredders cut paper into lots of very small pieces. Paper goes in and shredded paper comes out!

    In Japan, a man shredded some papers. He shredded an envelope. Then … oh, no! He remembered the envelope had a ?10,000 yen bill in it! That's about $2,000 Taiwan dollars…

    The man told his son about the shredded bill. If the boy put the bill back together, it was his! But first, he had to find the pieces of the bill… There was lots of shredded paper!

    It was very hard! Some pieces of the bill were the same color as other shredded paper!

    The boy had another ?10,000 yen bill. He matched the little pieces to the new bill. He didn't find all of the pieces. But he found most of them! It took him three weeks!

    He took the shredded bill to a bank. They looked at it carefully. Did they give him a new ?10,000 yen bill? Yes!!

    Was $2,000 Taiwan dollars worth all that work? For this boy, yes, it was!


    1. piece 片、塊
    I found an amazing puzzle! 我找到一個很棒的拼圖!
    Oh no, how many pieces? 糟糕了,有幾片?
    Three thousand! 三千片!

    2. hard 困難的
    That's a bit hard, don't you think? 那有點難,你不覺得嗎?
    The last time you did a 2-thousand-piece one, 上次你拼兩千片的拼圖,it took you two months! 花了兩個月!

    3. have to 必須
    That's because one piece was missing. 那是因為有一片不見了。
    I had to find it. 我得把它找出來。
    Well, at least you found it. 至少你找到了。

    4. carefully 小心
    This time I'll do it much more carefully.這回我會小心得多。
    And spend another three months on it? 再花三個月嗎?
    I hope not! 我希望不會。

    have to必須


    1. What does a shredder do?
    a. Finds paper
    b. Cuts paper
    c. Colors paper

    2. How much money was in the envelope?
    a. ?2000 yen
    b. ?10,000 yen
    c. ?3 yen

    3. Who put the ?10,000 yen bill back together?
    a. The man
    b. The man's daughter
    c. The man's son

    1. b
    2. b
    3. c

    • 5 min
    The Fish Taxi Accident

    The Fish Taxi Accident

    The Fish Taxi Accident

    In Oregon, lots of salmon are NOT born in rivers. These baby fish are born in hatcheries. Workers help them grow. Young fish are safe there.

    When salmon are about a year and a half old, they leave their hatchery. They take a fish taxi!

    Fish taxis are trucks with a big tank. Hatchery workers put salmon and water in the tank.

    The truck drives the fish to a river. The salmon swim down the river to the ocean. There, they become big and strong.

    One day, a truck was driving near a river. The tank had more than 100,000 salmon in it. The fish were going to a big river.

    But the road was wet. The truck turned and ---oh, no! There was a bad accident!

    The driver was okay! But the tank rolled down by the river. Water and many, many salmon came out of the tank!

    Some did not live… But 77,000 salmon were very lucky! They fell into the river and swam away!

    Go, fish! Swim to the ocean!



    1. fish 魚。
    Let's get a pet. 我們養個寵物吧。
    Good idea! A dog or a cat? 好主意,養狗還是養貓?
    I think we should get some fish.我覺得應該養魚。
    2. swim 游泳。
    Fish? You can't cuddle a fish! 魚?你沒辦法跟魚抱抱。
    But I enjoy watching them swim. 但是我喜歡看牠們游泳。It's so relaxing.讓人很放鬆。
    3. water 水。
    Okay, so how should we start? 好吧,該怎麼開始?
    Buy a fish tank and put water in it. 買一個魚缸,放水進去。
    4. lucky 幸運的。
    Yeah, and I'll find two pairs of colorful fish.對,我去找兩對彩色的魚。
    If we're lucky, we'll get baby fish! 我們幸運的話,還會有小貝比魚!
    Do you like fish as pets? fish魚 swim游泳 water水 lucky幸運的



    1. In Oregon, where do workers help fish grow?
    a. The ocean
    b. Hatcheries
    c. Rivers
    2. What is a "fish taxi"?
    a. A boat
    b. A truck
    c. A car
    3. When the accident happened, where did the salmon come out?
    a. By a river
    b. On the road
    c. In a hatchery

    1. b
    2. b
    3. a

    • 5 min
    The Kid Teacher

    The Kid Teacher

    The Kid Teacher

    A young girl was inspired by her older brother and sister. They were doing very well in school. She became excited about doing well in school too!

    The girl became the youngest student at her university. Her classmates didn't know she was 13. She felt like a secret superhero! She studied hard to be a teacher. She finished university when she was 15!

    But… she wanted to teach. She didn't want her parents to drive her to work. She wanted to drive. But she had to be 16 to get a driver's license.

    The girl got her driver's license and started teaching. At 16, she's the youngest teacher in the U.S.!

    She teaches Grade 3. She makes her classes fun! She asks her students to try new things. She tells them to think about what they can do, not what they can't do.

    Her students don't think she's a kid. They see her talking with other teachers. They see her driving.

    This young teacher inspires her students. They try to do and be the best they can. Who inspires you?

    1. student 學生
    I told my students a joke. 我跟學生講了一個笑話。
    But they didn't laugh. 可是他們都沒笑。
    What was the joke? 什麼笑話?
    "How does the ocean say hello? It waves." 海洋如何說哈囉? 它揮揮手。

    2. teach 教學
    Maybe you need to teach the word "wave" first. 也許你得先教「海浪」這個字。
    I think so, too. 我也覺得。

    3. youngest 最年輕
    But Annie, my youngest student, asked me to explain. 不過我的年紀最小的學生安妮,有要我解釋。
    She's only 9. 她只有九歲。

    4. class 班級
    A 9-year-old in your grade-6 class? 九歲上你六年級的班?
    Yeah, and she's doing very well. 對,而且她表現很好。

    1. Who inspired the girl?
    a. Her older brother
    b. Her best friend
    c. A superhero

    2. How old was the girl when she became a teacher?
    a. Thirteen
    b. Fifteen
    c. Sixteen

    3. What does the teacher tell her students to think about?
    a. What they can do
    b. What they can't do
    c. How to have fun

    1. a
    2. c
    3. a

    • 5 min
    From Wild Goats to Pet Goats?

    From Wild Goats to Pet Goats?

    From Wild Goats to Pet Goats?

    A small Italian island has about 100 people. It also has about 600 wild goats!
    That's too many wild goats! They are a ‘biiiig’ problem. There isn't enough food for them! Now they go into people's gardens.* *They eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner there! Goodbye, beautiful flowers, fruits, and vegetables…
    The mayor is asking for help! He wants people to take 500 goats from the island. Maybe these wild goats can become their pet goats!
    Getting a goat is easy.People email the mayor. They say they want a goat. The mayor says okay. Then they go and catch a goat!
    Wait a minute… The island is one tall mountain. It has no roads! It has no cars! It has many, MANY steps. Donkeys carry things up and down. And… goats are VERY good at running up and down mountains.
    The mayor gives people fifteen days to catch a wild goat.Why? Hmmm… Maybe getting a pet goat here isn't easy!
    1. breakfast 早餐
    What’s for breakfast tomorrow? 明天早飯吃什麼?
    Let’s see…Toast, milk and fruit.我想想,吐司、牛奶跟水果。
    Sounds good. 聽起來不錯。
    2. vegetable 蔬菜
    And what’s for lunch? Just curious. 那中飯呢? 只是好奇。
    Maybe some pasta with vegetables. 也許煮點麵條加蔬菜。
    Vegetables from our garden? That’ll be great! 我們菜園裡的蔬菜嗎? 那很棒!
    3. dinner 晚飯
    I won’t be home for dinner, though. 不過我不會在家吃晚飯。
    I’m going hiking on Xiangshan.我要去象山健行。
    4. up and down 上上下下
    What’s the fun of going up and down that hill? 爬上爬下那座山有什麼好玩的? The weather is so hot.天氣又這麼熱。
    The night view is beautiful! 夜景很漂亮!
    up and down上上下下
    1. How many wild goats are there on the island?
    a. Fifty
    b. One hundred
    c. Six hundred
    2. What do the wild goats eat?
    a. Pet food
    b. Vegetables
    c. Seafood

    3. What do you need to do first to get a goat from the island?
    a. Feed the goat
    b. Ride a donkey
    c. Email the mayor

    1. c
    2. b
    3. c

    • 5 min

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