15 min

Why APC Feels Threatened By A Possible PDP, LP Merger Nigeria Daily

    • News Commentary

Nigeria is at a critical juncture, with citizens yearning for trustworthy leadership and transparent governance. In this context, the actions and motivations of our political leaders come under intense scrutiny. Peter Obi of the Labour Party and Atiku Abubakar of the People's Democratic Party have both positioned themselves as alternatives to the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC). However, their desperation for power raises significant concerns about their reliability and intentions...

Nigeria is at a critical juncture, with citizens yearning for trustworthy leadership and transparent governance. In this context, the actions and motivations of our political leaders come under intense scrutiny. Peter Obi of the Labour Party and Atiku Abubakar of the People's Democratic Party have both positioned themselves as alternatives to the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC). However, their desperation for power raises significant concerns about their reliability and intentions...

15 min