141 episodes

We have one single mission: Help women find ease, meaning and joy at work and in life. We use our experiences as business owners, entrepreneurs, mentors and inspirational leaders to explore topics that all working women care about: shitty bosses; smashing the patriarchy; balancing work and life; navigating change and getting what you want! We guarantee that you will be entertained and inspired... promise!

Crina and Kirsten Get to Work Crina Hoyer and Kirsten Barron

    • Business

We have one single mission: Help women find ease, meaning and joy at work and in life. We use our experiences as business owners, entrepreneurs, mentors and inspirational leaders to explore topics that all working women care about: shitty bosses; smashing the patriarchy; balancing work and life; navigating change and getting what you want! We guarantee that you will be entertained and inspired... promise!

    Tune In: The Transformative Power of Active Listening

    Tune In: The Transformative Power of Active Listening

    Who knew that our ears could boost your business game? Active listening skills can amp up collaboration and productivity by a whopping 25%. Learning the art of listening also increases employee satisfaction by 30%. And a staggering 80% of workplace drama stems from poor communication. Clearly, listening isn't just kind — it's powerful.  We spend about 45% of our waking hours listening. For the average American, that's around 7.58 hours a day. We hear between 20,000 to 30,000 words daily—way more than the 16,000 words we speak. Sadly, over 70% of workers suffer from poor listening habits, impacting learning (85% of what we learn is from listening) and problem-solving abilities.  Listening Statistics – Word Finder by WordsRated; The Biggest Bang for Your Organization’s Buck? Active Listening Skills
    Hearing is just your ears doing their job. Active listening? That's your brain going into overdrive, focusing on sounds and extracting meaning. It's a full-on mental workout involving attention, contemplation, and response.  According to Harvard's Robin Abrahams and Boris Groysberg, active listening breaks down into three parts:
    Cognitive: Pay attention to all the info, both spoken and unspoken.
    Emotional: Keep calm and carry on, even if you're annoyed or bored.
    Behavioral: Show you're interested with verbal and non-verbal cues.
    Ingredients for Active Listening
    Presence: Be in the moment. Put down your phone, make eye contact, and show you're engaged. Avoid jumping to conclusions or trying to "fix" things right away.
    Curiosity: Stay curious and humble. Ask questions to clarify and understand before you respond. Keep power dynamics and past feedback in mind.  
    Connection: Listening is about forming a connection. Understand and honor what the speaker values. This approach can lead to better progress for both parties involved.  
    Mastering the Art of Active Listening
    Know Your Style: Identify if you're task-oriented, analytical, relational, or critical. Each style suits different situations.
    Choose Wisely: Determine the best listening style for the moment by considering the conversation's goals and the speaker's needs.
    Stay Focused: Don’t let insecurities or distractions (like checking emails) get in the way. Use mantras or meditation to keep your mind on track.
    Ask Questions: It shows you're engaged and deepens your understanding. Questions can also uncover hidden emotions or unspoken points.
    Remember, listening is more than just nodding and saying "Mm-hmm." It's about asking insightful questions and being truly present. If we stay curious, stay present, we can not only hear but understand and connect on a deeper level.  Active listening isn’t just a nice-to-have skill; it's a game-changer. So, lend an ear, and who knows? You might just hear the next big idea.
    What’s Your Listening Style?
    What Is Active Listening?

    • 40 min
    Grit, Persistence and Discomfort: Tapping Into Your Hidden Potential

    Grit, Persistence and Discomfort: Tapping Into Your Hidden Potential

    From embracing discomfort to seeking advice, Crina and Kirsten dive into Dr. Adam Grant’s new book on the science of achievement. Discover how grit and persistence can lead to mastery, no matter where you are in your journey.
    In this episode of Crina and Kirsten Get to Work our hosts discuss Adam Grant’s new book on the science of achievement.  Ever thought about what you’d like to get better at? Crina wants to learn how to have more fun and Kirsten is still working on figuring out “no.”  Sigh.
    Mastery can start at any chapter of your life. Take Laura Ingalls Wilder, who penned her first success in her 60s, or Vera Wang, who leapt from ice skates to runway gowns. Julia Child didn’t publish her first cookbook until 50, and Phyllis Diller took up stand-up comedy at 37.  Or consider Steve Martin who spent years doing the labor of writing his own jokes to get really good at it - he did not start out being good, he learned to be so very good.
    Dr. Adam Grant argues in his new book Hidden Potential that those who might lack natural flair but possess the grit to persist, embrace discomfort, and seek advice often outpace the naturally gifted. Think about it: the kid on the soccer field who isn’t the fastest but keeps pushing might just outshine the rest with sheer willpower.
    Society tends to glorify innate talent.  First off, it is just fun to watch someone who is innately good at something.  We may value innate talent because it gives us an easy out when we are not naturally good at something - we do not have to experience the discomfort of trying.  And yet we know that real satisfaction comes from finding our way through the tough stuff.  Child prodigies often find real-world challenges daunting precisely because they haven’t navigated the messier, less predictable paths of life.  The dichotomy of talent and challenge is fundamental to understanding our hidden potential.
    Grant suggests that we embrace the discomfort that signals we are learning, mix up our routine to keep things interesting, and engage in the dual dance of seeking and giving advice.   And there is so much more in Hidden Potential so give it a read.

    • 42 min
    The Power of Indifference: How Not Giving a #%X Can Improve Your Work Life

    The Power of Indifference: How Not Giving a #%X Can Improve Your Work Life

    In this episode of Crina and Kirsten Get to Work, our “hosts with the most” discuss not giving a #%$X!  Yes, friends, there are times when we should care less about work.  Our precious mental, emotional and even spiritual energy are really better used on something else.
    There is so much we can care about at work - what other people think, what other people do, outcomes we cannot control, what information we do not have - just so much and yet when is it really worth it to care?  
    Our duo starts with what is worth caring about:
    Our personal relationships.
    The responsibilities we agree to take on at work, in community, or with our family and friends.
    Our professional/ personal development - being our best selves, which also includes really liking who we turn out to be.
    Our financial security.
    Our values and ethical and moral principles - living with integrity.
    Work weaves its way through many of the things we care about.  The challenge with work is that many of us tend to define ourselves by our work.  
    Harvard Business Review interviewed 700 employees and concluded that while passion at work is generally a good thing, too much passion leads to burnout and a little detachment goes a long way to creating a sustainable relationship with work, with reduced burnout, enhanced creativity, increased resilience, better focus and better decision making. Don’t Let Passion Lead to Burnout on Your Team (hbr.org)
    So how to do we give less of a #%$X without getting ourselves into the #%$X?
    Ask yourself why:  Carefully consider why you care so deeply about something?  Is it just about ego or is it really consistent with the list above (relationships you value, principles you hold dear . . .).
    Ask yourself whether your response/involvement is really that important: Doing nothing can be perfectly appropriate; and remember most people care far less about what we do than we think.
    Pur your job in context: A job is not the be all and end all of your life and if it is, that is a new issue to consider.    For most of us a job funds our lives and those of the people we love.
    Create boundaries between work life and personal life. Boundaries between work and personal are key to caring a little less when caring is overwhelming.  Do you leave on time, do you check your emails all evening, do you cancel time with friends and family because of work emergencies?  Creating stronger boundaries can help us create that work life balance, which may just need a little less caring.
    And remember there are really always four responses to a situation:
    Exit: remove yourself from the situation; do nothing; LET THEM 
    Voice: take action and try to improve the situation
    Persistence: stay in, kind of grin and bear it
    Neglect: stay but reduce effort
    We have options in deciding how much we care.  And we need to wisely use our caring energy.

    • 40 min
    Good News--Positive News for Women at Work

    Good News--Positive News for Women at Work

    Let’s have some good news about women at work. And what better place to look than in the news from all over the world.
    In a great story out of Australia, we can all have a good chuckle about an art installation that excluded men and the legal challenge that ensued from a man who felt he was not getting his money’s worth because he could not access an exhibit only available to women.  The Court disagreed with the man who filed the suit finding that he was  experiencing exactly what the artist wanted him to experience - exclusion.  Museum behind ladies-only art exhibit sued by man who was denied entry - National | Globalnews.ca 
    And here in the US, women are reentering the workforce at a record pace.  This resurgence appears to be linked to women coming back to a more diverse set of industries and positions more women in leadership and the flexibility offered by hybrid work.  3 Reasons Women Are Reentering The Workforce At A Record Pace
    In a study commissioned by the non-profit Girls Who Code and its Moms First campaign,  Boston Consulting Group found that on-site childcare, close to site childcare, backup childcare and childcare stipends had impressive returns on investment - anywhere from 90% to 425% - all we can say is WOW!  BCG Report, 2024 - Moms First
    NPR reported on Icelandic women continuing their tradition of striking to create equity in pay for women and non-binary people.  Women and nonbinary Icelanders go on a 24-hour strike to protest the gender pay gap
    And last up - we know women have typically had to work harder than men for the same pay and recognition.  This travesty does not apply to exercise.  The Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that women get more benefits than men from the same amount of exercise.  
    And that is the good news, listeners.

    • 28 min
    The Authentic Leader: Embracing Your Executive Presence as a Woman

    The Authentic Leader: Embracing Your Executive Presence as a Woman

    On this episode of Crina and Kirsten Get to Work our hosts explore executive presence for women at work. Sylvia Ann Hewlett, an economist and the CEO of Hewlett Consulting Partners, said that executive presence is the difference between merit and success.  We can sometimes cringe when we hear and talk about executive presence because it can feel like a call to be someone other than who we are - the requirement to fit into a mold to be a leader.  No, say our hosts!!  The new executive presence is about authenticity and inclusion.  
    Hewlett conducted surveys in 2012 and again in 2022 that tell a story of significant shifts in our view of executive presence.  The New Rules of Executive Presence (hbr.org).  Hewlett says, “[t]he old ideal—shaped and embodied by white male CEOs who ruled the U.S. and European corporate worlds through the beginning of this century—has long been eroding.”  
    Executive presence is made up of gravitas (think confidence and decisiveness); communication (think clear and  direct) and appearance (think authenticity).  In 2012, Hewett’s survey showed that having “a blue-chip” pedigree was important for gravitas, and that characteristic did not even make the list in 2022.  In 2022, respect and inclusiveness were more important to executive presence than they were in 2012.  Another shift was seen in the communication element of executive presence where in 2012 “forceful” was important and in 2022 “listening to learn” was important to executive presence.  Even our view of executive presence as it relates to appearance has changed - while being polished is still important, authenticity has risen to one of the most important factors in the appearance component.  
    Executive presence is learnable - and you do not have to master all of the elements.  Focusing on your authentic strengths can improve your executive presence.  Hewlett’s work tells us two important things: 1. we can be our authentic selves and have executive presence; and 2. executive presence in the workplace is more inclusive than ever before.  

    • 41 min
    Micro Stress; It Might Be More Major Than You Think

    Micro Stress; It Might Be More Major Than You Think

    Microstress differs from traditional stress in its subtlety and frequency. These small, often unnoticed stressors can accumulate and greatly impact our well-being, both mentally and physically. Join us as we uncover the hidden impacts of microstress and explore strategies to combat its effects for a healthier, more balanced life.
    While traditional stress arises from major life events, microstressors are small, often unnoticed, and yet they can accumulate and significantly affect our well-being. Microstress, unlike what we think of as more conventional stress, does not provoke the same physiological response as bigger stress - so our body is not working to protect us from stress in the same way.  Microstressors can be categorized into three main types:
    Draining our capacity to get things done: These microstressors often make us feel like we're failing at work and in our personal lives. Examples include misalignment with collaborators on roles or priorities, uncertainty about others' reliability, and an overwhelming number of tasks or responsibilities.
    Draining our emotional reserves: These microstressors are caused by others and can leave us feeling emotionally depleted. Examples include feeling responsible for the success and well-being of others, confrontational conversations, and a lack of trust in our social network.
    Challenging our identity: These microstressors can trigger feelings of discomfort, making us question if we're truly living in line with our values and goals. Examples include pressure to pursue goals that don't align with our personal values, attacks on our self-confidence or worth, and negative interactions with family or friends.
    The effects of microstress extend beyond mental health, impacting physical well-being as well. It disrupts the body's ability to maintain internal balance, leading to issues like "brain fog," where cognitive function is impaired - and even affects our body’s ability to process food. Despite these challenges, there are strategies to mitigate the effects of microstress.
    Pushing back against microstress in practical ways—such as learning to say no to small requests, managing technology to reduce interruptions, and readjusting relationships to prevent others from putting microstress on you—can be effective. Rising above these stressors, by keeping them in perspective and not letting them consume us, is another valuable approach.
    Human connection emerges as a powerful tool in combating microstress. Engaging with others helps develop brain circuits that manage our reactions and emotions, alleviating the burden of stress. By cultivating diverse connections and engaging in meaningful activities, we can create a multidimensional life that buffers us against the effects of microstress.
    Join us as we explore the world of microstress, uncovering its hidden impacts and discovering strategies to combat its effects. Learn how small changes in daily life can lead to significant improvements in overall well-being. 

    • 47 min

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