29 min

I invite you on the floor to experience feeling with me Under the Silence by Bianca Moeschinger

    • Personal Journals

This podcast is a little different from the others. I enter the journey of feeling and invite you along for the ride. So grab a mat, hop on a rug or a blanket and join me for this experience.Bianca Moeschinger is a student of life itself, she is a deep thinker and journeys to the depth of herself to uncover the truth in that moment. Constantly evolving with time it is her mission to discover the secrets of life. On the journey Bianca has chosen to be the mother of 3, be an i...

This podcast is a little different from the others. I enter the journey of feeling and invite you along for the ride. So grab a mat, hop on a rug or a blanket and join me for this experience.Bianca Moeschinger is a student of life itself, she is a deep thinker and journeys to the depth of herself to uncover the truth in that moment. Constantly evolving with time it is her mission to discover the secrets of life. On the journey Bianca has chosen to be the mother of 3, be an i...

29 min