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Audio support every day to get you through 66 alcohol free days - that's long enough to build new and healthy habits!

66 Days - Sober Challenge challenge66

    • Gesundheit und Fitness

Audio support every day to get you through 66 alcohol free days - that's long enough to build new and healthy habits!

    66 Days Sober Challenge - Day 66

    66 Days Sober Challenge - Day 66

    This is a series of 66 mini podcasts - to support you through a 66 day alcohol free challenge.
    The challenge lasts for 66 days because that's how long it takes to change a habit.  
    We have published an e-book called "66 days to sobriety" (available on our website https://www.tribesober.com) - this book contains 66 pages of tips, tools and motivation so I will read a page a day for these mini podcasts.
    I will also update you on the healing taking place in your body and mind as you progress through the 66 days.
    What to drink when you don't drinkAs you progress through your alcohol free journey hopefully you are experimenting and discovering your “go to” drinks. Whether you are at home or out on the town you need to have some choice.  Drinking at home is easier as at least you can scour the supermarkets and stock up on delicious juices, cordials and tonic waters.  Lautus de-alcoholised wine and Duchess virgin G & T will deliver to your door. Make sure your fridge is always full of lovely AF choices so you won’t feel you are missing out. When you are out and about you need to avoid the “panic at the bar” syndrome – it can hit the moment you walk into a bar and are asked what you would like to drink.  If you are not prepared, your mind goes blank, your throat goes dry – and the pressure builds as everyone waits for you to decide.  Always have your “go-to” drink in mind when you go out.Even if it’s just an AF beer or a tonic water with ice that’s fine and will get you through.  Your objective is to avoid drinking alcohol.  If the bar does cocktails then ask for a mocktail – there are plenty of lovely bar staff that are delighted to do something different rather than produce endless glasses of wine and beer!  If you know where you are going then check out the drinks online – you might even discover something interesting that will make your boozy pals jealous!
    If you're enjoying the challenge and would like to change your relationship with alcohol then please think about joining our community HEREMonthly membership is just R85 (£4/$5) 
    Or just check out our website - https://www.tribesober.com
    Any questions? - drop us a mail at membership@tribesober.com
    The Sober Spring Challenge is sponsored by Drink Nil, South Africa's first store to  specialize in alcohol-free drinks. Browse their huge selection of non-alcoholic wines, bubblies, spirits, beers and mocktails online, at drinknil.co.za.Delivery is available throughout South Africa.

    • 5 Min.
    66 Days Sober Challenge - Day 65

    66 Days Sober Challenge - Day 65

    This is a series of 66 mini podcasts - to support you through a 66 day alcohol free challenge.
    The challenge lasts for 66 days because thats how long it takes to change a habit.  
    We have published an e-book called "66 days to sobriety" (available on our website https://www.tribesober.com) - this book contains 66 pages of tips, tools and motivation so I will read a page a day for these mini podcasts.
    I will also update you on the healing taking place in your body and mind as you progress through the 66 days.

    Lets Get Motivated!I first came across the various theories of motivation during my studies and often had an opportunity to put them into practice during my career as an HR executive.  There are two kinds of motivators: internal (also called intrinsic) and external (or extrinsic). Internal means being motivated to do things for their own sake - you’ve decided that you want to take a break from alcohol, and you strongly want to achieve your goal. External motivators include rewards and potential punishments or other pressures outside of yourself. The thinking is that “intrinsic” motivators are more powerful than “extrinsic” – the HR example would be that an employee will feel more motivated if she finds the nature of her work interesting than if she is paid a high salary  (although its nice to have both of course ;-) The moral of this HR lecture is that you should be using both kinds of motivators to keep you on track…for example:- You may have decided to ditch the drink (for a while at least) because you hit  “rock bottom” – this kind of experience can be a powerful intrinsic motivator.  Write down the story of what happened and how you felt about it – and read it often as you progress through your alcohol free time. The extrinsic motivators are all about the treats, the rewards, the tracking Apps, the weight loss, the clear skin, bright eyes and better sleep!  The prospect of having to confess to your WhatsApp buddies that you fell off the wagon also counts as an extrinsic motivator!

    If you're enjoying the challenge and would like to change your relationship with alcohol then please think about joining our community HEREMonthly membership is just R85 (£4/$5) 
    Or just check out our website - https://www.tribesober.com
    Any questions? - drop us a mail at membership@tribesober.com
    The Sober Spring Challenge is sponsored by Drink Nil, South Africa's first store to  specialize in alcohol-free drinks. Browse their huge selection of non-alcoholic wines, bubblies, spirits, beers and mocktails online, at drinknil.co.za.Delivery is available throughout South Africa.

    • 6 Min.
    66 Days Sober Challenge - Day 64

    66 Days Sober Challenge - Day 64

    This is a series of 66 mini podcasts - to support you through a 66 day alcohol free challenge.
    The challenge lasts for 66 days because that's how long it takes to change a habit.  
    We have published an e-book called "66 days to sobriety" (available on our website https://www.tribesober.com) - this book contains 66 pages of tips, tools and motivation so I will read a page a day for these mini podcasts.
    I will also update you on the healing taking place in your body and mind as you progress through the 66 days.
    What Will People Say?This worry keeps so many of us trapped for years…Alcohol really is the “only drug we have to justify not taking” isn’t it?Telling people we have stopped drinking (even if only for a while) is not easy – we are peeling off from the “herd” and making ourselves vulnerable.People love to zone in on, look you in the eyes and ask you if you have stopped because you have a “problem”…The ones who will give you the hardest time are the ones that are aware that they are drinking too much themselves - and are worried that if you are sober you might just notice!That’s where this Sober Challenge can help – you have a ready answer to the inevitable “what do you mean you’re not drinking?You are “doing a WWW Sober challenge” – (along with a lot of other cool people ;-) Some of us drank quite heavily when we were young because it felt a bit “edgy and rebellious” – well alcohol has become so “normalized” in society these days that its far from rebellious to drink – in fact it’s more like becoming “one of the sheep”…So make a stand – be a rebel – ditch the drink! (even if only for 66days!)
    If you're enjoying the challenge and would like to change your relationship with alcohol then please think about joining our community HEREMonthly membership is just R85 (£4/$5) 
    Or just check out our website - https://www.tribesober.com
    Any questions? - drop us a mail at membership@tribesober.com
    The Sober Spring Challenge is sponsored by Drink Nil, South Africa's first store to  specialize in alcohol-free drinks. Browse their huge selection of non-alcoholic wines, bubblies, spirits, beers and mocktails online, at drinknil.co.za.Delivery is available throughout South Africa.

    • 3 Min.
    66 Days Sober Challenge - Day 63

    66 Days Sober Challenge - Day 63

    This is a series of 66 mini podcasts - to support you through a 66 day alcohol free challenge.
    The challenge lasts for 66 days because that's how long it takes to change a habit.  
    We have published an e-book called "66 days to sobriety" (available on our website https://www.tribesober.com) - this book contains 66 pages of tips, tools and motivation so I will read a page a day for these mini podcasts.
    I will also update you on the healing taking place in your body and mind as you progress through the 66 days.
    This is a series of 66 mini podcasts - to support you through a 66 day alcohol free challenge.
    The challenge lasts for 66 days because that's how long it takes to change a habit.  
    We have published an e-book called "66 days to sobriety" (available on our website https://www.tribesober.com) - this book contains 66 pages of tips, tools and motivation so I will read a page a day for these mini podcasts.
    I will also update you on the healing taking place in your body and mind as you progress through the 66 days.

    Being SocialI hope the Daily Mails are providing some practical tips and tools together with a dash of motivation.However I am pretty sure that if I was to ask you which part of Sober Spring Challenge was most helpful you would say the WhatsApp group.Connection is the opposite of addiction (so says Johan Hari in hisawesome TED talkMany of us begin drinking in an effort to socialize with others but eventually it can escalate to the point where we are turning down social invitations because we would rather stay at home alone with our bottle of wine – which is fast becoming our “best friend”!That’s why this journey brings many people out of self imposed “isolation” towards deep and meaningful connections with a completely new crowd of people.We begin our workshops with “shares’ and I am always humbled by how people open their hearts to a bunch of strangers about just how unhappy alcohol is making them.This Sober Challenge has been a bit like a mini on-line workshop as you have all been so open about your own struggles and supportive of each other. In the “old days” you either had a drink problem and sat in a church basement saying “I am an alcoholic” every week – or you were fine.These days alcoholism has finally been recognized as a “spectrum” – with millions of us residing somewhere between being “fine” or being a serious “alcoholic”There are now a myriad of choices to change your relationship with alcohol and World Without Wine is just one of them –thank you for choosing to do this Sober Challenge with us!

    If you're enjoying the challenge and would like to change your relationship with alcohol then please think about joining our community HEREMonthly membership is just R85 (£4/$5) 
    Or just check out our website - https://www.tribesober.com
    Any questions? - drop us a mail at membership@tribesober.com
    The Sober Spring Challenge is sponsored by Drink Nil, South Africa's first store to  specialize in alcohol-free drinks. Browse their huge selection of non-alcoholic wines, bubblies, spirits, beers and mocktails online, at drinknil.co.za.Delivery is available throughout South Africa.

    • 4 Min.
    66 Days Sober Challenge - Day 62

    66 Days Sober Challenge - Day 62

    This is a series of 66 mini podcasts - to support you through a 66 day alcohol free challenge.
    The challenge lasts for 66 days because that's how long it takes to change a habit.  
    We have published an e-book called "66 days to sobriety" (available on our website https://www.tribesober.com) - this book contains 66 pages of tips, tools and motivation so I will read a page a day for these mini podcasts.
    I will also update you on the healing taking place in your body and mind as you progress through the 66 days.
    Alcohol and Adrenal FatigueWe hear a lot about “adrenal fatigue” these days and there are plenty of medics out there who will diagnose this and provide you with medication/supplements.However it could be worth reflecting on the role alcohol could be playing - some adrenal fatigue sufferers are under the misguided illusion that alcohol is a relaxant, and for that reason it’s okay to drink it.Let’s consider why that’s not such a good idea.Firstly, alcohol depresses the function of the adrenal glands, meaning that cortisol production is lowered.On the surface, this may not initially seem like such a bad thing, but over time, impaired or lowered cortisol production can lead to poor immunity, increased inflammation and disturbed sleep.Another problem lies in the fact that whenever you consume alcohol, the liver has to take a step back from its other jobs to prioritize metabolising it out of your system. This means that it has a harder time working on ridding the body of excess circulating hormones such as adrenaline.Furthermore, regular consumption of alcohol (particularly if this is combined with sugary mixers) causes your blood sugar to rise. This is very bad news if it’s happening on a regular basis and will lead to weight gain. Weight gain is common in people with adrenal exhaustion, placing this extra, unnecessary burden on the body only compounds the problem.So avoiding alcohol is the most sensible approach for anyone with adrenal fatigue. If you’re having difficulty winding down or managing your stress levels, there are far healthier ways to deal with it. 
    If you're enjoying the challenge and would like to change your relationship with alcohol then please think about joining our community HEREMonthly membership is just R85 (£4/$5) 
    Or just check out our website - https://www.tribesober.com
    Any questions? - drop us a mail at membership@tribesober.com
    The Sober Spring Challenge is sponsored by Drink Nil, South Africa's first store to  specialize in alcohol-free drinks. Browse their huge selection of non-alcoholic wines, bubblies, spirits, beers and mocktails online, at drinknil.co.za.Delivery is available throughout South Africa.

    • 3 Min.
    66 Days Sober Challenge - Day 61

    66 Days Sober Challenge - Day 61

    ----more----This is a series of 66 mini podcasts - to support you through a 66 day alcohol free challenge.
    The challenge lasts for 66 days because that's how long it takes to change a habit.  
    We have published an e-book called "66 days to sobriety" (available on our website https://www.tribesober.com) - this book contains 66 pages of tips, tools and motivation so I will read a page a day for these mini podcasts.
    I will also update you on the healing taking place in your body and mind as you progress through the 66 days.

    Is willpower a limited resourceI spent years trying to “control” my alcohol consumption. I would succeed for a while but inevitably it would all go horribly wrong and I would berate myself for having “no willpower”My thinking was that “willpower” was a personality trait – you were either a strong person with plenty of it – or not. However recent research likens willpower to a finite resource – almost like a “muscle” that gets tired. Once you’ve used up your daily quota, it’s gone.So if you’ve had a really difficult day at work and used a lot of “willpower/self control” to stay awake in a long boring meeting and then you get home and remember it’s a “no alcohol day” you could struggle more than if you had sailed through your working day with no problems. Click HEREThe good news is that if willpower is like a “muscle” which gets tired when it’s used it can also be trained to be stronger.Managing to control your behaviour today will make it more likely that you will be able to do so in the future too. So every time you say no to a drink craving, you’re not only avoiding a drink now, you’re strengthening that willpower “muscle”. So work that willpower muscle today!

    If you're enjoying the challenge and would like to change your relationship with alcohol then please think about joining our community HEREMonthly membership is just R85 (£4/$5) 
    Or just check out our website - https://www.tribesober.com
    Any questions? - drop us a mail at membership@tribesober.com
    The Sober Spring Challenge is sponsored by Drink Nil, South Africa's first store to  specialize in alcohol-free drinks. Browse their huge selection of non-alcoholic wines, bubblies, spirits, beers and mocktails online, at drinknil.co.za.Delivery is available throughout South Africa.

    • 3 Min.

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