44 Min.

Avoid clergy abuse during 16 Days of Activism and beyond Walking Without Skin Podcast

    • Mentale Gesundheit

Sandy Phillips Kirkham is a survivor of clergy abuse. He was 30 married, with two children, and at the age of 16, her youth pastor. The abuse lasted for five years. For 27 years she remained silent living with guilt and shame. A trigger forced her to face her past. That is when the healing began. Part of that healing meant facing her abuser after 27 years. Hiring a private detective she found him still ministering in a church in Alabama.
Her journey was not an easy one but she is now a survivor and an advocate for other victims. She shares a message of prevention by helping people to understand the mind of a predator and the tools used to groom, manipulate and gaslight their victims and provides a greater understanding of the dynamics of abuse and the damage done when one suffers at the hands of a so-called clergy. She serves on the board Of The Council on Child Abuse, is the interdenominational spokesperson for The Hope of Survivor's ministry, and is a sought-after speaker and podcast guest.
She resides in Cincinnati with her husband of 43 years and their two dogs. Sandy is a proud mother and grandmother

Reach out to Sandy:  www.sandyphillipskirkham.com

Contact Lois Wagner to sponsor or participate in the BE BRAVE programme to help eradicate bullying, harassment, sexual and gender-based violence: http://walkingwithoutskin.com/brave-men/


Walking without Skin is a song inspired by the work of Lois Wagner. Walking Without Skin was composed by Steve Siler of Music for the Soul and features Denise Green. It is our hope that the song will encourage and empower women as they journey on the road to healing. You may stream the song here or download it for $1.29. https://www.musicforthesoul.org/resources/walking-without-skin/

Sandy Phillips Kirkham is a survivor of clergy abuse. He was 30 married, with two children, and at the age of 16, her youth pastor. The abuse lasted for five years. For 27 years she remained silent living with guilt and shame. A trigger forced her to face her past. That is when the healing began. Part of that healing meant facing her abuser after 27 years. Hiring a private detective she found him still ministering in a church in Alabama.
Her journey was not an easy one but she is now a survivor and an advocate for other victims. She shares a message of prevention by helping people to understand the mind of a predator and the tools used to groom, manipulate and gaslight their victims and provides a greater understanding of the dynamics of abuse and the damage done when one suffers at the hands of a so-called clergy. She serves on the board Of The Council on Child Abuse, is the interdenominational spokesperson for The Hope of Survivor's ministry, and is a sought-after speaker and podcast guest.
She resides in Cincinnati with her husband of 43 years and their two dogs. Sandy is a proud mother and grandmother

Reach out to Sandy:  www.sandyphillipskirkham.com

Contact Lois Wagner to sponsor or participate in the BE BRAVE programme to help eradicate bullying, harassment, sexual and gender-based violence: http://walkingwithoutskin.com/brave-men/


Walking without Skin is a song inspired by the work of Lois Wagner. Walking Without Skin was composed by Steve Siler of Music for the Soul and features Denise Green. It is our hope that the song will encourage and empower women as they journey on the road to healing. You may stream the song here or download it for $1.29. https://www.musicforthesoul.org/resources/walking-without-skin/

44 Min.