31 episodes

The Dare2Dream Podcast, the show where we celebrate the journeys of successful entrepreneurs and business leaders who have transformed themselves and their businesses to achieve their big dreams. If you're an entrepreneur who has faced challenges, overcome obstacles, and experienced a transformational journey on your path to success, then this podcast is for you.

We believe that the stories of successful entrepreneurs and business leaders are more than just a source of inspiration; they're also a blueprint for success and provide an ability to connect to the God in all of us. By sharing the stories of those who have dared to dream big and then taken action to make their dreams a reality, we hope to inspire and guide others on their own journey.

Our guests are Christian entrepreneurs business leaders and from a variety of industries, with diverse backgrounds and experiences. They have all faced challenges and obstacles along the way, but have overcome them with determination, creativity, and resilience and with the power of God. We'll dive deep into their stories and explore how they transformed themselves and their businesses to achieve their goals.

You can email me or my team at support@dare2dreamcareers.com with any questions. Visit us online at HRForProfit.com

Dare2Dream Podcast Lisa Ealy

    • Religion und Spiritualität

The Dare2Dream Podcast, the show where we celebrate the journeys of successful entrepreneurs and business leaders who have transformed themselves and their businesses to achieve their big dreams. If you're an entrepreneur who has faced challenges, overcome obstacles, and experienced a transformational journey on your path to success, then this podcast is for you.

We believe that the stories of successful entrepreneurs and business leaders are more than just a source of inspiration; they're also a blueprint for success and provide an ability to connect to the God in all of us. By sharing the stories of those who have dared to dream big and then taken action to make their dreams a reality, we hope to inspire and guide others on their own journey.

Our guests are Christian entrepreneurs business leaders and from a variety of industries, with diverse backgrounds and experiences. They have all faced challenges and obstacles along the way, but have overcome them with determination, creativity, and resilience and with the power of God. We'll dive deep into their stories and explore how they transformed themselves and their businesses to achieve their goals.

You can email me or my team at support@dare2dreamcareers.com with any questions. Visit us online at HRForProfit.com

    Run Like a Girl

    Run Like a Girl

    You might be asking…Run like a girl where did that come from. I use the inspiration around me … I know that nothing happens by accident, what we do, where we go, where we live, who our neighbors are. – Do you know your neighbors, can they contact  you if something happens. Get to know your neighbors. Run like a girl.  It was a movie,  What Women Want,  starring Mel Gibson and Helen Hunt. Hele was an Add Executive and pitched a Nike commercial about women running… 
     At the gym, in television ads and just in my mind's eye I see a lot of women running,  No I see myself running. In fact I have envy did the app couch to 5k. and I’ll one day soon run a 5k, but I know one thing for sure… I’ll be running it like a girl
    There is a 2-time Olympic gold medalist and 2-time world soccer cup winner  Mia Hamm and she says and I quote.
    “My coach said I run like a girl and I said if He ran a little faster, He could too.”
    Stay connected..... With Rev. Lisa Ealy at https://www.cashinonyourdream.com/Join

    • 8 min
    How You Can Guarantee You Reach Your BIG built in God Dream!!

    How You Can Guarantee You Reach Your BIG built in God Dream!!

    How You Can Guarantee You Reach Your BIG built in God Dream!!
    To learn more about Career Forward visit https://CareerForward.co  https://www.LisaEaly.Com Lisa@dare2dreamcareers.com Support@dare2dreamcareers.com 240-636-9939
    Stay Connected: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisarealy/  https://www.facebook.com/LisaEaly8/  https://www.instagram.com/lisaealydreams/
    A bit about Lisa Ealy:
    As a Keynote Speaker who helps professionals to Dream Bigger in their Careers and Lives, take advantage of opportunities outside their comfort zone and be resilient after disappointment, Lisa understands the responsibility of securing the perfect speaker for your event. Lisa’s been speaking professionally at conferences, colleges, religious organizations and conventions for over 15 years. Whether it’s a small training, multi-day women’s event, or 1-day workshop, Transformational Speaker Lisa Ealy is always ready and excited to step on stage and share a noteworthy message with your audience. ​ Lisa takes pride in making YOU look good as an event planner! She wants to make your job as easy as possible! If you'd like to book Lisa for your next event.
    Lisa is honored and blessed to serve you, and looks forward to speaking with you soon.

    • 20 min
    What I learned from Dr. George Frasier on Networking

    What I learned from Dr. George Frasier on Networking

    What I learned from Dr George Fraser on Networking
    To learn more about Career Forward visit https://CareerForward.co  or www.LisaEaly.Com
    Lisa@dare2dreamcareers.com Support@dare2dreamcareers.com 240-636-9939
    Stay Connected: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisarealy/ https://www.facebook.com/LisaEaly8/ https://www.instagram.com/lisaealydreams/ FB
    A bit about Lisa Ealy:
    Group As a Keynote Speaker who helps professionals to Dream Bigger in their Careers and Lives, take advantage of opportunities outside their comfort zone and be resilient after disappointment, Lisa understands the responsibility of securing the perfect speaker for your event. Lisa’s been speaking professionally at conferences, colleges, religious organizations and conventions for over 15 years. Whether it’s a small training, multi-day women’s event, or 1-day workshop, Transformational Speaker Lisa Ealy is always ready and excited to step on stage and share a noteworthy message with your audience. ​ Lisa takes pride in making YOU look good as an event planner! She wants to make your job as easy as possible! If you'd like to book Lisa for your next event.
    Lisa is honored and blessed to serve you, and looks forward to speaking with you soon!

    • 16 min
    What This Podcast Is All About!

    What This Podcast Is All About!

    This is the Dare to Dream Podcast with Rev Lisa Ealy, Episode O. Today, in this introduction, we will talk about what it means to Dare2Dream…. And what this podcast is all about!
    I want to take this time first to honor God as the head of my life and the director of all things Lisa including Dare2Dream. Please allow me to read a scripture into your hearing and follow with a prayer.
    Ephesians 3:20-21 Now glory be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us can do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of—infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes. 21 May he be given glory forever and ever through endless ages because of his master plan of salvation for the Church through Jesus Christ.

    Lord we pause in prayer to give your name honor and glory, may this new Podcast Dare2Dream reach beyond, above and around each and every obstacle to provide the women this podcast with reach, the ability to break free and do what you have called them specifically to do, allow them here and now to manifest their dream, give them wisdom to be daring, to be bold and be gratefully to give your name the hone and glory. Amen.
    I am Rev. Lisa Ealy, and I am the founder of Dare2Dream and the founder of The Purple Squirrel Group and Real Girlfriends Pray. I am the author of the 21-Day Dare2Dream Devotional Journal and soon to be the second book.
    For many of you who are meeting me for the first time on this Podcast. I am overjoyed that you are joining me on this journey and hope and pray that you will learn, grow and even cry with me while laughing and having a lot of fun along the way!
    The podcast will officially launch on in May. In the meantime, I want to take a few minutes to talk about the concept Dare2Dream, where it came from and why I am so passionate about it.
    Dare2Dream is a mantra, a statement of intention, a motto and even a prayer of hope it is also a commitment to the manifestation of what is to come. It is also a challenge to meet, and goal to achieve and a way of life.
    It’s a Mantra, I am daring2dream, use it as a guide to ensure you are operating boldly, that you are operating at the highest level possible, that you are daring to think differently, to act differently and to achieve that which may have been outside of your grasp.
    Daring to dream may feel like an elusive goal, but that is why I am here. You see I have been daring to dream my entire life. Ultimately, this Podcast is about taking the leap to Dare2Dream and put one foot in front of the other with the needed and required guidance, prayer, tools and information to manifest your dream job sooner. The truth is that I am sure it will assist you with your dream job search, but it will also help in your life as well.
    I believe from the very bottom of my heart that Dare2Dream has the potential to change every person that will hear it and I am inviting YOU to be apart of this movement. Starting in May you will be able to join me on a regular basis for a new installment of Dare2Dream. I am also hoping you will share this movement with your friends and join us on social media using the hashtag #Dare2Dream.
    Please also take a minute to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes so that you’ll be notified as soon as the first episode is available, and then, once the podcast goes live, please rate and review the show on iTunes. I will be choosing reviewers at random to receive Dare2Dream t-shirts or mugs; they are very comfortable and useful, so you are going to want one!
    We’ve also got a free Dare2Dream bonus that you can download and print for free – just go to Dare2Dreamcareers.com to grab it.

    Before I go today, I want also to say I would love to hear from you! If you would like to share your own Dare2Dream story, or if you have any topics you would like to see or hear addressed on the Dare2Dream podcast, please feel free to reach out to us via email using the form at Dare2Dreamcareers.com. During our first episode, we wil

    • 8 min
    Reclaiming Our Time

    Reclaiming Our Time

    This is the Dare to Dream Podcast with Rev. Lisa Ealy, Episode 1. Today, our episode will focus on claiming your time so that you can manifest your dream career.
    I want to take this time first to honor God as the head of my life and the director of all things Lisa including Dare2Dream.  Please allow me to read a scripture into your hearing and follow with a prayer.
    Psalm 90:12 “So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.”
     Job 8:9 "For we are only of yesterday and know nothing because our days on earth are as a shadow.”
    Let us pray - Heavenly Father, we acknowledge your presence, as we take time to reclaim and claim our time. We are speaking life into our future selves. This is the time, the year that we will make time our own, take time to me to plan, to envision, time for self-care, time for fun, time for laughter, time for vacations, tome for meditation, journal, to be with you and to seek out your call for our dream job. Claim and name and every perfect gift come from you.  Give us the time to take the time and make the most of our time.
    Hi, I am Rev. Lisa Ealy, and I am the founder of Dare2Dream. Let jump right into our topic today “Claiming or reclaiming our time.  The time we have is important. Time is a precious gift. Once it is past or expired, we can never go back. For me, I am placing a stake a hold on my time. Yesterday’s time is but a memory. Sometimes a found memory, sometimes it’s a nightmare, and we move quacking to get to the next day some it can fade away. But either way, time is so critically important. The importance is more so related what we do with our time. What we can accomplish, and how we utilize the time we have, and the memories we might create along with new experience time gives to us.
    I ask myself why am I in a hurry to get things done I rush and rush until life’s no fun. I am not talking about using my time in this way. I am talking about savoring my time, cherishing my time, placing importance on my time.  Understanding the significance time has and the importance of it. Realizing that time is precious, time is not being wasted nor flaunted, my time is worth so much, and I so little of it to give, and none of it to waste.  Time is all we have; My time is now, My time is my own, my time, yes to say it differently This is MY time. So, women of God I am taking MY Time back… No, I am claiming and reclaiming my Time.
    Time is our most precious resource. It is perishable and irreplaceable. God in his grace has given us all the same amount – 24 hours per day. The quality, joy, and impact of our lives are directly related to how wisely we use the time we have. In addition to our ability to manifest our dreams is a direct relation to how we use each and every 24 hours we are given.
    The important thing about time is we have to preserve it in how we utilize it. The first step to utilizing out time to the fullest is to declutter.  The question is - What is clutter and why do I need to declutter? Clutter is what is taking up space related to your time, your energy, and the spaces you live, work and spend time in and around.
    This is a critical step in manifesting your dream job because when we are bogged down with clutter and the weight of too many things going on or happening all at once or even the clutter associated with too much news and too much meaningless television. Our minds, bodies, and spirits are full of this, and there is no room for anything new let alone an ability to focus on Manifesting our Dream Jobs.
    There are a few things I need you to do these next few days as homework.
    Take Inventory, Log how you spend your time. (Track it for 24-48 hours including one typical weekday and one weekend day) Inventory your workspace, your home, and your car. (taking note of what is there and what is there that is just taking up space.) Inventory your spending habits. Capture all of the results and then think about these ques

    • 14 min
    Focusing On Your Goals

    Focusing On Your Goals

    Welcome to the Dare to Dream Podcast with Rev. Lisa Ealy, Episode 2. Today, our episode “Focusing on your Goals” - to manifest your dream job.
    I want to take this time first to honor God as the head of my life and the director of all things Lisa including Dare2Dream.   Please allow me to read a scripture into your hearing and follow with a prayer.
    Scripture: Phil 3:13-16
    Beloved,[a] I do not consider that I have made it my own;[b] but this one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly[c]call of God in Christ Jesus. 15 Let those of us then who are mature be of the same mind; and if you think differently about anything, this too God will reveal to you. 16 Only let us hold fast to what we have attained. (NRSV)
    Let us pray – Gracious God, I’m not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning me towards —to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back. So let’s keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us. If any of you have something else in mind, something less than total commitment, God will clear your blurred vision—you’ll see it yet! Now that we’re on the right track let’s stay on it. Amen.
    Let jump right into our topic today “Focusing on your Goals” - to manifest your dream job.
    When we begin to focus on our Goal, we do something called pressing in or leaning in.
    So what is Press - It is a steadily applied weight or force, to move in a certain direction, Strain with urgency, haste or great attention. How fitting for our theme “Focus on the Goal, Press towards the goal.” Scripture Says to Press towards the High Calling of Jesus.  And that is so applicable to our topic today. What I know to be true is that things that are high or sitting high are often hard or hardest to reach. 
    We either must stretch, get on our tippy toes, get a stepping stool, or ask for help or unfortunately never reach what it is that we were reaching for in the first place. And that won’t do when we have a goal to reach and no time for delay.  So, let’s keep on pressing, keep on reaching and keep on striving to reach and ultimately manifest our dream.
    Because the only time of truth is right now.  We know that the gift of life is only given right now. We must learn to let go of past if we wish to experience our lives in the present. We must learn to let go of the pull of the future as well.
    I heard a wise woman say, “that is future tripping.” which is something that may not ever come to pass, but none the less we are spending today’s energy focusing on it.
    Then we have the past, the past is a memory to cherish and to grow from, and the future is promised to no one. Realize Deeply, that the present moment is all you have.
    “If your mind carries a heavy burden of past, you will experience more of the same. The past perpetuates itself through lack of presence. The quality of your consciousness at this moment is what shapes the future.” – Eckhart Tolle
    “My Presence is my Super Power to create the future I See and Want.” The Future God is calling all of us towards.
    Your goals, vision, and mission will drive your ability to achieve your dream career but not just that - it will also dive your ability to achieve your dream life and anything else you desire to manifest.  Let me say that again – Your goals, vision, and mission will drive your ability to achieve your dream career but not just that - it will also drive your ability to achieve your dream life land anything else you desire to manifest. 
    So, keep going -  keep pressing - keep leaning in towards the prize of your highest ca

    • 12 min

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