2 Min.

Loss and Confusion- Day 3 #100DaysOfMLCode Learnings of a Maker

    • Hobbys

We take a look at the loss matrix and the confusion matrix. Using Bayes, we can determine if our rover should drive over rocks or avoid them. You can adjust the numbers and test out your own theories with this google sheet — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1t8MnTQpOy33vlQXZILZyInHDDJvs8yAetwNM04OcRt4/edit?usp=sharing

#100DaysOfMLCode #ML, #Machinelearning, #LearnBuildShare, #coder, #programming, #learning, #humanlearning #IamaHumanLearningMachineLearning #SciJoyML

We take a look at the loss matrix and the confusion matrix. Using Bayes, we can determine if our rover should drive over rocks or avoid them. You can adjust the numbers and test out your own theories with this google sheet — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1t8MnTQpOy33vlQXZILZyInHDDJvs8yAetwNM04OcRt4/edit?usp=sharing

#100DaysOfMLCode #ML, #Machinelearning, #LearnBuildShare, #coder, #programming, #learning, #humanlearning #IamaHumanLearningMachineLearning #SciJoyML

2 Min.