34 Folgen

Hello, I'm Tracy Kimberg - a hypnotherapist and resilient mind coach with many years of experience in therapeutic counselling, teenage mental health, relationship coaching and anxiety management.

Every Tuesday, I bring you a new episode with tips and tools to help you stay healthy and happy - and most importantly, to just be yourself - overcoming the storms and tides of day-to-day life, mindfully and with resilience.

Many episodes will include a free hypnosis session, to download and keep.

Find out more at tracykimberg.com

Waves Of Clarity Podcast Tracy Kimberg

    • Gesundheit und Fitness

Hello, I'm Tracy Kimberg - a hypnotherapist and resilient mind coach with many years of experience in therapeutic counselling, teenage mental health, relationship coaching and anxiety management.

Every Tuesday, I bring you a new episode with tips and tools to help you stay healthy and happy - and most importantly, to just be yourself - overcoming the storms and tides of day-to-day life, mindfully and with resilience.

Many episodes will include a free hypnosis session, to download and keep.

Find out more at tracykimberg.com

    How to stop nagging your teenager.

    How to stop nagging your teenager.

    This week, Tracy talks about how you can learn to not be be a nag bag. She shares 5 helpful tips that you can use to get your teen to do things just because they want to.
    This is followed by another of Tracy's helpful and relaxing Hypnotherapy Meditations, specifically designed to help you with your relationship with your teenager. You can also download these and listen to them again.
    Tracy can be contacted as follows:
    Website: www.tracykimberg.com
    Phone: 07928 154054
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tracy.kimberg.therapy 
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tracy-kimberg-teenage-transformation-therapist-9564a3193/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tracy_kimberg_teentherapist/
    hello. My name is Tracy. Kimberg welcome to the waves of clarity. I am a teenage therapist and a relationship specialist. My passion, of course, is teenagers helping them find their super power so that they can use throughout their life as they grow into adulthood and become more aware of how they behavior influences they world.
    I believe that relationships are built. From knowing exactly what your superpower is to that you can use that to help you overcome difficult situations and build better relationships. We all have a super power that we can tune into. And when we do this, we can do extraordinary things. We can help ourselves overcome, um, storms and tides of life.
    We can help other people, we can improve relationships and we can reach goals and dreams that we have for ourselves. We can even change our own behavior when we tune into our own superpowers. Today, I'd like to talk to you about nagging as a parent. I'm sure. You've heard yourself say these phrases, clean your room, do your homework.
    Have you done your chores? You can't go out until you've done this. Why haven't you done that? If you have a team you will know full and well, that this is a very, very tricky part of parenting journey. I speak from experience. As I currently have three daughters still living at home, the one is 16. The one is 21 and the one is 25.
    And sometimes it feels like I am such an ag bag. Most parents of teens. No, they sound like a broken record and it's painful. So painful, not just for us to hear. But also for our teens, but no one appreciates nagging, believe it or not, there's a far better way. And I promise you, it works.
    Okay. When we were growing up, our parents probably nagged us as well. And you might've even promised yourself when you were young, that you would never, ever sound anything. Like your parents and none of that nagging would ever come out of your mouth. But the reality is if you're a parent of a teenager, you've probably already used a variation of these words that I mentioned earlier.
    And in despite of the very best intentions, you can't help yourself. But why is this? It's likely because at some point you were just too tired or too stressed. To figure it out and think about the alternatives that you could possibly use. It just seems more natural to tell your team to do things rather than giving them a gentle push.
    They might need that you would have made them choose that action just because they wanted to. So the secret is to get your teenage motivated, motivated to do what you're asking to do. And I'm going to share you a few tips on how you can do this. So let's start with tip number one, start by being the voice of reason in the middle of the storm.
    As you know, our teens get so stressed and easily overwhelmed. And when this happens, they just want to shut down and be left alone at worst. They likely to make serious, um, decisions leading to usually a bigger, a bit of a disaster.
    Today. I'd like to share my five magic tips with you on how you can help yourself to stop nagging number one, and to help your teenager be motivated to do the things that you ask them without having to repeat yourself numerous times. So the first tip is start by being the voice of reason in the m

    • 27 Min.
    Frank Soonius On Never Giving Up On Your Dreams

    Frank Soonius On Never Giving Up On Your Dreams

    Frank Soonius is described as 'The Dream Driver'. You will hear his dramatic life story along with inspiration and advice to never give up on your dreams. Frank's book on the importance of living your gift is 'Trapped In A Dream' and can be found here: https://www.trappedinadreambook.com
    Some of the content of the conversation covers some difficult subjects and experiences.
    Tracy can be contacted as follows:
    Website: www.tracykimberg.com
    Phone: 07928 154054
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/Tracy.Kimberg.Counselling.Therapy.Coaching/
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tracy-kimberg-9564a3193/
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/tracy_kimberg_hypnotherapist/
    welcome to another episode of the waves of clarity. My name is Tracy Kimberg. I am a teenage therapist and a relationship expert. What'd you don't know about me is that I used to be a nurse as well. And being a nurse taught me that. Even when someone is incredibly ill and going through a very difficult time, physically their mental strength can pick them up and carry them through difficult times.
    And this is exactly why I decided to have a podcast where I can help you find that within you. If you listening. And you are in a difficult time in your life or going through some struggles. Then I want you to be able to listen to my podcast and find something within what I'm sharing that is going to help you realize that you have grit.
    You have resilience, you have incredible inner strength to overcome whatever it is you're facing. I'd like you to play a game with me quickly. Have you ever try to. Associate an, a word with someone maybe, um, imagine your partner or one of your children, or maybe your best friend, and to think what one word would describe them.
    Isn't it incredible how, even just by thinking of someone, you can actually put a word. That exactly frames their personality. And this is what I'm going to do today with Frank Soonius who's my guest. He me symbolizes courage and not just courage written in normal font, courage in capital letters. And I can't wait for you to listen to Frank story, Frank.
    Is the pivotal example of overcoming hardship and never, ever giving up on his dreams. I am so honored to have you here and I'd like you to please introduce yourself, um, tell people who you are and what brought you to this space where you are today. Well, I'm a Frank Sudanese. I live close by them and, uh, I was born a long time ago, more than 60 years.
    And that's always what I say. People start, stop asking when I was born in incident and, um, I was born high sensitive and, uh, yeah, brought me. I know now that that being, I, since it's a, it's a superpower, but that's only after 50 years, I discovered that it's your superpower. And I had to go, uh, A long way to find out that being sensitive is, is good enough.
    And you can go on with it and you have a superpower, but I didn't know that when I was born, I don't want to interrupt you too much, but some people might not know what high sensitive means. Can you explain that? Of course I can do it. If you feel too much, you hear too much. It gets too much. And in my case, I gave it all away.
    Okay. So tell me about this story that I heard. Um, we, you chose the title for today's podcast, which is put your heart in your dream. Um, which is a very beautiful title. I pick up that book by as if it was a book. Maybe this is the title for your next book. It's probably
    a lovely title. Tell your story. Yeah. Yeah. I can do it now a really, really short and really to the point. And I was, I was born. I sense that and how it did. I noticed it. When I was in school, uh, I always helped the children or who was bullied and how did I help them to put them in my team when we play soccer and then beat the bullies.
    And they helped me too, because I became really good in my sports because I had to do more than. I'd never had the good players around, but I had always the people who were picked on, but I love to help them and let t

    • 48 Min.
    Nina Aouilk on 'Being The Change'

    Nina Aouilk on 'Being The Change'

    Nina Aouilk is an inspirational speaker and talks to Tracy about being resilient and the ability to overcome anything, whilst spreading kindness and making a difference.
    Nina's website is www.ninaaouilk.com
    Tracy can be contacted as follows:
    Website: www.tracykimberg.com
    Phone: 07928 154054
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/Tracy.Kimberg.Counselling.Therapy.Coaching/
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tracy-kimberg-9564a3193/
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/tracy_kimberg_hypnotherapist/
    Hello. My name is Tracy Kimberg. I'm a teenage therapist and a relationship coach. My life has. Often had waves and tides and storms and difficult uphills and fast downhills. Like everybody else's life. No one's life is perfect, but we all have the ability to overcome these times. And some of us have the ability to turn it into something extraordinary.
    And this is exactly what my guest has done. Her name is Nina Aouilk . Nina is an author. About to release a book. She is a motivational speaker and she is a humanitarian. She is very, very inspiring. And I invite you to sit back and listen to what she has to say, listen to what she has to share and just take it in.
    And why you doing that? Understand that you have it in you as well to overcome anything life throws at you. If you find the support you need, if you find what you have inside you. Dig deep, get in there inside yourself, and you will find the strength to overcome anything. In this episode, we are going to touch on some sensitive subjects, sensitive subjects that might, you might find upsetting.
    If anything that we discussed in this episode resonates with you, or is your situation that I do invite you to get in touch, speak up, don't hide the truth from yourself and from other people it's always better to be open and honest and find the help that you need, because you can turn your life around.
    And if you're a parent and you have a situation where your child. Is perhaps being bullied or not doing too well mentally, then please get in touch. I would love to have a discussion with you and help you and your child find a solution and turn the situation around to something that is more positive and a happier solution.
    So let me introduce Nina elk. Nina. Thank you for being my guest. Oh my goodness. This is such. An exciting day for me to have you as a guest, I've heard your story before, and I think this is a story that needs to be repeated and change their lives. Just like it's changed mine. Thank you so much for agreeing to be my guest today on the waves of clarity.
    So, um, tell us a little bit about your story and what's brought you to be such, um, passionate advocate for this whole story. Yeah, I think the word passionate is an understatement is it's overwhelming. I can't describe it to anybody I've tried, but it's very, very difficult when you. Go through something you just want to help somebody else go through, um, what you want to stop them going through if you can.
    But if they are going through, you want to help them in any way that you possibly can. I can only imagine that as a parent, you want to help with the parents that might have felt the way you were feeling. Um, so I'm sure that you know where I'm coming from, which place I'm coming from. And it does, it overwhelms you to a point where it's almost like somebody saying, Hey, Hey.
    Come on Nina, do something you can't sit back and be part of the problem you need to be. Part of the solution for me, bullying starts the day I was born and it was agenda discrimination because of my culture. Girls, uh, killed it, but just because that born girls, and I've said a few times that there often now, because of the way the medical facilities are in comparison to when I was born, they're aborted.
    So once they find out it's a girl, they were bought at that birth. So these children don't even make it into the world. The ones that do make into the weld or either. Left in place as an India, they leave them under trucks and the hope

    • 37 Min.
    How To Be Confidently You

    How To Be Confidently You

    Gary Doherty is an expert in self image and self confidence and speaks about his personal journey and how you can confidently you.
    For more information on Gary and his courses, head to https://thinknetwork.co/
    Tracy can be contacted as follows:
    Website: www.tracykimberg.com
    Phone: 07928 154054
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/Tracy.Kimberg.Counselling.Therapy.Coaching/
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tracy-kimberg-9564a3193/
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/tracy_kimberg_hypnotherapist/
    welcome to the waves of clarity episode 21. My name is Tracy Kimberg. I'm a teenage transformation therapist and a relationship coach. My passion is to really help teenagers love themselves for who they are without having to try and be a part of a crowd or be like anybody else and be true to themselves and know their self-worth.
    I also love helping people within their relationships find out what makes each other tick, how we can better communicate and practice emotional intelligence within our own relationships. But this week, I invited Gary Doherty as a guest on my podcast. Gary is doing amazing things and he's spreading the word about being your true self and doing the best you can in your life, living your life to its fullest and making a difference in the world is so important to all of us.
    We can all start with tiny little things, tiny gestures of kindness, and just being positive and helpful to people that we notice ne our help and support can already make a difference in the world. So Gary, welcome to the waves of clarity and I am so excited to have you here today. You, um, have such amazing energy and I'm sure everybody, after listening to you is going to feel very uplifted and energized by your incredible.
    Attitude and energy welcome Gary. Well, firstly, thank you so much. Um, it's, it's a pleasure to be here and a pleasure to talk to yourself and to connect with your audience and your, your, your following and be as some old rest, all of them. Hi to everybody. Um, we met in club posts. If you're not on club posts, you must note if you don't have an iPhone.
    Yeah, well, no, if you don't have one and you have an Android, you will be able to in five weeks anyway, so relaxed. Okay. Either way you'll be on it. Um, I'm, I'm guarded already on the finder of think network, which is, uh, Europe's fastest growing independent empowerment platform bar numb anywhere. And the P as in Europe, I'm being humble saying that because I believe it's the word.
    Um, and I will check that all out sun and the bio will change, um, as my mission and vision to help make the world a better place. One event at a time, one podcast at a time, one club poster and that one webinar, one subscription, one grip, one conversation, one connection, one follow we'll make one chair will everything.
    That's my mission. That's my mantra. And, um, I don't want to do it. I am doing it. And, um, I'm also a TEDx creator license holder and speaker. Fantastic. Gary, it's quite a mouthful. Um, so in your life, when did you, um, start finding yourself interested in the concept of showing up as your true self. I have always my whole life wanted to show up as my true self.
    And have you ever listened to my Ted talk? Whatever you give up three feet from gold, check it out. The TEDx YouTube channel, um, shameless plug. I always felt that I was loving on a present of a mind. That I didn't have the courage to be my authentic self because I didn't have my cell phone, which was super, my confidence was so low and I felt like an impostor in life.
    I didn't have the courage to be my authentic self Tracy and I always wanted to be, and I always knew I wanted to be. So I went through life, not be in my authentic self for. My whole life. I'm going to say up until I started to be on the journey to be calming. I'm having the courage to be who I am now.
    I'm probably in my mid twenties. I'm going to say. Um, so when, when you were a teenager, how did you feel about yourself? I only, I would

    • 33 Min.
    Andrew Weingart on being a conscious parent

    Andrew Weingart on being a conscious parent

    Andrew Weingart speaks to Tracy about being a conscious parent with your children, helping them develop their true selves.
    Andrew can be found on Instagram at www.instagram.com/elevatewithandrew/ 
    Details of his course are here: https://linktr.ee/elevatewithandrew
    For 80% off the course, message Andrew direct for a promo code (or drop Tracy a note and she will connect you).
    Tracy can be contacted as follows:
    Website: www.tracykimberg.com
    Phone: 07928 154054
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/Tracy.Kimberg.Counselling.Therapy.Coaching/
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tracy-kimberg-9564a3193/
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/tracy_kimberg_hypnotherapist/
    and welcome to the waves of clarity. This is the 20th episode. Oh my goodness. I can't hardly believe it. It's been five months of weekly podcasts. And I want to thank you for listening for your support. I hope that you have really managed to listen to most of the episodes and that in each episode you found something valuable that has made a difference in your life.
    Let's be honest with each other. This last year has been an absolute nightmare at times, but we've also had loads of really special times and memories that we're going to carry with us for a very, very long time. But a lot of us have lost our motivation, our mojo, so to speak. Have you lost your mojo. Then this episode is exactly what you need to listen to.
    I have a guest, his name is Andrew Weingart. Andrew is a motivational speaker and he specializes in teaching people about mindfulness and also helping teenagers be better motivated and more mindful in their lives. Being a therapist is extremely rewarding. It can also be quite difficult sometimes listening to people's hardships and the troubles that they have in their lives, but there is nothing more.
    Wonderful for me then getting an amazing review from a client that's completed their course in therapy, or has completed the first step and is willing to carry on in the process of improving themselves and building their resilience throughout their lives. So, today I want to share with you a very special, um, review, which is from one of my clients.
    It's a young lad that. Really what amazed me. He walked into my office feeling really shy. And, um, the transformation that I saw in him over the three months that he came to see me was absolutely magnificent and made me very proud in a way, not of myself, but of him because he is the one that did the hard work.
    So this is his review in his own words, which I really love. I was nervous in the beginning and didn't like talking, but felt comfortable after the first session. I have learned how to be confident now. And I'm so thankful that I came and definitely recommend this. So this type of review is really what makes my job worth doing.
    I love it when people really feel the benefit of coming for therapy.
    Very important to remember is if anything, in today's episode, when I talk to Andrew resonates with you. Then I welcome you and I invite you to contact me. I'd love to have a discussion with you and see if there's anything we can do to help you. And if I can't help you, I can definitely refer you to someone that can help you.
    I'd also like to invite you to next week's episode, which is going to be focused on the importance of proper communication in your relationship, healthy communication. Open communication, which is vital for your relationship to thrive and grow. Let's get on with this week's episode, excited to introduce him.
    He is really interesting and I'm sure you're going to enjoy listening to everything he has to say. Welcome Andrew, to the waves of clarity podcast. I'm so honored to have you here. So I'm going to introduce you. I'd like you to introduce yourself and tell people about who you are. What you do and what your passions are.
    Well, thanks for that, Tracy. I appreciate it. I appreciate you taking the time out of your day and what you're doing here as well. Like providing a platf

    • 48 Min.
    Helping Your Teen & Build Your Beliefs As A Parent (Meditation from episode 19)

    Helping Your Teen & Build Your Beliefs As A Parent (Meditation from episode 19)

    It can seem incredibly difficult helping teens through low moods and depression. This guided meditation (part of episode 19) can be downloaded for free to use whenever you wish.
    Tracy can be contacted as follows:
    Website: www.tracykimberg.com
    Phone: 07928 154054
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/Tracy.Kimberg.Counselling.Therapy.Coaching/
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tracy-kimberg-9564a3193/
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/tracy_kimberg_hypnotherapist/

    • 14 Min.

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