123 épisodes

Join Dean Jackson and Dan Sullivan as they talk about growing your business and living you best life in Cloudlandia.

Welcome to Cloudlandia Dean Jackson and Dan Sullivan

    • Affaires

Join Dean Jackson and Dan Sullivan as they talk about growing your business and living you best life in Cloudlandia.

    Ep129: CoachCon and the Art of Growing Older

    Ep129: CoachCon and the Art of Growing Older

    In this episode of Welcome to Cloudlandia, I reflect on the successful launch of our inaugural CoachCon conference, which brought together 350 members of the Strategic Coach community in Nashville.

    The vibrant energy of Music City and the exceptional facilities of the Music City Center made for an experience surpassing expectations.

    Our discussion centers on cultivating the mental fortitude needed to remain anchored amid future-focused hustle. We connect this to aspects like political endurance while acknowledging the enrichment that unfolding daily actions alone confer on tomorrow's potential.


    We recap the inaugural CoachCon Conference in Nashville, noting the participation of 350 strategic thinkers and our partnership with Agile for event organization.
    I share my personal stance on cowboy attire and backyard barbecues, highlighting a preference for distinctively non-Western wardrobe choices.
    We reflect on aging and the evolution of long-term vision, contrasting my early career's short-sightedness with the strategic foresight demonstrated by successful individuals and families.
    I celebrate another birthday and contemplate the depth of understanding that comes with each passing year, using the experiences of Kathy Ireland as an example of life's cumulative experiences enriching future visions.
    We explore the importance of journaling and manifesting desires into reality, discussing how projecting our goals into the future contributes to personal growth.
    The discussion covers the importance of crafting a future-focused vision, especially as one grows older, to avoid feeling diminished with age.
    We examine the significance of living in the present moment and how our current actions lay the foundation for future success.
    Personal insights are shared on the perception of time and the possibility of slowing down our experience of it through heightened consciousness.
    We speculate on political endurance and the uncertainties in the political arena, likening it to a horse race with a focus on the candidates' abilities to sustain a full term.
    The conversation includes a mention of upcoming travel plans, expressing a commitment to continue these enlightening conversations from wherever life takes us, whether it be a London hotel or a Cleveland suite.



    (AI transcript provided as supporting material and may contain errors)

    Dean: Mr Sullivan.

    Dan: I am back from Nashville.

    Dean: That's what I hear. I am excited to hear all about it. It looked like a real party it was a total party. Two parties.

    Dan: Yeah, so providing some context for the listening audience. We had our very first community conference and I say that because you did not get invited unless you were connected to someone in the strategic coach community and it's our first conference of this kind called CoachCon. And as a result of it. I already committed at my birthday party, which was on the second night, two-day conference, second night and I said we're going to have one in 26. So we're thinking we'll do this every two years Okay, that's amazing.

    Yeah, and we had 350, which was good for, you know, our first experience.

    Dean: And.

    Dan: I will say that we're really committed to Nashville. Nashville is just such a great city to have a conference. It's just. The city itself has an enormous amount of energy and the Music City Center is just a marvelous venue. It is so big it staggers your imagination. It's two blocks long by almost two blocks wide, and if you look at it from the air, from above, it looks like a guitar.

    Dean: Right, right right.

    Dan: Yeah, which you wouldn't do in Toronto.

    Dean: It would have no meaning, it would have no meaning.

    Dan: It would have no meaning in Toronto. Okay, it would.

    Dean: And anyway I was working with go ahead. I was just going to say not to

    • 54 min
    Ep128: Balancing Health and Habit

    Ep128: Balancing Health and Habit

    In this episode of Welcome to Cloudlandia, I reminisce about our wonderful experience at the recent Cloudlandia conference at Canyon Ranch in Tucson facilitated by the legendary Joe Polish.

    We discuss the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle through routines like DEXA scans. Our conversation explores cultivating daily habits that balance productivity and creativity without overcommitting.

    Wrapping up, we tackle the nuances of time management as entrepreneurs and commitment levels' impact on execution. Discover how dependability and prudent social media actions shape future opportunities, drawing from Kevin O'Leary's wisdom.


    Dan and I delve into the significance of the series' theme song and its role in their listening routine, based on Chris's reflections.
    We discuss Chris's trip to Tucson and their perspective on the moderated conference experience led by Joe Polish at Canyon Ranch.
    We highlight the importance of maintaining consistency and improvement over time, drawing upon the eight profit activators as an example.
    Dan analyzes a typical day at Canyon Ranch through Chris's recount, emphasizing the value of health checks like the DEXA scan for body composition.
    We explore the paradox of having ample free time yet facing a lack of productivity due to multiple options.
    Dan and I discuss the various levels of commitment and how they influence the ability to complete tasks, especially in the entrepreneurial environment.
    The chapter on trust, money, and social media is explored, examining the challenges of relying on unpredictable and the personal ethos of dependability.
    We assess the intertwined nature of trust, money, and social media, referencing Kevin O'Leary's perspective on the potential long-term impacts of public actions.
    reflect on Chris's strategy for managing time and commitments, including his rule against traveling for marketing purposes.
    The episode concludes with us having a candid conversation about procrastination, commitment, and the challenge of executing tasks without external scaffolding.



    (AI transcript provided as supporting material and may contain errors)

    Dan: Welcome to Cloudlandia. You know, the theme song to this series might be the song that I've listened to more in my life than any other song.

    Dean: Oh, that's funny I like it.

    Dan: I was going through the archives and I said you know, I don't think I've listened to any song as much as I have this song. That's so funny. Yeah, I love it Good music though. It's good music.

    Dean: And good message.

    Dan: And it, I love it, it's good music, though.

    Dean: It's good music, yes, and good message.

    Dan: And it's good message.

    Dean: It's always a reminder. So welcome back. You've been on the road, arizona.

    Dan: Yes, how was that? Oh, it was great. We were in Tucson for about five days at Canyon Ranch, and the weather was absolutely superb. In Fahrenheit terms it was roughly about 75.

    Dean: Yeah, perfect right.

    Dan: Clear, cool nights, blue skies, no rain and the genius was great. Joe is really in the sweet spot.

    Joe Polish is really in the sweet spot because he's controlling it now with his interviews and I think that's terrific, because he had six different guests and if they're just giving a presentation, it can be from bad to really great. But what Joe provides, he just does a framework and of course he directs them with questions and he knows the audience, he knows the speakers, so he's doing a great job of moderating and I think that's a terrific move.

    Dean: I like the new setup too that he's got there, the stage with the kind of environment that's good, nice, the kind of environment that's good, Nice.

    Dan: Well, let's Proves that, if you just stick with some things long enough, you know it turns really superb after

    • 54 min
    Ep120: Strategies for Enhanced Productivity

    Ep120: Strategies for Enhanced Productivity

    In today's episode of Welcome to Cloudlandia, Dan and I discuss the paradox of achieving more through minimal effort. Exploring concepts like the 'Crucial ABC Questions' and the 80/20 rule, we uncover how sometimes the best approach is to simply stand still—how inaction itself can be a powerful strategy.

    We share insights into the transformative nature of strategic scheduling and how it can liberate our lives from daily logistical burdens. By entrusting details to others and focusing only on meaningful tasks, forward-thinking time management elevates our experience and enables richer collaborations.

    Touching on varied successes, we reflect on the diverse challenges public figures face and the support networks shaping their approaches.


    We explore the concept of achieving more by doing less, focusing on the 'Crucial ABC Questions' to isolate growth problems and find their least-effort solutions.
    Dan and I discuss how inaction can sometimes be the most effective action, particularly when it leads to strategic delegation and efficiency.
    We delve into the 80/20 principle, highlighting how focusing on the 20% of efforts that yield 80% of the results can enhance productivity.
    Strategic scheduling is presented as a tool for life liberation, allowing individuals to indulge in what truly matters by delegating logistics to others.
    We share personal stories and insights on how public figures manage their time and the impact of their support systems on personal and professional growth.
    I share my approach to problem-solving by considering whether inaction could solve the problem or what is the least effort required to achieve the goal.
    We highlight the significance of having others manage your structured calendar to allow for freedom of choice and richer life experiences.
    Reflecting on success and fame, we examine how various degrees of support systems and self-reliance influence celebrities' lives and careers.
    Strategies for entrepreneurs on managing time and maximizing productivity include asking key questions to reduce time spent on issues and preparing for future growth.
    We discuss the importance of personal routines and structure in providing a sense of security and time management, and the philosophy of avoiding unnecessary risks.



    (AI transcript provided as supporting material and may contain errors)

    Dean: Mr Sullivan,

    Dan: Mr Jackson.

    Dean: There we are Back again.

    Dan: I have a question for you.

    Dean: Okay.

    Dan: Are there any problems you're solving today by doing nothing?

    Dean: Yeah, I love it. It's like a paradox. You know, I had a great time at our workshop this week going through that, the exercise. I've been thinking a lot about it, actually, like I really have over the last several days. I've been writing a lot of things and so I could share some of the things, but yeah, I'd like to hear one. Okay, so let's preface it. I love, by the way, how our podcast is really just one continuous conversation that we jump right into everywhere.

    Dan: Last one, so for anybody listening.

    Dean: Let me try and take my shot at explaining your. What do you call the tool? What do you call the thinking tool?

    Dan: The crucial ABC questions.

    Dean: The crucial ABC questions. So my understanding of it, having you explain it to me and having gone through the exercise, is that there are some number of goals or obstacles or things that you want to do.

    Dan: And I call them growth, I call them growth problems. Growth, In other words you have plans for growing something in your business life? For your personal life. But there is a problem. And I like the way, if you solve the problem, then the growth happens.

    Dean: Yeah, I like the way of thinking about a problem not as an emotional negative thing but as a math proposition. Yo

    • 56 min
    Ep124: Dissecting the Fabric of Time, Commerce, and Personal Growth

    Ep124: Dissecting the Fabric of Time, Commerce, and Personal Growth


    We discuss the chaotic nature of daylight savings time, including its agricultural origins and debate over its current usefulness.
    We examine the historical development of measurement systems, particularly the metric and imperial systems, and their impact on cultural standards.
    I share personal anecdotes about adapting to metric measurements in Canada and look forward to a trip related to a stem cell project in Buenos Aires.
    We delve into the dynamics of capitalism and intellectual property, using Amazon's business practices as an example of market trend capitalization.
    We recount war stories from the frontlines of commerce and highlight the significance of trademarks in protecting intellectual property against knockoffs.
    Peter Zeihan joins us to provide a macroscopic view of global events and dissects the interconnected fabric of our world.
    We explore the influence of geography on politics, discussing factors such as Florida's appeal for real estate and the impact of political strategies on elections.
    We chart a course through personal development by focusing on the transformative power of daily habits and the pursuit of personal growth.
    I detail my health journey and the benefits of mentorship, high-protein diets, and habit stacking, as well as the challenges of technological transitions.
    We emphasize the neutral nature of habits and the importance of accountability in crafting disciplined routines for a life well-lived.



    (AI transcript provided as supporting material and may contain errors)

    Dean: Hello there, mr Sullivan, mr Jackson. You know, your Loudland announcer, who welcomes us to the call, always promises there's going to be others, but there never is. There's just one, just us.

    Dan: We're waiting for others to join. I am other.

    Dean: We're waiting for others to catch up.

    Dan: That's exactly right.

    Dean: Well, how?

    Dan: did you? How do you feel you're an hour short? Yeah, I don't like this.

    Dean: I've been confused about five times so far today.

    Dan: Okay.

    Dean: Part of the reason is my watch and my cell phone are in another time zone and that's reflected.

    Dan: My computer is still in Toronto. Oh, my goodness, that's so funny. Are you in Chicago right now? Oh, got it Okay.

    Dean: Yeah, it's a little F you from winter, you know you get this little kick.

    Dan: Okay, I'll leave, but I'm taking an hour with me.

    Dean: I mean, I mean it's go ahead.

    Dan: I was gonna say we can't complain because we got an extra day this year. We got 24 extra hours, so I guess we deducted it from that surplus.

    Dean: But that's in the past and that is, in the past, yeah, that's right, you know, I haven't really studied where that came from, but I think it has to do with farming Daylight savings.

    Dan: Yeah, I think it was to absolutely to extend harvest times in the summer. You know, work more. Yeah, I thought we were trying to get rid of it. We, as a you know that's the inclusive version of they thought they were trying, we try to try to get rid of it.

    Dean: Yeah, no, I haven't. I haven't really devoted an hour and a minute of time to that particular project.

    Dan: I know, Florida is. I know Florida is like Arizona is considering staying on daylight savings time at all times and not yeah, and I think there were a lot of states that were looking to do that and I thought, oh boy, what a, what a mess that would be. It's already enough of a nuisance that Arizona doesn't participate.

    Dean: You know I would vote for keeping it. Yeah you know why?

    Dan: Because it's quirky, it is a little bit quirky, and you know what for me in?

    Dean: Florida and I like quirkiness and other people, so why wouldn't I like quirky in the time system?

    Dan: Well, you know, it's the only way that I mark the season changes. That for me is like the transition into, y

    • 49 min
    Ep123: Innovative Habits for Personal Achievement

    Ep123: Innovative Habits for Personal Achievement

    In today's episode of Welcome to Cloudlandia, I share insights from my experience at the Cloudland Summit. We discuss the carefully constructed approach to selecting impactful speakers and crafting their messages.

    Dan and I explore deeper implications of habits. From influencing personal growth to organizational culture and nations. Recent tech and political events show how biases stem from ingrained habits.

    We cover self-tracking progress through a daily habit-scoring system and cooking's role in health, wealth, and innovation. Overall, it's a thought-provoking look at intentional living and leveraging the mundane for extraordinary results.


    We discuss the Cloudland Summit and how major tech breakthroughs often come from the convergence of three pre-existing technologies.
    I share insights from my upcoming book "Everything is Created Backward," suggesting that innovation stems from remixing the past.
    We explore Perplexity, an AI tool that aids in research by suggesting further inquiries and providing references.
    We analyze the creation of iTunes as an example of innovation by combining existing elements in novel ways.
    I introduce the 'Top 50 Tool' I've devised to identify and refine daily habits that shape our lives and future selves.
    We examine the role of present habits in shaping our future selves and the effectiveness of setting goals for personal growth.
    We touch on the biases of Google's chatbot and the financial repercussions of such biases on a company's valuation.
    We discuss the number 51's significance in politics and business and the importance of counting fundamentals.
    We talk about the transformative power of cooking habits on health and wallets, and the broader implications on personal and national success.
    We tease the introduction of a new tool designed to track and score daily progress, highlighting the importance of consistent habits.



    (AI transcript provided as supporting material and may contain errors)

    Dean: Mr Sullivan, yes, it's Welcome to cloudland at time.

    Dan: Amen. I heard it's being recorded, so that's half the job right there.

    Dean: Yeah, and it's never going to let you down.

    Dan: That's right, Well, yeah what a what a whirlwind week. It was so good to see you and babs and everybody.

    Dean: We were shooting for one meal and we were shooting for one meal and that kind of ended up as five.

    Dan: Yes, what what can happen. Oh, that's, yeah. Nothing wrong with that. I like it. They were all playful.

    Dean: Yeah. Yeah, it was really interesting because I spent probably a day preparing for the Friso summit for our listeners. We just had our annual being the top level of strategic coach and and we have this every year it's it's a meeting Squeezed in between two drinking parties. Oh man, that's funny. Yeah, the meeting is so you can recover for the first from the first drinking parties so that you're ready to go for the second one.

    Dan: And I'll tell you what. I sold that to those pokeballs short, that was those are delicious.

    Dean: Yeah, I always find that alcohol is the almost failproof Of 10 times multiplier. There you go one dollar invested in alcohol Somewhere along the line, that always produces the 10 times positive result.

    Dan: Oh, good, that's noted.

    Dean: Yeah, I'm not sure that marijuana does that.

    Dan: Oh no.

    Dean: Yeah, yeah, anyway, yeah, but I spent a day on that conference and. What I did is we chose the speakers and then alanora called each of them to see if that was okay and we specified the topic, and that was all done by you know, alanora. And then what I did is I wrote a fast filter for each of the speakers, not on what they were going to talk about, but how they were going to talk, okay. And I thought it worked really well. I thought it worked really well.


    • 51 min
    Ep122: The Fusion of Innovation and the Natural World

    Ep122: The Fusion of Innovation and the Natural World

    In today's episode of Welcome to Cloudlandia, we reflect on serenity in nature and technology, drawing parallels between Cloudlandia and meticulously raked sand.

    Woven into our talk is AI and how it's changing everything, from Evan's course helping us out at work to all the crazy experiments shaking things up. We get into how innovation unexpectedly boosted my creativity, which we're calling "exponential tinkering".

    As our annual event nears, lessons in "exponential thinking" add to the anticipation of a reunited community and potential for growth.


    Dean and I explore the serenity of Cloudlandia and how it parallels the peacefulness found in Japanese Zen gardens, reflecting on the role of imagination in experiencing digital spaces.
    We discuss the success of Evan Ryan's AI course within our company and how it has encouraged experiments with AI across different teams.
    Dean introduces the concept of "exponential tinkering," highlighting how AI is revolutionizing the arts and content creation, with a nod to OpenAI's Sora tool.
    We contemplate the cultural shift toward immersive experiences like VR, while expressing skepticism about their long-term utility and appeal.
    Dan recognizes the importance of integrating existing consumer experiences to create innovative products, using Apple as an example.
    We highlight insights from Mark Mills' book "The Cloud Revolution" on the strategic importance of reshoring supply chains and repurposing shopping centers into logistics hubs.
    We compare Tesla's success to the sustainability challenges faced by other electric vehicle companies that are more dependent on government subsidies.
    We share anecdotes about the Soviet-era's illusion of luxury, and how modern-day explorers uncover the true state of Soviet infrastructure.
    We examine the declining enthusiasm for venture capital in the tech world and the concept of "cruel optimism" that can be prevalent in this sector.
    Excitement is expressed for our upcoming annual event, stressing the value of 'exponential thinking' and the potential growth of our community.



    (AI transcript provided as supporting material and may contain errors)

    Dean: Mr Sullivan how are you, mr Jackson?

    Dan: Well, welcome to Cloudlandia. I'm sitting out in my courtyard and it's a little bit of a cold, rainy morning. I don't know if you can hear the rain gently falling in the courtyard. It's relaxing.

    Dean: Do you have an?

    Dan: umbrella over your head. No, I'm in a. I have a covered, a covered area here that I'm sitting at about. I don't know what you call it, like a lamina or a loja, I don't know how it is, but it's a covered underroof thing, that's attached to my courtyard.

    Dean: What you're saying is that there's something between you and this guy. That's exactly it.

    Dan: I'm not getting rained on, I'm under covered, as they say.

    Dean: Yeah, well, it's sort of a poignant, almost like a Japanese. Stay right, yeah, this almost feels like a Japanese Zen garden.

    Dan: here I hear the like the little the water coming off the roof of a tile roof, so that it's very Japanese Zen actually, because the there's a spout that drains the water down into a drain. Yeah, so nice.

    Dean: Yeah, it's very interesting. When I was a teenager I sort of fell in love with Japanese culture. This would be early 60s, late 50s, early 60s and you know I read the literature, I looked at the artwork. I was interested in their architecture, their history, and then in my military. I was drafted into the US military and got sent to South Korea. And I'm an R and R. Rest and relaxation, that's what they called it.

    Dan: R and R I went to Japan.

    Dean: I went to twice, oh nice. And my memory is of being in the mountains, at a place where they really didn't speak English I don't know even now if they you know, having Am

    • 56 min

Classement des podcasts dans Affaires

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Émotions (au travail)
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L'Éducation Financière Pour Tous
L'Éducation Financière Pour Tous

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