Lead With Love - S2 E10 What's Next Podcast

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In Today’s episode, Val talks about leading with love and how it involves approaching life with a sense of compassion and grace, both towards others and oneself. It means prioritizing empathy, understanding, and kindness in interactions, recognizing that everyone faces their own battles. Compassion extends inward as well. Leading with love requires showing yourself the same kindness and care you offer others. This includes practicing self-compassion, forgiving your own mistakes, and taking time to nurture your well-being. By maintaining this balance of care and empathy, you create a positive and resilient mindset, which in turn enhances your ability to lead and inspire others effectively. This holistic approach ensures that love and care permeate every aspect of life, building stronger, more supportive communities.


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/listentowhatsnext/?next=%2F

Spotify Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/05SH0yLqzq331RUlzdr0YH?si=c4ad796b53234191

Tik tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@whatsnextpodcast?_t=8j5R56v0bCY&_r=1

Youtube: https://youtube.com/@whatsnextpodcast21?si=UGaNqjbtABGl8MrQ

In Today’s episode, Val talks about leading with love and how it involves approaching life with a sense of compassion and grace, both towards others and oneself. It means prioritizing empathy, understanding, and kindness in interactions, recognizing that everyone faces their own battles. Compassion extends inward as well. Leading with love requires showing yourself the same kindness and care you offer others. This includes practicing self-compassion, forgiving your own mistakes, and taking time to nurture your well-being. By maintaining this balance of care and empathy, you create a positive and resilient mindset, which in turn enhances your ability to lead and inspire others effectively. This holistic approach ensures that love and care permeate every aspect of life, building stronger, more supportive communities.


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/listentowhatsnext/?next=%2F

Spotify Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/05SH0yLqzq331RUlzdr0YH?si=c4ad796b53234191

Tik tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@whatsnextpodcast?_t=8j5R56v0bCY&_r=1

Youtube: https://youtube.com/@whatsnextpodcast21?si=UGaNqjbtABGl8MrQ