31 min


    • Entreprenariat

Welcome to BLACKONBLACK Talks where we shine a light on the lived experiences of the talented creative practitioners and entrepreneurs of colour that are making history today. But there’s a twist.

In addition to talking about the exciting work they are doing and the success they have achieved,  the aim is to go deeper with our chat, to pull out the vulnerability and rawness that make each of our guests’ experiences unique.

As creators, entrepreneurs, and humans, we are all 3 dimensional and so our stories are too. Whether it's sleepless nights, anxiety and/or depression, loss, imposter syndrome or money worries, there is no boundary to what we will unearth.

And in the process? We hope that other creatives out there can get a more holistic view of what it is to be a successful creative, one that isn’t just a showreel of highlights!

These few episodes were planned for release a while ago but events didn’t go to plan. There have been a lot of setbacks and disruptions but we felt it important, especially in these times, to release the few episodes we have because the conversations were beautiful and explore resilience, resourcefulness and the breaking of barriers — something creatives worldwide are having to get used to!


Lamisa is the co-founder of Muslim Sisterhood, an inclusive creative collective that centres Muslims. Alongside her creative work, she is currently completing her Masters in Gender Studies at SOAS.

In this episode we talk about experiencing Ramadan in lockdown, balancing creativity with academia and staying grounded, humble and focused in the creative industry!

Thank you for tuning in to this first episode of BlackOnBlack Talks. It was so lovely to catch up with Aisha and explore her experiences. We will be back in two weeks with another brilliant guest. In the meantime, keep up to date with us by following us on Instagram, signing up for our creative network or our mailing list!

Welcome to BLACKONBLACK Talks where we shine a light on the lived experiences of the talented creative practitioners and entrepreneurs of colour that are making history today. But there’s a twist.

In addition to talking about the exciting work they are doing and the success they have achieved,  the aim is to go deeper with our chat, to pull out the vulnerability and rawness that make each of our guests’ experiences unique.

As creators, entrepreneurs, and humans, we are all 3 dimensional and so our stories are too. Whether it's sleepless nights, anxiety and/or depression, loss, imposter syndrome or money worries, there is no boundary to what we will unearth.

And in the process? We hope that other creatives out there can get a more holistic view of what it is to be a successful creative, one that isn’t just a showreel of highlights!

These few episodes were planned for release a while ago but events didn’t go to plan. There have been a lot of setbacks and disruptions but we felt it important, especially in these times, to release the few episodes we have because the conversations were beautiful and explore resilience, resourcefulness and the breaking of barriers — something creatives worldwide are having to get used to!


Lamisa is the co-founder of Muslim Sisterhood, an inclusive creative collective that centres Muslims. Alongside her creative work, she is currently completing her Masters in Gender Studies at SOAS.

In this episode we talk about experiencing Ramadan in lockdown, balancing creativity with academia and staying grounded, humble and focused in the creative industry!

Thank you for tuning in to this first episode of BlackOnBlack Talks. It was so lovely to catch up with Aisha and explore her experiences. We will be back in two weeks with another brilliant guest. In the meantime, keep up to date with us by following us on Instagram, signing up for our creative network or our mailing list!

31 min