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Friends S04E21:格雷伯爵要分娩 虎胆龙威太突‪然‬ Andy漫谈《老友记 》Season 4

    • 语言学习

1. all of sudden 突然 
It seems like all of a sudden; so much has happened.
all of a sudden着重于动作的迅猛程度,也就是“刹那之间”、“一眨样的功夫”或“千钧一发”
all of a sudden 有时可以和suddenly互换,但还是有细微差别,suddenly着重于动作在没有预兆而突然发生,也就是“意料之外地”
Family values are suddenly the name of the game. 家庭价值观突然变得重要起来。
All of sudden he was attacked by a robber. 突然他遭到一个强盗的袭击. 
说到这两个短语还有一个关于文豪海明威的小故事。海明威写作风格是能用两个字说清楚的,坚决不用三个字,砍掉所有无谓的形容词副词,他的儿子一次故意试探他父亲,将屠格涅夫的一篇短篇(当然是翻成英语的)稍稍修改以后,谎称是自己的作品,让父亲看看,海明威看了后,说:“大体上写的不错,不过这个 all of a sudden可以改成suddenly,这样会更好”而原文恰恰就是suddenly,只是儿子故意改成了all of a sudden可见海明威文笔之洗练。

Chandler: Y’know what? It seems like all of a sudden; so much has happened.
Joey: I know. Ross is getting married.
Chandler: Phoebe is, making people.
Joey: Everybody’s doing stuff!
2. die hard 难以消除,根深蒂固 
Chanlder和Joey决定要干一番大事,想到去攀登Everest(珠穆朗玛峰),后来决定放弃,不如在家看Die Hard. 
Die Hard 好莱坞著名动作系列电影,中文翻译《虎胆龙威》,由动作影星Bruce Willis主演,一共拍了五部。后来Bruce Willis也客串过老友记。
die hard 这个短语的意思是难改掉; 难消减; 顽固到底; 根深蒂固;
The prejudice dies hard. 偏见很难消除

Joey: And while we’re down at the video store, you know what else we could rent? Die Hard! (Chandler’s excited.) Oh, y’know what? I just remembered, that Everest thing is only available through mail order.
Chandler: (dejected) Oh, well…
Phoebe: So you guys’ll stay here and hang out with me?
Chandler: Yeeeeahhhh.
Joey: Yeah. Yeah.
Chandler: But I’ll tell you something. One of these days we’re get off of our buts and rent Die Hard again!
Joey: Yeah we are!
3. never do sth in a million years 绝不会做某事 
he’d never fly to London in a million years
never do sth in a million years 绝对不会

Emily: So what did he decide? Does your Uncle Nathan get an invite or not?
Ross: Ohh, God, nobody likes him, and he’s so cheap, he’d never fly to London in a million years. Yeah, invite him? 
4. Eeal Greay 格雷伯爵茶 
Emily问Ross要不要喝Earl Grey, 分神的Ross以为是问要不要邀请这个人,随口说invite him too. 
Earl Grey 英国茶叶品牌 著名的格雷伯爵。是以中国正山小种或锡兰红茶等优质红茶为基茶,加入佛手柑油的一种调味茶。格雷伯爵茶是当今世界最流行的红茶调味茶,也是「英式下午茶」的最经典饮品。

Ross: Wait-wait-wait, do you, do you think, maybe we shouldn’t invite her?
Emily: Oh, no-no, y’know I absolutely adore Rachel it’s just that, well it might be a awkward for you. But it’s absolutely your decision. (Gets up.) More tea?
Ross: Yeah sure.
Emily: Earl Grey?
Ross: Huh? Yeah, fine, invite whoever you want.
5. go into labour 分娩 
Rachel决定不去Ross的婚礼,给自己找了一个借口就是照顾即将分娩的Phoebe. 她说
 Y’know she’s gonna be pretty big by then, and she needs someone to help her tie her shoes; drive her to the hospital in case she goes into labour.
go into labour 分娩,这是一个委婉语,例如怀孕的委婉语就是 in her family way

Monica: (seeing the decision) Nooooo. You’re really not going?
Rachel: Yeah. It

1. all of sudden 突然 
It seems like all of a sudden; so much has happened.
all of a sudden着重于动作的迅猛程度,也就是“刹那之间”、“一眨样的功夫”或“千钧一发”
all of a sudden 有时可以和suddenly互换,但还是有细微差别,suddenly着重于动作在没有预兆而突然发生,也就是“意料之外地”
Family values are suddenly the name of the game. 家庭价值观突然变得重要起来。
All of sudden he was attacked by a robber. 突然他遭到一个强盗的袭击. 
说到这两个短语还有一个关于文豪海明威的小故事。海明威写作风格是能用两个字说清楚的,坚决不用三个字,砍掉所有无谓的形容词副词,他的儿子一次故意试探他父亲,将屠格涅夫的一篇短篇(当然是翻成英语的)稍稍修改以后,谎称是自己的作品,让父亲看看,海明威看了后,说:“大体上写的不错,不过这个 all of a sudden可以改成suddenly,这样会更好”而原文恰恰就是suddenly,只是儿子故意改成了all of a sudden可见海明威文笔之洗练。

Chandler: Y’know what? It seems like all of a sudden; so much has happened.
Joey: I know. Ross is getting married.
Chandler: Phoebe is, making people.
Joey: Everybody’s doing stuff!
2. die hard 难以消除,根深蒂固 
Chanlder和Joey决定要干一番大事,想到去攀登Everest(珠穆朗玛峰),后来决定放弃,不如在家看Die Hard. 
Die Hard 好莱坞著名动作系列电影,中文翻译《虎胆龙威》,由动作影星Bruce Willis主演,一共拍了五部。后来Bruce Willis也客串过老友记。
die hard 这个短语的意思是难改掉; 难消减; 顽固到底; 根深蒂固;
The prejudice dies hard. 偏见很难消除

Joey: And while we’re down at the video store, you know what else we could rent? Die Hard! (Chandler’s excited.) Oh, y’know what? I just remembered, that Everest thing is only available through mail order.
Chandler: (dejected) Oh, well…
Phoebe: So you guys’ll stay here and hang out with me?
Chandler: Yeeeeahhhh.
Joey: Yeah. Yeah.
Chandler: But I’ll tell you something. One of these days we’re get off of our buts and rent Die Hard again!
Joey: Yeah we are!
3. never do sth in a million years 绝不会做某事 
he’d never fly to London in a million years
never do sth in a million years 绝对不会

Emily: So what did he decide? Does your Uncle Nathan get an invite or not?
Ross: Ohh, God, nobody likes him, and he’s so cheap, he’d never fly to London in a million years. Yeah, invite him? 
4. Eeal Greay 格雷伯爵茶 
Emily问Ross要不要喝Earl Grey, 分神的Ross以为是问要不要邀请这个人,随口说invite him too. 
Earl Grey 英国茶叶品牌 著名的格雷伯爵。是以中国正山小种或锡兰红茶等优质红茶为基茶,加入佛手柑油的一种调味茶。格雷伯爵茶是当今世界最流行的红茶调味茶,也是「英式下午茶」的最经典饮品。

Ross: Wait-wait-wait, do you, do you think, maybe we shouldn’t invite her?
Emily: Oh, no-no, y’know I absolutely adore Rachel it’s just that, well it might be a awkward for you. But it’s absolutely your decision. (Gets up.) More tea?
Ross: Yeah sure.
Emily: Earl Grey?
Ross: Huh? Yeah, fine, invite whoever you want.
5. go into labour 分娩 
Rachel决定不去Ross的婚礼,给自己找了一个借口就是照顾即将分娩的Phoebe. 她说
 Y’know she’s gonna be pretty big by then, and she needs someone to help her tie her shoes; drive her to the hospital in case she goes into labour.
go into labour 分娩,这是一个委婉语,例如怀孕的委婉语就是 in her family way

Monica: (seeing the decision) Nooooo. You’re really not going?
Rachel: Yeah. It

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