Jennifer S. Cheng Reads Embroidery Instructions Oral Florist

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Jennifer S. Cheng is the author of MOON: Letters, Maps, Poems, selected by Bhanu Kapil as winner of the Tarpaulin Sky Book Prize and named a “Best Book of 2018” by Publishers Weekly and Entropy magazine; House A, selected by Claudia Rankine as winner of the Omnidawn Poetry Book Prize; and Invocation: An Essay, an image-text chapbook. She is a 2019 National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellow and has received awards and fellowships from the U.S. Fulbright program, Kundiman, Bread Loaf, the San Francisco Arts Commission, and the Academy of American Poets. Having grown up in Texas, Hong Kong, and Connecticut, she currently lives in rapture of the coastal prairies of northern California.

Jennifer S. Cheng is the author of MOON: Letters, Maps, Poems, selected by Bhanu Kapil as winner of the Tarpaulin Sky Book Prize and named a “Best Book of 2018” by Publishers Weekly and Entropy magazine; House A, selected by Claudia Rankine as winner of the Omnidawn Poetry Book Prize; and Invocation: An Essay, an image-text chapbook. She is a 2019 National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellow and has received awards and fellowships from the U.S. Fulbright program, Kundiman, Bread Loaf, the San Francisco Arts Commission, and the Academy of American Poets. Having grown up in Texas, Hong Kong, and Connecticut, she currently lives in rapture of the coastal prairies of northern California.