1 集

Conversations with a diverse range of people in the art world, aiming to provide a unique lens of looking at the world through meaningful encounters with art.


    • 艺术

Conversations with a diverse range of people in the art world, aiming to provide a unique lens of looking at the world through meaningful encounters with art.

    1. 阿基 & 洁特:后真相时代的图像合成 Artist Zhang Yongji & Jiete: Fake Images in a Post-Truth Era

    1. 阿基 & 洁特:后真相时代的图像合成 Artist Zhang Yongji & Jiete: Fake Images in a Post-Truth Era

    Do we live in the Matrix or the Truman Show made up of manipulated images? In this episode, my conversation with artist Zhang Yongji explores how we can be more aware and think critically of digital images in a post-truth era. 在如今这样一个高度视觉化的时代,我们每时每刻都在被大量的图文信息轰炸着,如何才能在这样的信息大爆炸时代培养和保持自己对于图像和影像信息的谨慎与思辨性思考呢?在今天的对话中我将和阿基针对图像合成的边界、看与被看之间的关系、现实与虚拟的对比、及如何辩证地看待图像的篡改等一系列问题展开讨论。

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