The Scorched Earth: A Cautionary Tale

Bruce Coleman
“The Scorched Earth: A Cautionary Tale”播客

The Scorched Earth A serialized Science Fiction Radio Drama in nine parts By Bruce R. Coleman Cast of Characters Ridge Prothro: Rick Espiallat Pete Hertwig: Max Swarner Luanne Bellman: Lisa Anne Haram Ray Purcell: Blake Blair Doc Martinez: Adrian Godinez Alice Tisdale: Arianna Movassagh Micah: Heath Billups Lydia Vossburgh: Lee Jamison Frank Lassiter: Daylon Walton THE SCORCHED EARTH focuses on the lives of a small group of ordinary people living in the Texas town of Makepeace ( 40 miles west of Decatur, circa 1976.) Those lives are threatened when a mysterious and desperate stranger materializes out of a dark summer night. Written and directed by Bruce R. Coleman with music by Gregory Lush. Sound Engineering by Richard Frohlich. Thanks to S.T.A.G.E., The Texas Radio Theatre Company and KatHäus Studios. THE SCORCHED EARTH was performed by THE I-35 RADIO REP COMPANY.



The Scorched Earth A serialized Science Fiction Radio Drama in nine parts By Bruce R. Coleman Cast of Characters Ridge Prothro: Rick Espiallat Pete Hertwig: Max Swarner Luanne Bellman: Lisa Anne Haram Ray Purcell: Blake Blair Doc Martinez: Adrian Godinez Alice Tisdale: Arianna Movassagh Micah: Heath Billups Lydia Vossburgh: Lee Jamison Frank Lassiter: Daylon Walton THE SCORCHED EARTH focuses on the lives of a small group of ordinary people living in the Texas town of Makepeace ( 40 miles west of Decatur, circa 1976.) Those lives are threatened when a mysterious and desperate stranger materializes out of a dark summer night. Written and directed by Bruce R. Coleman with music by Gregory Lush. Sound Engineering by Richard Frohlich. Thanks to S.T.A.G.E., The Texas Radio Theatre Company and KatHäus Studios. THE SCORCHED EARTH was performed by THE I-35 RADIO REP COMPANY.








