789 episodes



周一:单词造句磨耳朵 10个单词 每个单词2-5个句子

周三:句子反复磨耳朵 10个句子

周五:英文名著分级阅读 一篇

周日:level 4短文 一篇

高效磨耳朵 | 最好的英语听力资‪源‬ 英语磨耳朵

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周一:单词造句磨耳朵 10个单词 每个单词2-5个句子

周三:句子反复磨耳朵 10个句子

周五:英文名著分级阅读 一篇

周日:level 4短文 一篇

    Level 5-Day 29.Arthur Scargill: ' Criticism of Tory Policies' (2)

    Level 5-Day 29.Arthur Scargill: ' Criticism of Tory Policies' (2)

    1.deliberate 故意的
    2.collapse 崩溃
    3.inevitably 不可避免地
    4.savage 野蛮
    5.vacancy 空缺
    6.vicious 恶毒的
    Arthur Scargill: ' Criticism of Tory Policies' (2)
    We are indeed facing a deliberate political attack by Britain's ruling class.
    A war of attrition is being waged as capitalism, in a condition of acute crisis,lashes out with increasing ferocity to protect itself.
    The existence of this crisis is now clear for all to see.
    It has been exposed by the recent collapse of stock markets throughout the capitalist world, triggered off by the slide on Wall Street (which according to experts is the worst slump since 1929).
    This collapse will in my view lead inevitably to more hardship for the British people, with a massive increase in unemployment and reduced living standards as capitalism seeks once again to make working people pay for its pursuit of profit and power.
    The Tories have based their savage policies on an ideology called monetarism - it is this philosophy which has led to the virtual destruction of our manufacturing industries and in particular to the devastation of our coal, rail and steel industries.
    The steel industry has lost over 150,000 jobs, and the coal and rail industries have lost approximately 100,000 each within a period of eight years.
    Parts of our nation such as South Wales have been reduced to a lunar landscape as the Tories have systematically butchered our manufacturing and industrial infrastructure.
    In seeking to win that absolute control which it must have for even limited survival, the State through the Tory Government has introduced twin measures to destroy or render ineffective all those who oppose it.
    On the one hand, it has deliberately increased unemployment from just over one million to four and a half million in eight years creating as in the 1930s a situation where thirty to forty people pursue each job vacancy, driven by this emotional blackmail to increasing fear.
    At the same time, it has introduced vicious legal measures designed to render the British trade-union movement completely ineffective.
    Indeed,Margaret Thatcher has made it absolutely clear that she wants to wipe socialism off the agenda of British politics; to achieve this aim the Tories are determined also to wipe effective trade unionism off the industrial agenda.
    Since 1979, we have seen a whole range of anti-trade-union legislation - all of it designed to dismantle the gains achieved by trade unionists in more than a century of struggle.
    Today,the extent of this legislation is such that Britain's trade-union movement must now be regarded as one of the most oppressed in the world!
    Tory legislation has removed trade-union immunity, made secondary action including secondary picketing and mass picketing illegal, and rendered all trade unions vulnerable to legal actions which could result in their bankruptcy.
    Britain's trade unions have found themselves no longer free to determine their own policies in relation to industrial solidarity action.

    • 3 min
    英文名著分集阅读 《一千零一夜》 part10(story16)

    英文名著分集阅读 《一千零一夜》 part10(story16)

    Tales From The Thousand And One Nights
    1.wazir 旧时某些穆斯林国家的高官
    2.exquisite 精致的
    3.broker 经纪人
    4.charisma 魅力
    5.enamored 迷恋
    6.lavish 奢华的
    7.unbind 解开
    8.sober 未醉
    9.pleaded 恳求
    10.behead 斩首
    Story 16: NurAl-Din Ali and the Damsel Anis Al-Jalis
    Once there was a King of Bassorah named Mohammed son of Sulayman al-Zayni.
    He had two Wazirs.
    One was named Al-mu'in son of Sawi and the other Al-Fazl son of Khakan.
    Al-Fazl was very generous, respectable and everyone came to him for advice.
    On the other hand, Al-mu'in son of Sawi was the opposite.
    He was hated, not trusted by the people.
    One day the King told Al-Fazl that he wanted a beautiful slave girl.
    Al-Fazl found an exquisite and perfect girl for sale.
    He gave the Persian slave-broker 10 thousand dinars.
    The broker said, "You shouldn't bring the girl to the King today. She's tired and has been travelling. If she can rest and recover she will be more beautilul."
    The Wazir Al-Fazi agreed and took the girl to his private palace.
    She lived there in a private room, eating and drinking, having everything given to her.
    Her name was Anis al-Jalis.
    WazirAl-Fazl had a very handsome son.
    His name was Nur Al-Din Ali.
    He was charming and had a reputation of being with everyyoung girl he desired.
    No one was safe from his charisma.
    She heard about him and wanted to see him.
    She was curious.
    One day at the Hammam, she saw him and he saw her.
    He was instantly enamored with her.
    He said, "You must be the girl my father bought for me."
    She unknowingly assumed it to be true and said, "Yes."
    They embraced and kissed and he slept with her.
    He realized what he had done and he avoided his parents for two months only coming home to eat and sleep.
    He would leave early in the morning and return late at night.
    His Father was upset, but did not want to lose his son.
    He forgave him gave him the girl to be his own.
    His father said, he must not have any other wives otherwise to sell her.
    AI-DinAli and Al-Jalis lived together one year before AI-Din Ali's father died.
    He devoted himself to a lavish life, entertaining guests and giving away expensive possessions.
    He ran out of money and went to the door of each of his friends.
    He thought those people were his friends.
    No one would answer the door.
    They avoided him.
    He was in despair and said to his slave-girl, "What should we do now?"
    She said that he should take her to the slave-bazaar and sell her.
    She said if it was God's will they would be together again one day.
    Her sale price was four thousand five hundred dinars.
    The Wazir Al-mu'in son of Sawi was at the bazaar that day.
    He saw Al-Din Ali and was sure that he was selling the slave-girl Anis Al-Jalis because he was penniless.
    Al-Mu'in offered the sales price.
    Al-DinAli did not want to sell her to him.
    The broker sat the slave-market liked AI-Din Ali and told him to grab Anis Al-Jalis and act like he did not intend to sell her, to act like he wanted only to unbind her status as a slave.
    He then beat up Al-Mu'in, pulling him off his horse and punching him until his clothes and beard were stained with blood.
    No one dared to stop the fight between a Wazir and Wazir's son.
    AI-Mu'intold the Sultan what had occurred.
    The Sultan sent out 40 soldiers to bring Al-DinAli to him.
    One of the Sultan's servants was Alamal-Din Sanjar.
    He had been a servant to Al-Fazl long before.
    When he heard the King's orders, he went in secret to Nur al-Din's home to warn him to run away from the city.
    Nural-Din fled the city with his damsel.
    They found a ship that took them safely to Baghdad.
    They were so tired from their journey.
    They came to a place called the Garden of Gladness, which belonged to the Caliph Hairun al-Rashid.
    The keeper of the garden was an old man named Shaykh Ibrahim.
    He found the two travelers sleeping in the garden, exhausted.
    He decided not to beat them, instead he let them rest and was kind to them.
    He brought them food and they requeste

    • 8 min


    Conversation 61
    A:George, how have you been recently?
    B:I've been going to the beach during holidays.
    A: Where is the beach that you visited?
    B:It's the nearest beach to where I live.
    Conversation 62
    A: I am very hungry, I missed breakfast.
    B: We are at a bistro now, order something to eat.
    A: Do you care if I order this pizza?
    B:Fine with me. I'm easy.
    Conversation 63
    A:This hamburger doesn't taste good.
    B:Yes, it doesn't. I actually thought that I am the only one who thought that itis terrible.
    A:Let's order something else.
    Conversation 64
    A:Excuse me. Do you know the way to the zoo?
    B:Yes. Do you see that gas station over there?
    A:Oh, yes.
    B:Ok. Turn right at the gas station and you will soon find the zoo.
    Conversation 65
    A: Do you have time now?
    B: I'm free now.
    A:Thanks for making time for me!
    B: No problem. I always try to be available.

    • 5 min
    单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day54(531-540)

    单词造句磨耳朵 首字母C day54(531-540)

    Day 54
    They lived in a cottage when they traveled to that town.
    There is a cottage beyond the bridge.
    v.咳嗽;发出咳嗽般的声音 n.咳嗽(病);咳,咳嗽声
    I went to the drug store to buy some cough medicine.
    Cover your mouth when you cough, sneeze, or yawn.
    I'd be delighted if you could join us for dinner.
    She thought she could reform him but she was wrong.
    You think I don't care about it, but nothing could be further from the truth.
    You can't count on him for financial help.
    What's the final count?
    Please pick up your ticket at the counter.
    Please come to the counter at least an hour before your flight.
    I hear that his father is in another country.
    The eastern part of the country is very mountainous.
    The country's economy is about to collapse.
    I enjoy the fresh atmosphere in the countryside.
    He loves to hike in the quiet countryside.
    Our kids don't want to live in the countryside.
    Could you save me a couple of cookies?
    They are a newly married couple.
    Could you lend me your bicycle for a couple of days?
    What you need the most now is courage.
    I admire your courage.
    I was deeply impressed with his courage.
    The primary aim of this course is to improve your spoken English.
    I'd like to take an advanced English course.
    Of course she can speak English.

    • 14 min
    Level 5-Day 28.Arthur Scargill: ' Criticism of Tory Policies' (1)

    Level 5-Day 28.Arthur Scargill: ' Criticism of Tory Policies' (1)

    1.Tories 保守党
    2.utter 彻底的
    3.eroded 侵蚀
    4.devastation 破坏
    5.mortgage 抵押贷款
    6.derelic 废弃的
    7.vulnerable 脆弱的
    8.negotiating 谈判
    ArthurScargill: ' Criticism of Tory Policies' (1)
    Todayour nation, after eight years under the Tories, is on the brink of utter chaos,facing both social and economic collapse.
    Ourbasic industries have been butchered.
    Ourmanufacturing base has been eroded with hundreds of businesses, large andsmall, gone to the wall while the nation has become increasingly dependent onimported goods.
    Thehuman consequences of this industrial and economic devastation are terrible.
    Overeight million people struggle for survival on or below the poverty line andfour and a half million people are unemployed.
    Thousandsof families are homeless: the number of homeless families in Britain hasdoubled since 1978, while the enforced repossession of homesis at an all-time record because so many can no longer manage to maintainmortgage payments.
    Evenmore people, meanwhile, try to cope as best they can in derelict, oftendangerous dwellings - one and a quarter million homes are unfit to live in, whilehouse-building investment throughout Britain has been slashed by sixty per centsince 1979.
    Sicknessand ill health of all kinds are rampant, and they are made even more terribleby the crisis in the National Health Service and throughout the welfare system.
    TheTories have been utterly ruthless in their butchery of health and welfareprovisions.
    TheNHS, once the pride of our nation, has been reduced to a critical conditionthrough hospital closures, medical staff cutbacks, the lack and withdrawal ofresources and vital equipment, and the privatization of key services.
    Approximately700,000 people wait today for hospital treatment and an increasing number willnot receive that treatment before it is too late.
    Thousandsof people who are suffering from serious, often fatal diseases are being turnedaway through lack of hospital beds and staff.
    Oursocial services are faced with ever-increasing family and community problems asTory attacks take their toll, with children and old people among those mostvulnerable.
    Oureducation system is also in chaos, as students and teachers struggle againstyet more cutbacks, fewer resources - and for our youngsters it must seem oftena pointless exercise, with jobs, training and access to higher education becomingmore and more difficult to attain.
    Theirteachers meanwhile, like many other trade unionists, have had their negotiatingrights removed by the Government, and their commitment to teaching the nation'schildren treated with contempt.
    Thishas become a grim and desperate society - fulled by unemployment and its socialconsequences, frustration, rage and despair are rampant all around us.
    Moreand more people, I believe, are coming to see themselves as under attack - andthey are correct.

    • 3 min
    英文名著分集阅读 《一千零一夜》 part9(story15)

    英文名著分集阅读 《一千零一夜》 part9(story15)

    Tales From The Thousand And One Nights
    1.eunuch 太监
    2.blemish 瑕疵
    3.anguish 痛苦 
    4.smashing 打碎
    5.collapsed 倒塌
    6.castrated 阉割
    7.concubine 妃子
    8.rags 破布
    9.mosque 清真寺
    10.dehydrated 脱水的
    11.chamber 房间
    12.dizzy 发晕
    13.fainted 昏厥
    14.eloquent 有口才的
    Story 15: Tale of the Second Eunuch, Kafur
    There was once a slave named Kafur.
    He told one lie every year and caused problems for his owners.
    The slave-traders told the buyer about his blemish, that he told a lie every year.
    On the twelfth month with his new owner, he was asked by his owner to go home from the fields and get something from his wife.
    The slave went to the house and told the wife that an old wall fell on her husband and his friends in the field.
    The wife and daughters cried and screamed.
    In her anguish, she destroyed her home and furniture.
    Kafur helped her, smashing plates and cups.
    He ran to tells his owner in the field that his wife and children were dead.
    He said that a wall had collapsed on them in the house.
    It was discovered that Kafur tricked them both.
    The owner was very upset.
    Kafur reminded him that he was purchased with a known fault, that of being a liar.
    The owner was so nervous about what else the slave could do or say to make his life worse.
    The slave was taken to the Governor.
    He was beaten, bruised, his head shaved and he was castrated.
    He was made a eunuch and sold for a profit.
    Eventually he ended up in the palace.
    His name was now Ghanim.
    He shared his story with two other slaves.
    The third slave shared a story about a box that contained riches and it was still not buried.
    Very early the next morning Kafur found the box and opened it.
    Inside the box there was a beautiful young lady who was drugged.
    She seemed to be asleep.
    She was wearing expensive jewelry.
    Her name was Kut al-Kulub.
    He took her out of the box and the fresh air made her cough.
    She woke up.
    He helped her return home.
    They were together for a month, eating and talking and enjoying each other's company.
    She always put him off.
    It was unrequited love.
    She revealed to him that she was a concubine of the King.
    This was why she couldn't give herself to him.
    She told him how she was drugged by the Lady Zubaydah in the palace.The King's wife, Lady Zubaydah, paid one of the slave girls to put poison in her drink.
    Ghanim's fear of the King was too great to give in to desire.
    He isolated himself from her.
    He did not want to be disrespectful.
    The King was away during this time.
    The King's wife didn't want him to find out what she had done to the slave-girl Kutal-Kutub.
    She made a grave.
    The King returned and the wife made everyone wear black.
    He was very sad and also thanked his wife for making such a nice grave.
    He passed out crying, and woke up near the grave hearing two slave-girls talking.
    He heard that the grave was empty and four months the slave-girl was with a young merchant named Ghanim, son of Ayyub of Damascus.
    He was very upset and called his guards to bring Ghanim to him.
    To protect Ghanim, Kut al-Kutub dressed him in rags and put a basket on his head.
    He sneaked away in the crowd.
    She dressed herself in her best outfit and jewelry and filled a chest with precious stones, gold and all of her wealth.
    She told the guards, the young merchant left long ago and she didn't hear from him.
    The riches were delivered to the King and the guards destroyed Ghanim's house.
    Ghanim traveled far away until he stopped at a mosque, exhausted and sweating. He fell to the ground dehydrated.
    The villagers gave him food and drink.
    His mother and sister, two beggars, came into that same mosque.
    He shared his bread with them.
    They did not recognize each other.
    After one month the villagers took him to Baghdad.
    A man took him to his house, thinking that he would die.
    He asked his wife to tend to the sick stranger.
    The King was very angry thinking she was with another man.
    He locked her in a dark chamber for eighty days.
    One day he ov

    • 7 min

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